Folio 9 recto
Translations and Transcriptions
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 9r.] Quiero prouaros, si es esto verdad si soys tan fuertes como me an dicho: luego les mādo dar espadas y rodelas para que peleasen con otros tantos españoles para ver quien venceria a los otros. Y los mexicanos dixeron luego al capitā don hernādo cortes, oyanos v̄r̄a merced n̄r̄a escusa porque no podemos hazer lo que nos mandays: y es porque Motecuçoma n̄r̄o señor no nos embio a otra cosa sino a saludaros y a daros este presente, no podemos hazer otra cosa, ni podemos hazer lo que nos mandays: y si lo hizieremos enojarse a mucho n̄r̄o señor Motecuçoma, y mandarnos a matar: y el capitan res
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] fed them, with which they regained strength and got their breath back. When this had been done the Captain said to them, “Do listen, I have found out and heard that by what they say these Mexica are very strong, great warriors, able to throw others down. Where there is one of them he can chase, push aside, overcome, and turn back his enemies, even though there should be ten or twenty. Now I wish to be satisfied, I want to see you, I want to try out how strong and manly you are.” Then he gave them leather shields, iron swords, and iron lances. [He said,] “Well now, very early in the morning, as dawn is about to come, we will struggle against each other, we will challenge each other, we will find out by comparison who will fall down first.” They answered the Captain, saying, “May the lord pay heed, this is not at all what his agent Moteucçoma ordered us. All we came to do was to greet [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] I want to try you out and see if this is true, if you are as strong as I have been told." Then he ordered that they be given swords and shields to fight with an equal number of Spaniards to see who would overcome the others. Then the Mexica said to Captain don Hernando Cortés, "May your grace hear our excuse why we cannot do what you order us, which is that Moteuccpma our lord sent us here for nothing else than to greet you and give you this present. We cannot do anything else, nor can we do what you order us. If we should do it, our lord Moteucçoma would become greatly angered and would have us killed." The captain replied
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 9r.] maca, quintlaqualtique, ic imihio quicuique, ic oalihiocuique: auh in ie iuhqui in, niman quimilhui in capitan. Tlaxiccaquican, onicma, oniccac, quilmach in iehoantin mexica cenca chicaoaque, cenca tiacaoan, cenca maiavini, intla ce mexicatl vel quintocaz, vel quintopeoaz, vel quinpanaviz, vel quinteputztiz in manel matlactin, inmanel noço centecpantin in iiaovan. Auh in axcan noiollo pachiviznequi, namechittaznequi, namechieiecoznequi, in quenin anchicaoaque, in quenin antlapalivi; nimā ic quinoalmacac eoachimalli, yoan tepuzmacquavitl, yo tepuztopilli: auh inin vel oc iovatzinco, tlavizcalpan in muchioaz, in titomaiztlacozque, titoneuhcavizque, tinevivicantlamatizque, ac ie tlani vetziz: quinanquilique in Capitan: quilhuique. Tla quimocaquitin tlacatl, achcamo ic technaoati in itechiuhcauh in Motecuçoma; ca çan tiquixcavico in tictociauhquechi
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 9r.] Quiero prouaros, si es esto verdad si soys tan fuertes como me an dicho: luego les mādo dar espadas y rodelas para que peleasen con otros tantos españoles para ver quien venceria a los otros. Y los mexicanos dixeron luego al capitā don hernādo cortes, oyanos v̄r̄a merced n̄r̄a escusa porque no podemos hazer lo que nos mandays: y es porque Motecuçoma n̄r̄o señor no nos embio a otra cosa sino a saludaros y a daros este presente, no podemos hazer otra cosa, ni podemos hazer lo que nos mandays: y si lo hizieremos enojarse a mucho n̄r̄o señor Motecuçoma, y mandarnos a matar: y el capitan res
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] fed them, with which they regained strength and got their breath back. When this had been done the Captain said to them, “Do listen, I have found out and heard that by what they say these Mexica are very strong, great warriors, able to throw others down. Where there is one of them he can chase, push aside, overcome, and turn back his enemies, even though there should be ten or twenty. Now I wish to be satisfied, I want to see you, I want to try out how strong and manly you are.” Then he gave them leather shields, iron swords, and iron lances. [He said,] “Well now, very early in the morning, as dawn is about to come, we will struggle against each other, we will challenge each other, we will find out by comparison who will fall down first.” They answered the Captain, saying, “May the lord pay heed, this is not at all what his agent Moteucçoma ordered us. All we came to do was to greet [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] I want to try you out and see if this is true, if you are as strong as I have been told." Then he ordered that they be given swords and shields to fight with an equal number of Spaniards to see who would overcome the others. Then the Mexica said to Captain don Hernando Cortés, "May your grace hear our excuse why we cannot do what you order us, which is that Moteuccpma our lord sent us here for nothing else than to greet you and give you this present. We cannot do anything else, nor can we do what you order us. If we should do it, our lord Moteucçoma would become greatly angered and would have us killed." The captain replied
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 9r.] maca, quintlaqualtique, ic imihio quicuique, ic oalihiocuique: auh in ie iuhqui in, niman quimilhui in capitan. Tlaxiccaquican, onicma, oniccac, quilmach in iehoantin mexica cenca chicaoaque, cenca tiacaoan, cenca maiavini, intla ce mexicatl vel quintocaz, vel quintopeoaz, vel quinpanaviz, vel quinteputztiz in manel matlactin, inmanel noço centecpantin in iiaovan. Auh in axcan noiollo pachiviznequi, namechittaznequi, namechieiecoznequi, in quenin anchicaoaque, in quenin antlapalivi; nimā ic quinoalmacac eoachimalli, yoan tepuzmacquavitl, yo tepuztopilli: auh inin vel oc iovatzinco, tlavizcalpan in muchioaz, in titomaiztlacozque, titoneuhcavizque, tinevivicantlamatizque, ac ie tlani vetziz: quinanquilique in Capitan: quilhuique. Tla quimocaquitin tlacatl, achcamo ic technaoati in itechiuhcauh in Motecuçoma; ca çan tiquixcavico in tictociauhquechi