Nahuatl petition to remove a priest, 1611
Translations and Transcriptions
English Translation
We, Juan Vicente, alcalde, and Miguel López, our home being Jalostotitlan, bring a complaint before you, our great lord and king; before you we bring complaint about our priest and vicar Francisco Muñoz, who greatly mistreats us. He is always beating and whipping us; he whips the common people, and he has severely beaten me, Juan Vicente, alcalde. Three times he has given me blows and knocked me down, and I fainted. And he broke my staff into pieces at the church, in the sacristy; when he was already dressed in the alb, stole, and maniple, he beat me, and I said to him: “Father, why are you beating me, you have broken my staff to bits.” Then he said, “Yes, I beat you and splintered your staff, and I will break your whole head.” — v 1. [Our accusation] is not invented, because our father keeps a Spanish woman there at the estancia; he is always staying at the estancia. Once he was staying at the estancia and the people of Mizquitic came bringing him fish. I kept it for him for a day, waiting for him during the vigil of San Andrés. And our father came very early, when the cocks were already crowing on the day of San Andrés, and said: What has come of the fish? Then I told him: “Father, here it is, I am keeping it here.” Then he said: “Why didn't you send it to me yesterday at the estancia?” Then I said to him: “Father, how am I to know? If you had notified me, I would have sent it to you.” Then at that point he began to beat me, and said: “You are a great rogue.” Like this he mistreated me. — v 2. Also he greatly hates me because of 15 pesos, 2 reales, that he owes to the main church, and a chest belonging to the cofradía of the Holy Sacrament; on Holy Thursday the Sacrament is put in there. He prizes it, he appropriates it, he keeps it just anywhere. When he went to Mexico City, he left it with a person who is a cook; when he came back he took it again and left it with the Spanish woman. Once I complained about him to the vicar-general along with the alcalde of the people of San Gaspar, so that we two altepetl complained, and the vicar-general admonished him, censured him, and wrote him, and the vicar-general conferred with his lordship the bishop, and the bishop and vicar-general wrote him saying: “Console the commoners, for they are your children; love them.” But when he read the letter of the bishop and the vicar-general, he said: “Why do you go and complain to the vicar-general, and then you were going to go to the bishop? You need to go to Mexico City instead, since there I got my orders to be vicar here.” Because of this he hates me; he hates the whole altepetl. — v 3. Then once he beat me when he saw the vicar-general’s letter. Recently he beat me a second time, and another time in Mizquitic he beat me in public, on the day of St. Mary's Nativity, and another time on another Sunday he beat me. Now it is four times he has beaten me on account of that letter, the vicar-general's letter, because I complained because he beat me. — v 4. Another time there was a child, a sacristan, eight years old; he whipped him very severely, he stripped off much of his skin, and he fainted. He lay in bed for a week; when he got up, he ran away. And our father asked his mother, saying to her: “What has come of your child?” His mother said: “You whipped him and he ran away”; and our father became angry at her. And on Sunday when he was already blessing people with holy water, while Asperges was being said, there in the middle of the church he was going along blessing people, and with the sprinkler he hit the woman who is the child sacristan’s mother, and he broke open her head and made much blood spurt out. v 5. Another time a fiscal had already finished his term and served a year, and went to notify the priest of it. He said: “Father, my term as fiscal has ended.” But our father did not want him to be replaced. Once he whipped him severely; he closed him up inside his house and greatly mistreated him. v 6. Another time we sought a person to be made the new fiscal. Once he would not accept him, and said: “I don't want this cow herder to be made fiscal.” Then he chased him away. But another time he called him, saying: “Call that person you have made fiscal.” Then the person who had been fiscal called [the new fiscal] and brought him back to him. Then [the priest] gave orders to his black, who took off the new fiscal's pants and shirt and stripped him completely, and hung him up. He whipped him severely and made him faint away. I begged him and tried to hold him back, but he would not be held back. When he let [the new fiscal] go he ran far away. Now no one is fiscal, everyone is afraid of our father, no one dares become fiscal. — v 7. And another time he sent a person to Atotonilco to deliver two chests. He was already going and taking the chests, and our father told him: “When you get to Mitic, you are to see me. I will give you a letter that you are to give to the alcalde mayor in Atotonilco.” And this person taking the chests arrived at Mitic and looked for our father. He was not there; he had gone to stay at the estancia with the Spanish woman, and then [was going to] return to Mitic. [So] he went to the estancia. He found our father there, who said to him, “Why did you come here to the estancia?” He told him: “Father, I want to take your letter.” At that he became angry and told him: “Go back to Mitic and wait for me. I will come there to give you the letter.” Then the person returned to Mitic. Then our father came to Mitic, and then at that point he beat him severely and made him faint because he followed him to the estancia, which made our father angry. He doesn”t want anyone to follow him and go to the estancia where his [or the?] Spanish woman is. Whenever someone is sent to Mitic and [from there] goes to look for him at the estancia, he beats him. Like this he mistreats us. v 8. Once my daughter Catalina Juana went to the church in the afternoon to sweep, and there at the church our father seized her and wanted to have her. She would not receive him, and there inside the church he beat her. Then she came to complain to me. v 9. Thus he mistreats us, and many of the common people are afraid of him. Many people run away, and there is no one who will let himself be made fiscal. — v 10. And also, when he goes to the estancia he does not return quickly: sometimes he returns at ten o'clock, and the commoners are unable to wait until ten. Sometimes he will come when the cocks are crowing, or he comes at dawn, and because of it we suffer greatly waiting for him. — v 11. And also, he does not teach us the divine words, the sermon, but only hates us and mistreats us constantly. When the vicar-general wrote him, saying: “Console the commoners, for they are your children,” as soon as he read it, he said: “Why am I to console and love them? Are they my children? They are children of the devil, and I will mistreat them.” And he did not obey the order of the vicar-general and the bishop. — v 12. And now we have come in order to request your compassion, you our ruler and king, that you do us the favor of giving us a good priest who will love us and whom we likewise will love. Send away this vicar of ours, let him leave, because he greatly mistreats us and does not love us. If he does not leave, many of your children and subjects will flee because of our vicar, and also the tribute of our great ruler the king will be lost; where will we get enough to pay it all? This is all the statement of us your subjects. Juan Vicente, alcalde. Miguel López. v 13. And we want him to return us 15 pesos, 2 reales, and the chest belonging to [the cofradía of] the Most Holy Sacrament, and we will be satisfied; for he always hates us. v 14. And also he sends the commoners to distant places, and he sends them here to the mill and does not pay for it. — And he orders the commoners to break his colts and does not pay for it. [Translation by James Lockhart, with minor reformatting by Stephanie Wood]
Analytic Transcription
