Folio 8 verso
Translations and Transcriptions
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 8v.] del suelo, y dieronles a bever vino con que los esforçaron: y tornaron en si. Despues desto el capitan don hernādo cortes les dixo por su interprete oyd lo que os digo: anme dicho que los mexicanos son valientes hombres que son grandes peleadores: y grādes luchadores son muy diestros en las armas dizenme que vn solo mexicano es bastante para vencer a diez: y a veynte de sus enemigos.
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] on his legs they placed the green-stone bands with the golden bells. And they gave him, placing it on his arm, the shield with gold and shells crossing, on whose edge were spread quetzal feathers, with a quetzal banner. And they laid the obsidian sandals before him. And the other three outfits, the gods’ appurtenances, they only arranged in rows before him. When this had been done, the Captain said to them, “Is this everything you have by way of greeting and rapprochement?” They answered, “That is all with which we have come, oh our lord.” Then the Captain ordered that they be tied up; they put irons on their feet and necks. When this had been done they shot off the cannon. And at this point the messengers truly fainted and swooned; one after another they swayed and fell, losing consciousness. And the Spaniards lifted them into a sitting position and gave them wine to drink. Then they gave them food, [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] the floor and gave them wine to drink, with which they invigorated them, and they revived. After this Captain don Hernando Cortés told them through his interpreter, "Hear what I tell you: I have been told that the Mexica are valiant men, great battlers and fighters, very dexterous with weapons. They tell me that a single Mexica is enough to overcome ten or twenty of his enemies.
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 8v.] icxic contlalilique in chalchiuhtecuecuextli teucuitlacoiollo: yoan conmacaque imac cōmanilique chimalli teucuitlatica nenepaniuhqui, yoan epnepaniuhcaio, quetzaltençouhtiuh quetzalpaniotiuh yoan ixpā contemilique itzcactli. Auh in oc etlamantli nechichioalli, teutlatquitl, çanixpan contecpāque, convipanque: auh in ie iuhqui, quimilhui in capitā. Cuix ie ixquichin, in amotenamiquia, in amotetechacia? quinnanquilique ca ie ixquich inic tioallatiaque totecue. Niman tlanaoati in capitan inic ilpiloque, tepoztliimicxic quintlalilique, yoan inquechtlan: in ie iuhqui niman ic quitlazque in tomaoac tlequiquiztli: auh intitlanti in iquac in vel iolmicque, yoan çoçotlaoaque, vehuetzque, nenecuiliuhtivetzque, aocmo quimatque: auh in españoles quimeeuhq¯ quimeeoatitlalique, quimoniitique vino: nimā ie ic quintla
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 8v.] del suelo, y dieronles a bever vino con que los esforçaron: y tornaron en si. Despues desto el capitan don hernādo cortes les dixo por su interprete oyd lo que os digo: anme dicho que los mexicanos son valientes hombres que son grandes peleadores: y grādes luchadores son muy diestros en las armas dizenme que vn solo mexicano es bastante para vencer a diez: y a veynte de sus enemigos.
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] on his legs they placed the green-stone bands with the golden bells. And they gave him, placing it on his arm, the shield with gold and shells crossing, on whose edge were spread quetzal feathers, with a quetzal banner. And they laid the obsidian sandals before him. And the other three outfits, the gods’ appurtenances, they only arranged in rows before him. When this had been done, the Captain said to them, “Is this everything you have by way of greeting and rapprochement?” They answered, “That is all with which we have come, oh our lord.” Then the Captain ordered that they be tied up; they put irons on their feet and necks. When this had been done they shot off the cannon. And at this point the messengers truly fainted and swooned; one after another they swayed and fell, losing consciousness. And the Spaniards lifted them into a sitting position and gave them wine to drink. Then they gave them food, [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] the floor and gave them wine to drink, with which they invigorated them, and they revived. After this Captain don Hernando Cortés told them through his interpreter, "Hear what I tell you: I have been told that the Mexica are valiant men, great battlers and fighters, very dexterous with weapons. They tell me that a single Mexica is enough to overcome ten or twenty of his enemies.
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 8v.] icxic contlalilique in chalchiuhtecuecuextli teucuitlacoiollo: yoan conmacaque imac cōmanilique chimalli teucuitlatica nenepaniuhqui, yoan epnepaniuhcaio, quetzaltençouhtiuh quetzalpaniotiuh yoan ixpā contemilique itzcactli. Auh in oc etlamantli nechichioalli, teutlatquitl, çanixpan contecpāque, convipanque: auh in ie iuhqui, quimilhui in capitā. Cuix ie ixquichin, in amotenamiquia, in amotetechacia? quinnanquilique ca ie ixquich inic tioallatiaque totecue. Niman tlanaoati in capitan inic ilpiloque, tepoztliimicxic quintlalilique, yoan inquechtlan: in ie iuhqui niman ic quitlazque in tomaoac tlequiquiztli: auh intitlanti in iquac in vel iolmicque, yoan çoçotlaoaque, vehuetzque, nenecuiliuhtivetzque, aocmo quimatque: auh in españoles quimeeuhq¯ quimeeoatitlalique, quimoniitique vino: nimā ie ic quintla