folio a
Translations and Transcriptions
English Translation
In the altepetl of Coyoacan on the third day, following the count of the month of [December] of the year of 1575, here in court before me don Lorenzo de Guzmán, ruler and governor, and before us Baltasar de León and Alonso de Benavides alcaldes in the name of our lord God and of our great ruler the king His Majesty, etc., there came Joaquín Flores, citizen of Atepotzco, to make a [. . .] petition with which he greatly implored us concerning a piece of altepetl land that he requests at Atepotzco, calpolli land no longer belonging to anyone, but lying idle; since the tlaxilacalli leaders have also come to appear before us and testified that truly indeed the land belongs to no one, therefore now we give it to Joaquín Flores and make it his property, 9 quahuitl wide and 18 quahuitl long on the west, and on the east, where the land enters at an angle, 22 quahuitl [long] and 5 quahuitl wide, reaching the road next to a field of Susana on the east. This is all that we give him. He can keep it; no one is to claim it from him for a long time to come, and [it is given to him] so that he will leave it to his children when he dies, and we carry out our order in the name of the king His Majesty by ordering the chief constable Luis de Carvajal to go to give him possession, wherefore to verify it we put here our rubrics and signatures. Don Lorenzo de Guzmán. Baltasar de León, alcalde. Alonso de Benavides, alcalde. At the behest of the lords governor and alcaldes I verified it: notary by order of His Majesty, Agustín de Galicia, notary. [Translation by James Lockhart]
Analytic Transcription
yn ipan altepetl coyohuacan . yqueylhuitl quitoca yn itlapohual y metztli d[. . .] mill y quinientos yn setenta yn cinco año—s NEhuatl don loreçō de guzmā t[latohuani] yhuan gouernador . yhuan tehuatin . baltasar de leō alonso fenabides . allde—s [ycatzinco] toteo dios yhuan yn tohueytlatocauh Rey su magtt . Etc . yn yehuatl juachin [flures] chane ateputzco . ynic nican tispan ohualla . nican audiencia ynic otlaytlan yni[. . .] petiçio . ynic cenca otechtlatlauhti . yn ipampa yn altepetlaltzintli . yn quitlani oncā mani ateputzco. [. . .?] .calpolali . yn aoc ac . ytech pouhqui . yn çānihuetztoc ynic o no nican tispan necico . yn otlatolmelahuaco yn tlaxilacaleque yn huel nelli amo ac ytech pohui . yn tlalli . ipampa yn axcā . ticmaca ticascatia yn yehuatl jua¯chin . flures . ynic patlahuac . chicuhnauhquahuitl . auh ynic huiac . castolli omey quahuitl . yn tonatiuh ycalaquianpa . auh yn tonatiuh yquiçayanpa ynic chicocalactica . yn tlali . cenpohualli omome quahuitl . auh ynic patlauac macuilquahuitl . ytech açi yn otli . ymiltitlā . josana yc tonatiuh iquiçayāpa yxquich in . yn ticmaca . huel quimopieliz amo ac quistoquiliz yn oc huecauhtica . yhuan yniquincahuilitiaz . yn ipilhua yn iquac momiquiliz . ca yuh ticneltilia yn totlanahuatil yn icatzinco rrey su magt . ynic titlanahuatia ponsensiō . quimacatiuh yn alguacil mayor . luis caravajal . ynic ticneltilia ypampa nican tictlalia . tomachiyo tofirmas don lorēço de guzmā balsar de leon allde— Alonso benabides allde— yntencopanco señores gouernador allde—s nicneltili . amatlacuillo ytencopanco su magtt . augustin de galiza escrivano . [Transcription by James Lockhart]
English Translation
In the altepetl of Coyoacan on the third day, following the count of the month of [December] of the year of 1575, here in court before me don Lorenzo de Guzmán, ruler and governor, and before us Baltasar de León and Alonso de Benavides alcaldes in the name of our lord God and of our great ruler the king His Majesty, etc., there came Joaquín Flores, citizen of Atepotzco, to make a [. . .] petition with which he greatly implored us concerning a piece of altepetl land that he requests at Atepotzco, calpolli land no longer belonging to anyone, but lying idle; since the tlaxilacalli leaders have also come to appear before us and testified that truly indeed the land belongs to no one, therefore now we give it to Joaquín Flores and make it his property, 9 quahuitl wide and 18 quahuitl long on the west, and on the east, where the land enters at an angle, 22 quahuitl [long] and 5 quahuitl wide, reaching the road next to a field of Susana on the east. This is all that we give him. He can keep it; no one is to claim it from him for a long time to come, and [it is given to him] so that he will leave it to his children when he dies, and we carry out our order in the name of the king His Majesty by ordering the chief constable Luis de Carvajal to go to give him possession, wherefore to verify it we put here our rubrics and signatures. Don Lorenzo de Guzmán. Baltasar de León, alcalde. Alonso de Benavides, alcalde. At the behest of the lords governor and alcaldes I verified it: notary by order of His Majesty, Agustín de Galicia, notary. [Translation by James Lockhart]
Analytic Transcription
yn ipan altepetl coyohuacan . yqueylhuitl quitoca yn itlapohual y metztli d[. . .] mill y quinientos yn setenta yn cinco año—s NEhuatl don loreçō de guzmā t[latohuani] yhuan gouernador . yhuan tehuatin . baltasar de leō alonso fenabides . allde—s [ycatzinco] toteo dios yhuan yn tohueytlatocauh Rey su magtt . Etc . yn yehuatl juachin [flures] chane ateputzco . ynic nican tispan ohualla . nican audiencia ynic otlaytlan yni[. . .] petiçio . ynic cenca otechtlatlauhti . yn ipampa yn altepetlaltzintli . yn quitlani oncā mani ateputzco. [. . .?] .calpolali . yn aoc ac . ytech pouhqui . yn çānihuetztoc ynic o no nican tispan necico . yn otlatolmelahuaco yn tlaxilacaleque yn huel nelli amo ac ytech pohui . yn tlalli . ipampa yn axcā . ticmaca ticascatia yn yehuatl jua¯chin . flures . ynic patlahuac . chicuhnauhquahuitl . auh ynic huiac . castolli omey quahuitl . yn tonatiuh ycalaquianpa . auh yn tonatiuh yquiçayanpa ynic chicocalactica . yn tlali . cenpohualli omome quahuitl . auh ynic patlauac macuilquahuitl . ytech açi yn otli . ymiltitlā . josana yc tonatiuh iquiçayāpa yxquich in . yn ticmaca . huel quimopieliz amo ac quistoquiliz yn oc huecauhtica . yhuan yniquincahuilitiaz . yn ipilhua yn iquac momiquiliz . ca yuh ticneltilia yn totlanahuatil yn icatzinco rrey su magt . ynic titlanahuatia ponsensiō . quimacatiuh yn alguacil mayor . luis caravajal . ynic ticneltilia ypampa nican tictlalia . tomachiyo tofirmas don lorēço de guzmā balsar de leon allde— Alonso benabides allde— yntencopanco señores gouernador allde—s nicneltili . amatlacuillo ytencopanco su magtt . augustin de galiza escrivano . [Transcription by James Lockhart]