Juo . vicenti . allde . miguelopez . tochan . Salustutitlan . mixpantzinco . titoteyxpahuia . yn titohueytlatocauh yn titorrey . mixpantzinco . titoteyxpahuia . ytechcopa . toteopixcauh . tovicaria . franco . munus . cenca . techtolinia . mochipa . techmictia techmecahuitequi . quimecahuitequi . macehualtin . auh y nehuatl . niJuo vicenti . allde . cenca . onechmictic . yexpa . onechyxtlatzintic . onechmayahuic . cenca . onixotlahuac . yhuan . quipopoztequic . nobara . oncā . teopan . sachristan . yn iquac ya oquimoquentic . alba . yhuā . ystula . manipulo yquac . onechmictic. auh yn oniquilhuic . padre tle ypampa . tinechmictia ca mochi nobara . oticpopoztequic . niman oquitoc quema . onimichmictic . onicpopoztequi mobara . ca yhuā . mochi . motzontecon . nictlapanaz — v 1 amo ça çan tlapic . ypampa . yehuatl . totatzin . quipia . ce Senra ompa estancia . mochipa . ompa motlalia . estancia . cepa ompa . estāçia . motlalia . auh yn yehuantin . mizquitic tlaca . quihualhuiquiliq¯ . michim . auh y nehuatl . nicpielia . cemilhuitl . yquac . ypā . vigilia . San andres nicchixtica . auh yn yehuatl . totatzin . ohuala tlaco yohuac ye tzatzic . totoli . ypan San andres . oquitoc . catia . michim nimā . oniquilhuic . padre . nican ca . nicā . nicpia nimā . oquitoc . tle ypampa . amo tinechtitlanilic yalhua . ompa estançia . niman oniquilhui padre . quenin nicmatiz . yntla otinechnahuati . ca nimichtitlanilizquia . nimā . oncā . pehua . nechmictia . quitoa ca huel titlahueliloc . yuhqui ynin . onechtolinic — v 2o yhuā . ca ypampa . cenca . nechcocolia . 15 . pos 2 to quihuiquilia . huey . yglesia yhuā . ce caxa . yyaxca Sancto . Sacramento . yquac . Jueves Sancto . oncā calaqui . quitlaçotla . quimaxcatia . çan campa quipia yquac . oya . mexico . ynahuac . ce tlacatl . coçinero . quicahuac . yquac . ohuala . cepa conanac quicahuac ynahuac . Senora . yn iquac . cepa . onicteyxpahuic . yxpan . Senr . prouiSor . yhuā . san gaspar tlaca . allde ome altepetl . oticteyxpahuiq¯ auh yn Senr prouiSor oquinonotzac . oquitlacaquiti quitlacuilhuic . yhuā . Senr prouiSor quinonotzac . Su Señoria . obispo . auh yn Senr obispo . yhuan proui . [sic] quitlacuilhuique oquilhuique xiquinyolali . macehualtin . ca mopilhuan xiquintlaçotla . auh yn iquac . oquicaquic . yamauh . Senr obispo . yhuā prouisor . nimā oquito tle ypāpa . ayahui . amoteyxpahui . ynahuac prouiSor . nimā . ayaxquia . ynahuac Senr obispo çan monequi . xihuian . mexico . ca ompa oniquixtic nonahuatil . ynic nicā nivicario – ypampa . ynin . nechcocolia . quicocolia . mochi altepetl . — v 3o nimā . cepa . onechmictic . yquac . oquitac yamauh . Senr prouisor axcā . ya opa nechmictia . ocepa . ompa . mizquitic onechmictic teyxpā . ypan . ylhuitl . santa maria natiuitas . oc cepa . nimā . ypā . oc ce domingo onechmictic . ya axca . nauhpa nechmictia ypampa . ynon . amatl . yamauh . Senr prouiSor ypampa . onicteyxpahuic ypampa . nechmictic . — v 4o oc cepa . ce piltonti . sachristan . 8 . xihuitl . quipia cepa . cenca . miec . oquimecahuitequic . cenca oquixiehuac . ynacayo . oçotlahua . ce Semana huetztoc . omoquetzac nimā . otzoloc . auh yn totatzin quitlatlania . ynātzin . quilhuia . catia . moconeuh quitoa . ynantzin . oticmacahuitequic [sic] . otzoloc auh yca . oqualanic . totatzin . auh yn iquac . ypā domingo . ya teteochihua . yca tlateochihualatl . yquac . mitoa . asperges . oncā. nepantla teopan . yahui . teteochihua . yca . ySopo . oquihuitequic . cihuatzintli . ynantzin pilton [sic] . Sacristan quiquatzayanac . yxquich . esti . oquiquixtilic v 5o oc cepa . ce fiscal . ya otlamic ytequiuh . ce xihuitl quichiuh . ya quinahuatia quitoa . padre . ya otlamic notequiuh . nifiscal . auh yn yehuatl . totatzin amo oquinequi . mopatlaz . cepa . cenca oquimecahuitequi - ycalictic . quicaltzaquac . cenca quitolinic v 6o auh yn oc cepa otictemoque . ce tlacatl . yancuic fiscal . mochihuaz . cepa . amo quicelia . quitoa . amo nicnequi . fiscal mochihuaz . ynin . baquero nimā oquitotocac . auh yn oc cepa . quinotzac . quitoa . xicnotzacā . yehuatl . yn oanquitlaliq¯ fiscal nimā . oquinotza . yehuatl . fiscal catca quihualhuiquilic . nimā . quinahuatic ytilticauh quiquixtilic . ycalson . mochi . ycamissa . mochi quipetlahuac ocacopiloc . cepa . cenca . oquimecahuitequic cenca oquiçotlahualtic . yhuā . nehuatl . nictlatlauhtia . nictlacahualtia . amo oquinequi motlacahualtia auh yn iquac . oquicahuac nimā . otzoloc . campa hueca . ayac axcan . ayac fiscal . mochi tlacatl quimacaxi . totatzin ayac aquin . mochicahua mochihuaz fiscal — v 7o yhuan . oc cepa . ce tlacatl quititlanic . ompa . atotonilco . quicahuaz . ome caxas . ya mohuicac . quihuicac . caxas . auh yn totatzin oquilhuic . yquac tiaz ompa . mitic . tinechitas . nimichmaca . ce carta ticmacaz . allde mayor ompa . atotonilco . auh ynin tlacatl . quihuica . caxas . açito . mitic . quitemoc . totatzin . ayac onca . çan ompa . mocahuato . estançia . ynahuac . Senora auh y niman ompa . mocuepac . mitic . oya . ompa . estançia ypan açito . totatzin . nima¯ . oquilhui . tle ypampa nican. estançia . tihuala . oquilhuic . padre niconanaznequi . moamauh . nimā . yc oqualanic . oquilhui . xiyauh . ompa . mitic . xinechia ompa niaz . nimichmacaz . amatl . niman tlacatl . mocuepac . mitic nimā . ohuala totatzin . mitic . nima¯ . oncan . cepa . miec oquimictic . quiçotahualtic . ypa¯pa . oquitocac ompa es-tan . yca [sic] . oqualanic totatzin . amo quine [sic] aquin . quitocaz . yaz estançia . ynahuac ySenora . yn quemanian . aquin . motitlaniz . mitic . quitemoz . cepa . yaz . estançia nimā . ompa . quimictiz yuhqui techtoli- nia . v 8o cepa . nochpoch . catalina Juana . ompa yahui . teopan . teotlac . tlachpanaz . auh yn totatzin . ompa teopan . quitzitzquic . quiyecoznequi . amo quicelia . cepa . oncan . teopancalitic . oquimictic nima¯ . ohuala . moteyxpahuico . nixpan . v 9 yuhqui techtolinia auh y¯ miec tlacatl macehualtin . quimacaxi . miec tlacatl . tzoloa yhuā . ayac aquin quicelia mochihuaz fiscal . — v 10 no yhuā . yn iquac yahui estançia amo payna huala . quemanian . matlacti oras huala . auh yn macehualtin amo mochicahua quichiaz . yca . matlacti oras quemanian tzatziz totolin hualaz . anoço . quemanian tlahuiti-huitz . auh in tehuātin . ypampa cēca . titotolinia . ynic ticchiazq¯ — v 11 no yhuā . amo techmachtia . teotlatoli . Sermon ca çan . yxquich techcocolitinemi . techtolinitinemi yn iquac Senr prouiSor quitlacuilhuic oquilhui . xiquinyolali macehualtin ca mopilhuā . nimā quicaquic quitoa . tle ypampa . niquinyolaliz . niquintlaçotlaz. coz nopilhuā ca ypilhuā . diablo . ca niquintoliniz . amo quitlacamati . ytlanahuatil . Senr prouiSor yhuā . obispo . — v 12 auh ynic axcā . tiquitlanico . yn motetlaocoliliz yn titotlatocauh . yn titorrey . titechtlaocoliz titechmomaquiliz . ce quali . teopixqui . techtlaçotlaz no yuhqui . tictlazotlazq¯ . ynin . tovicario . ma xicmoquixtili . ma quiça . ypāpa . cēca . techtolinia . amo techtlaçotla . yntlacamo quiçaz ca miec tlaca [sic] mopilhuā . momacehualhuā. tzolozq¯ . ypampa tovicario . auh no yhuā . polihuiz yn itlacalaquil . tohueytlatoca rrey . campa ticanazq¯ . ticaxitiz.que . yxquich . totlatol . timomacehualhuan juo bicenti allde miguel lopez v 13 yhuā . quinequi toyolo . techcuepiliz 15 . pos 2 to yhuā . caxa . yyaxca . Sanctissimo . Sacramo toyolo pachihuiz ca mochipa ynin . techcocolia — v 14 no yhuā . quintitlania macehualtin campa hueca . yhuā . nicā . molino quintitlania amo tlaxtlahua — yhuā macehualtin . quinahuatia quimachtia ypotros . amo tlaxtlahua [Transcription by James Lockhart; with minor reformatting by Stephanie Wood]
English Translation
We, Juan Vicente, alcalde, and Miguel López, our home being Jalostotitlan, bring a complaint before you, our great lord and king; before you we bring complaint about our priest and vicar Francisco Muñoz, who greatly mistreats us. He is always beating and whipping us; he whips the common people, and he has severely beaten me, Juan Vicente, alcalde. Three times he has given me blows and knocked me down, and I fainted. And he broke my staff into pieces at the church, in the sacristy; when he was already dressed in the alb, stole, and maniple, he beat me, and I said to him: “Father, why are you beating me, you have broken my staff to bits.” Then he said, “Yes, I beat you and splintered your staff, and I will break your whole head.” — v 1. [Our accusation] is not invented, because our father keeps a Spanish woman there at the estancia; he is always staying at