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Folio 3 recto

Folio 3 recto

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 3r.] esta aue, en medio de la cabeça, vn espejo redondo, donde se parecia el cielo: y las estrellas y especialmente los mastelejos,* que andā cerca de las cabrillas: como vio esto Motecuçoma espantose. Y la segūda vez, que miro en el espejo que tenia el aue de ay a vn poco vio muchedumbre de gente iunta q’ venian todos, armados encima de cauallos. Y luego Motecuçoma mando llamar a los agureros, y adiuinos, y preguntolos no sebeys ques esto que e visto? que viene mucha gente junta? Y antes que respondiessen los adiuinos, desparecio el aue: y no respondieron nada.  La octaua señal o pronostico es que aparecieron muchas vezes mostruos, en cuerpos mostruosos.  lleuauālos a Motecuçoma, y en viendolos el en su aposento que se llamaua Tlilancalmecac luego desaparecian.  [Standardized transcription of the Spanish by Stephanie Wood:] esta ave, en medio de la cabeza, un espejo redondo, donde se parecía el cielo y las estrellas y especialmente los astillejos que andan cerca de las cabrillas, como vio esto Motecuzoma espantose. y la segunda vez que miró en el espejo que tenía el ave de allí a un poco muchedumbre de gente yunta que venían todos armados encima de caballos. Y luego Motecuzoma mandó llamar a los agureros y adivinos, y preguntolos no sebeis que es esto que he visto? que viene mucha gente junta? Y antes que respondiesen los adivinos, desapareció el ave y no respondieron nada. La octava señal o pronóstico es que aparecieron muchas veces monstruos, en cuerpos monstruosos. Llevábanlos a Motecuzoma y en viéndolos el en su aposento que se llamaba Tlilancalmecac luego desparecían. ---------- *MASTELEJOS. For "astillejos."

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] a mirror, round, circular, seeming to be perforated, where the sky, the stars, and the Fire Drill [constellation] could be seen. And Moteucçoma took it for a very bad omen when he saw the stars and the Fire Drill. The second time he looked at the bird’s head he saw something like a multitude of people coming along, coming bunched, outfitted for war, carried on the backs of deer. Then he called the soothsayers, the sages, and said to them, “Do you not know what I’ve seen, something like a multitude of people coming along?” But when they were going to answer him, what they saw disappeared, and they said nothing more. The eighth omen was that many times people appeared, thistle-people with two heads but one body; they took them to the Tlillan calmecac and showed them to Moteucçoma. When he had seen them, they disappeared. [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] This bird had in the middle of its head a round mirror in which appeared the sky and the stars, especially Castor and Pollux, which move close to the Pleiades. When Moteucçoma saw this, he took fright. The second time he looked in the mirror on the bird, a little later, he saw a multitude of people all coming along together, armed and on horseback. Then Moteucçoma ordered the soothsayers and prognosticators to be called, and he asked them, "Do you not know what this is that I have seen? For many people are coming together." But before the prognosticators could answer, the bird disappeared, and they gave no reply. The eighth sign or omen is that many times monsters appeared, in monstrous bodies. They took them to Moteucçoma, and after he had seen them in his lodging, called Tlillan calmecac, they immediately disappeared.

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 3r.] tezcatl icpac mani, malacachtic, tevilacachtic, iuhquin xapotticac: vmpa onnecia in ilhuicatl, in cicitlaltin, in mamalhoaztli. Auh in motecuçoma, cenca quimotetzavi in iquac quimittac cicitlaltin, yoā mamalhoaztli. Auh inic vppa ontlachix in icpac tototl, ene quittac, iuhqui on in ma acame, moquequetztivitze, tepeuhtivitze, moiaochichiuhtivitze, quinmama mamaça. Auh niman quinnotz in tlaciuhque, in tlamatinime: quimilhui: Amo anquimati in tlein onoconittac, iuhquin acame moquequetztivitze: auh ie quinanquilizquia, in conittaque, opoliuh, aoctle quitoque. Inic chicuetetl tetzavitl: miecpa motenextiliaia, tlaca,tlacanetzolti, ontetzontecomeque, çan çe in intlac, vmpaquimōvicaia in tlillan calmecac, vmpa quimittaia in motecuçoma, in oquimittac nimā polivia./.


Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 3r.] esta aue, en medio de la cabeça, vn espejo redondo, donde se parecia el cielo: y las estrellas y especialmente los mastelejos,* que andā cerca de las cabrillas: como vio esto Motecuçoma espantose. Y la segūda vez, que miro en el espejo que tenia el aue de ay a vn poco vio muchedumbre de gente iunta q’ venian todos, armados encima de cauallos. Y luego Motecuçoma mando llamar a los agureros, y adiuinos, y preguntolos no sebeys ques esto que e visto? que viene mucha gente junta? Y antes que respondiessen los adiuinos, desparecio el aue: y no respondieron nada.  La octaua señal o pronostico es que aparecieron muchas vezes mostruos, en cuerpos mostruosos.  lleuauālos a Motecuçoma, y en viendolos el en su aposento que se llamaua Tlilancalmecac luego desaparecian.  [Standardized transcription of the Spanish by Stephanie Wood:] esta ave, en medio de la cabeza, un espejo redondo, donde se parecía el cielo y las estrellas y especialmente los astillejos que andan cerca de las cabrillas, como vio esto Motecuzoma espantose. y la segunda vez que miró en el espejo que tenía el ave de allí a un poco muchedumbre de gente yunta que venían todos armados encima de caballos. Y luego Motecuzoma mandó llamar a los agureros y adivinos, y preguntolos no sebeis que es esto que he visto? que viene mucha gente junta? Y antes que respondiesen los adivinos, desapareció el ave y no respondieron nada. La octava señal o pronóstico es que aparecieron muchas veces monstruos, en cuerpos monstruosos. Llevábanlos a Motecuzoma y en viéndolos el en su aposento que se llamaba Tlilancalmecac luego desparecían. ---------- *MASTELEJOS. For "astillejos."

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] a mirror, round, circular, seeming to be perforated, where the sky, the stars, and the Fire Drill [constellation] could be seen. And Moteucçoma took it for a very bad omen when he saw the stars and the Fire Drill. The second time he looked at the bird’s head he saw something like a multitude of people coming along, coming bunched, outfitted for war, carried on the backs of deer. Then he called the soothsayers, the sages, and said to them, “Do you not know what I’ve seen, something like a multitude of people coming along?” But when they were going to answer him, what they saw disappeared, and they said nothing more. The eighth omen was that many times people appeared, thistle-people with two heads but one body; they took them to the Tlillan calmecac and showed them to Moteucçoma. When he had seen them, they disappeared. [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] This bird had in the middle of its head a round mirror in which appeared the sky and the stars, especially Castor and Pollux, which move close to the Pleiades. When Moteucçoma saw this, he took fright. The second time he looked in the mirror on the bird, a little later, he saw a multitude of people all coming along together, armed and on horseback. Then Moteucçoma ordered the soothsayers and prognosticators to be called, and he asked them, "Do you not know what this is that I have seen? For many people are coming together." But before the prognosticators could answer, the bird disappeared, and they gave no reply. The eighth sign or omen is that many times monsters appeared, in monstrous bodies. They took them to Moteucçoma, and after he had seen them in his lodging, called Tlillan calmecac, they immediately disappeared.

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 3r.] tezcatl icpac mani, malacachtic, tevilacachtic, iuhquin xapotticac: vmpa onnecia in ilhuicatl, in cicitlaltin, in mamalhoaztli. Auh in motecuçoma, cenca quimotetzavi in iquac quimittac cicitlaltin, yoā mamalhoaztli. Auh inic vppa ontlachix in icpac tototl, ene quittac, iuhqui on in ma acame, moquequetztivitze, tepeuhtivitze, moiaochichiuhtivitze, quinmama mamaça. Auh niman quinnotz in tlaciuhque, in tlamatinime: quimilhui: Amo anquimati in tlein onoconittac, iuhquin acame moquequetztivitze: auh ie quinanquilizquia, in conittaque, opoliuh, aoctle quitoque. Inic chicuetetl tetzavitl: miecpa motenextiliaia, tlaca,tlacanetzolti, ontetzontecomeque, çan çe in intlac, vmpaquimōvicaia in tlillan calmecac, vmpa quimittaia in motecuçoma, in oquimittac nimā polivia./.
