folio a
Translations and Transcriptions
English Translation
v Today Thursday, on the 10th day of the count of the month of February [. . .] of the year of 1573, we issued our statement that we, Pedro de Santiago and don Toribio Silvestre, citizens of Santiago Xochac, are selling our land at Chilchoc, along the border with Xochimilco. We are selling it to a Spaniard named Pedro Pérez de Portugal, citizen of Coyoacan in the tlaxilacalli of Apçolco; it is 20 quahuitl on both sides, in length and in width. And in fact we took in our hands 10 pesos and 4 reales, and with it masses were performed for our precious father, two high masses. And those in whose presence we sell the land are first, Rafael de Santiago, citizen of Tetzcolco Iztatlalpan, and [second] Pedro del Castillo, citizen of Xochac; and to verify it we put here our names and signatures. Pedro de Santiago. Toribio Silvestre. I verified the words of the here named, as I stepped forward and heard it well; it is really their land and property, wherefore I put here my name and signature. Gabriel Moisés. [Translation by James Lockhart]
Analytic Transcription
v Ascan Jueves yc matlaquilhuitl yn itlapohual ym metztli de febrero y[. . .]y de mil y quiniendos y sedenda y tres año—s ypan otictlallique totlatol yn tehuātin . po . de . s.tiago . yhuā Don toribio silvestre . tichanneque Sanctiago xochac . ticnamaca y¯ totlal ompa mani chilchoc . xochmilcaquasochtenco . ticnamaquiltia . español ytoca . po . bierez de portucar . channe coyohuacan . tlasillacalpā abçolco . çan necoc cempohualli quahuitl . ynic huiyac . yhuan ynic patlahuac . auh omochiuh tomatica oticuique . x pos . iiii to auh y¯missatzin yc ōmochiuh y¯ totlaçotatzin . ontetl missa mayor . auh yn imispā ticnāmaca tlalli . ynic ce tlacatl Raphael de . s .tiago . che— . tetzcolco yztatlalpa¯ yhua¯ po . de castillo . che— . xochac . auh ynic ticneltillia . nica¯ tictlallia . totoca tofirma p.o de . s.tiago torib.o siluestre Nehuatl onicneltilli yn intlatol y¯ nican tocayoticate . ynic oninōtlapallo huell onicac . ca huel y¯tlal ca huel y¯masca ypāpa nicā nictlallia notoca nofirma gabriel muysē [Transcription by James Lockhart]
English Translation
v Today Thursday, on the 10th day of the count of the month of February [. . .] of the year of 1573, we issued our statement that we, Pedro de Santiago and don Toribio Silvestre, citizens of Santiago Xochac, are selling our land at Chilchoc, along the border with Xochimilco. We are selling it to a Spaniard named Pedro Pérez de Portugal, citizen of Coyoacan in the tlaxilacalli of Apçolco; it is 20 quahuitl on both sides, in length and in width. And in fact we took in our hands 10 pesos and 4 reales, and with it masses were performed for our precious father, two high masses. And those in whose presence we sell the land are first, Rafael de Santiago, citizen of Tetzcolco Iztatlalpan, and [second] Pedro del Castillo, citizen of Xochac; and to verify it we put here our names and signatures. Pedro de Santiago. Toribio Silvestre. I verified the words of the here named, as I stepped forward and heard it well; it is really their land and property, wherefore I put here my name and signature. Gabriel Moisés. [Translation by James Lockhart]
Analytic Transcription
v Ascan Jueves yc matlaquilhuitl yn itlapohual ym metztli de febrero y[. . .]y de mil y quiniendos y sedenda y tres año—s ypan otictlallique totlatol yn tehuātin . po . de . s.tiago . yhuā Don toribio silvestre . tichanneque Sanctiago xochac . ticnamaca y¯ totlal ompa mani chilchoc . xochmilcaquasochtenco . ticnamaquiltia . español ytoca . po . bierez de portucar . channe coyohuacan . tlasillacalpā abçolco . çan necoc cempohualli quahuitl . ynic huiyac . yhuan ynic patlahuac . auh omochiuh tomatica oticuique . x pos . iiii to auh y¯missatzin yc ōmochiuh y¯ totlaçotatzin . ontetl missa mayor . auh yn imispā ticnāmaca tlalli . ynic ce tlacatl Raphael de . s .tiago . che— . tetzcolco yztatlalpa¯ yhua¯ po . de castillo . che— . xochac . auh ynic ticneltillia . nica¯ tictlallia . totoca tofirma p.o de . s.tiago torib.o siluestre Nehuatl onicneltilli yn intlatol y¯ nican tocayoticate . ynic oninōtlapallo huell onicac . ca huel y¯tlal ca huel y¯masca ypāpa nicā nictlallia notoca nofirma gabriel muysē [Transcription by James Lockhart]