the estancia. Once he was staying at the estancia and the people of Mizquitic came bringing him fish. I kept it for him for a day, waiting for him during the vigil of San Andrés. And our father came very early, when the cocks were already crowing on the day of San Andrés, and said: What has come of the fish? Then I told him: “Father, here it is, I am keeping it here.” Then he said: “Why didn't you send it to me yesterday at the estancia?” Then I said to him: “Father, how am I to know? If you had notified me, I would have sent it to you.” Then at that point he began to beat me, and said: “You are a great rogue.” Like this he mistreated me. — v 2. Also he greatly hates me because of 15 pesos, 2 reales, that he owes to the main church, and a chest belonging to the cofradía of the Holy Sacrament; on Holy Thursday the Sacrament is put in there. He prizes it, he appropriates it, he keeps it just anywhere. When he went to Mexico City, he left it with a person who is a cook; when he came back he took it again and left it with the Spanish woman. Once I complained about him to the vicar-general along with the alcalde of the people of San Gaspar, so that we two altepetl complained, and the vicar-general admonished him, censured him, and wrote him, and the vicar-general conferred with his lordship the bishop, and the bishop and vicar-general wrote him saying: “Console the commoners, for they are your children; love them.” But when he read the letter of the bishop and the vicar-general, he said: “Why do you go and complain to the vicar-general, and then you were going to go to the bishop? You need to go to Mexico City instead, since there I got my orders to be vicar here.” Because of this he hates me; he hates the whole altepetl. — v 3. Then once he beat me when he saw the vicar-general’s letter. Recently he beat me a second time, and another time in Mizquitic he beat me in public, on the day of St. Mary's Nativity, and another time on another Sunday he beat me. Now it is four times he has beaten me on account of that letter, the vicar-general's letter, because I complained because he beat me. — v 4. Another time there was a child, a sacristan, eight years old; he whipped him very severely, he stripped off much of his skin, and he fainted. He lay in bed for a week; when he got up, he ran away. And our father asked his mother, saying to her: “What has come of your child?” His mother said: “You whipped him and he ran away”; and our father became angry at her. And on Sunday when he was already blessing people with holy water, while Asperges was being said, there in the middle of the church he was going along blessing people, and with the sprinkler he hit the woman who is the child sacristan’s mother, and he broke open her head and made much blood spurt out. v 5. Another time a fiscal had already finished his term and served a year, and went to notify the priest of it. He said: “Father, my term as fiscal has ended.” But our father did not want him to be replaced. Once he whipped him severely; he closed him up inside his house and greatly mistreated him. v 6. Another time we sought a person to be made the new fiscal. Once he would not accept him, and said: “I don't want this cow herder to be made fiscal.” Then he chased him away. But another time he called him, saying: “Call that person you have made fiscal.” Then the person who had been fiscal called [the new fiscal] and brought him back to him. Then [the priest] gave orders to his black, who took off the new fiscal's pants and shirt and stripped him completely, and hung him up. He whipped him severely and made him faint away. I begged him and tried to hold him back, but he would not be held back. When he let [the new fiscal] go he ran far away. Now no one is fiscal, everyone is afraid of our father, no one dares become fiscal. — v 7. And another time he sent a person to Atotonilco to deliver two chests. He was already going and taking the chests, and our father told him: “When you get to Mitic, you are to see me. I will give you a letter that you are to give to the alcalde mayor in Atotonilco.” And this person taking the chests arrived at Mitic and looked for our father. He was not there; he had gone to stay at the estancia with the Spanish woman, and then [was going to] return to Mitic. [So] he went to the estancia. He found our father there, who said to him, “Why did you come here to the estancia?” He told him: “Father, I want to take your letter.” At that he became angry and told him: “Go back to Mitic and wait for me. I will come there to give you the letter.” Then the person returned to Mitic. Then our father came to Mitic, and then at that point he beat him severely and made him faint because he followed him to the estancia, which made our father angry. He doesn”t want anyone to follow him and go to the estancia where his [or the?] Spanish woman is. Whenever someone is sent to Mitic and [from there] goes to look for him at the estancia, he beats him. Like this he mistreats us. v 8. Once my daughter Catalina Juana went to the church in the afternoon to sweep, and there at the church our father seized her and wanted to have her. She would not receive him, and there inside the church he beat her. Then she came to complain to me. v 9. Thus he mistreats us, and many of the common people are afraid of him. Many people run away, and there is no one who will let himself be made fiscal. — v 10. And also, when he goes to the estancia he does not return quickly: sometimes he returns at ten o'clock, and the commoners are unable to wait until ten. Sometimes he will come when the cocks are crowing, or he comes at dawn, and because of it we suffer greatly waiting for him. — v 11. And also, he does not teach us the divine words, the sermon, but only hates us and mistreats us constantly. When the vicar-general wrote him, saying: “Console the commoners, for they are your children,” as soon as he read it, he said: “Why am I to console and love them? Are they my children? They are children of the devil, and I will mistreat them.” And he did not obey the order of the vicar-general and the bishop. — v 12. And now we have come in order to request your compassion, you our ruler and king, that you do us the favor of giving us a good priest who will love us and whom we likewise will love. Send away this vicar of ours, let him leave, because he greatly mistreats us and does not love us. If he does not leave, many of your children and subjects will flee because of our vicar, and also the tribute of our great ruler the king will be lost; where will we get enough to pay it all? This is all the statement of us your subjects. Juan Vicente, alcalde. Miguel López. v 13. And we want him to return us 15 pesos, 2 reales, and the chest belonging to [the cofradía of] the Most Holy Sacrament, and we will be satisfied; for he always hates us. v 14. And also he sends the commoners to distant places, and he sends them here to the mill and does not pay for it. — And he orders the commoners to break his colts and does not pay for it. [Translation by James Lockhart, with minor reformatting by Stephanie Wood]
Analytic Transcription
Juo . vicenti . allde . miguelopez . tochan . Salustutitlan . mixpantzinco . titoteyxpahuia . yn titohueytlatocauh yn titorrey . mixpantzinco . titoteyxpahuia . ytechcopa . toteopixcauh . tovicaria . franco . munus . cenca . techtolinia . mochipa . techmictia techmecahuitequi . quimecahuitequi . macehualtin . auh y nehuatl . niJuo vicenti . allde . cenca . onechmictic . yexpa . onechyxtlatzintic . onechmayahuic . cenca . onixotlahuac . yhuan . quipopoztequic . nobara . oncā . teopan . sachristan . yn iquac ya oquimoquentic . alba . yhuā . ystula . manipulo yquac . onechmictic. auh yn oniquilhuic . padre tle ypampa . tinechmictia ca mochi nobara . oticpopoztequic . niman oquitoc quema . onimichmictic . onicpopoztequi mobara . ca yhuā . mochi . motzontecon . nictlapanaz — v 1 amo ça çan tlapic . ypampa . yehuatl . totatzin . quipia . ce Senra ompa estancia . mochipa . ompa motlalia . estancia . cepa ompa . estāçia . motlalia . auh yn yehuantin . mizquitic tlaca . quihualhuiquiliq¯ . michim . auh y nehuatl . nicpielia . cemilhuitl . yquac . ypā . vigilia . San andres nicchixtica . auh yn yehuatl . totatzin . ohuala tlaco yohuac ye tzatzic . totoli . ypan San andres . oquitoc . catia . michim nimā . oniquilhuic . padre . nican ca . nicā . nicpia nimā . oquitoc . tle ypampa . amo tinechtitlanilic yalhua . ompa estançia . niman oniquilhui padre . quenin nicmatiz . yntla otinechnahuati . ca nimichtitlanilizquia . nimā . oncā . pehua . nechmictia . quitoa ca huel titlahueliloc . yuhqui ynin . onechtolinic — v 2o yhuā . ca ypampa . cenca . nechcocolia . 15 . pos 2 to quihuiquilia . huey . yglesia yhuā . ce caxa . yyaxca Sancto . Sacramento . yquac . Jueves Sancto . oncā calaqui . quitlaçotla . quimaxcatia . çan campa quipia yquac . oya . mexico . ynahuac . ce tlacatl . coçinero . quicahuac . yquac . ohuala . cepa conanac quicahuac ynahuac . Senora . yn iquac . cepa . onicteyxpahuic . yxpan . Senr . prouiSor . yhuā . san gaspar tlaca . allde ome altepetl . oticteyxpahuiq¯ auh yn Senr prouiSor oquinonotzac . oquitlacaquiti quitlacuilhuic . yhuā . Senr prouiSor quinonotzac . Su Señoria . obispo . auh yn Senr obispo . yhuan proui . [sic] quitlacuilhuique oquilhuique xiquinyolali . macehualtin . ca mopilhuan xiquintlaçotla . auh yn iquac . oquicaquic . yamauh . Senr obispo . yhuā prouisor . nimā oquito tle ypāpa . ayahui . amoteyxpahui . ynahuac prouiSor . nimā . ayaxquia . ynahuac Senr obispo çan monequi . xihuian . mexico . ca ompa oniquixtic nonahuatil . ynic nicā nivicario – ypampa . ynin . nechcocolia . quicocolia . mochi altepetl . — v 3o nimā . cepa . onechmictic . yquac . oquitac yamauh . Senr prouisor axcā . ya opa nechmictia . ocepa . ompa . mizquitic onechmictic teyxpā . ypan . ylhuitl . santa maria natiuitas . oc cepa . nimā . ypā . oc ce domingo onechmictic . ya axca . nauhpa nechmictia ypampa . ynon . amatl . yamauh . Senr prouiSor ypampa . onicteyxpahuic ypampa . nechmictic . — v 4o oc cepa . ce piltonti . sachristan . 8 . xihuitl . quipia cepa . cenca . miec . oquimecahuitequic . cenca oquixiehuac . ynacayo . oçotlahua . ce Semana huetztoc . omoquetzac nimā . otzoloc . auh yn totatzin quitlatlania . ynātzin . quilhuia . catia . moconeuh quitoa . ynantzin . oticmacahuitequic [sic] . otzoloc auh yca . oqualanic . totatzin . auh yn iquac . ypā domingo . ya teteochihua . yca tlateochihualatl . yquac . mitoa . asperges . oncā. nepantla teopan . yahui . teteochihua . yca . ySopo . oquihuitequic . cihuatzintli . ynantzin pilton [sic] . Sacristan quiquatzayanac . yxquich . esti . oquiquixtilic v 5o oc cepa . ce fiscal . ya otlamic ytequiuh . ce xihuitl quichiuh . ya quinahuatia quitoa . padre . ya otlamic notequiuh . nifiscal . auh yn yehuatl . totatzin amo oquinequi . mopatlaz . cepa . cenca oquimecahuitequi - ycalictic . quicaltzaquac . cenca quitolinic v 6o auh yn oc cepa otictemoque . ce tlacatl . yancuic fiscal . mochihuaz . cepa . amo quicelia . quitoa . amo nicnequi . fiscal mochihuaz . ynin . baquero nimā oquitotocac . auh yn oc cepa . quinotzac . quitoa . xicnotzacā . yehuatl . yn oanquitlaliq¯ fiscal nimā . oquinotza . yehuatl . fiscal catca quihualhuiquilic . nimā . quinahuatic ytilticauh quiquixtilic . ycalson . mochi . ycamissa . mochi quipetlahuac ocacopiloc . cepa . cenca . oquimecahuitequic cenca oquiçotlahualtic . yhuā . nehuatl . nictlatlauhtia . nictlacahualtia . amo oquinequi motlacahualtia auh yn iquac . oquicahuac nimā . otzoloc . campa hueca . ayac axcan . ayac fiscal . mochi tlacatl quimacaxi . totatzin ayac aquin . mochicahua mochihuaz fiscal — v 7o yhuan . oc cepa . ce tlacatl quititlanic . ompa . atotonilco . quicahuaz . ome caxas . ya mohuicac . quihuicac . caxas . auh yn totatzin oquilhuic . yquac tiaz ompa . mitic . tinechitas . nimichmaca . ce carta ticmacaz . allde mayor ompa . atotonilco . auh ynin tlacatl . quihuica . caxas . açito . mitic . quitemoc . totatzin . ayac onca . çan ompa . mocahuato . estançia . ynahuac . Senora auh y niman ompa . mocuepac . mitic . oya . ompa . estançia ypan açito . totatzin . nima¯ . oquilhui . tle ypampa nican. estançia . tihuala . oquilhuic . padre niconanaznequi . moamauh . nimā . yc oqualanic . oquilhui . xiyauh . ompa . mitic . xinechia ompa niaz . nimichmacaz . amatl . niman tlacatl . mocuepac . mitic nimā . ohuala totatzin . mitic . nima¯ . oncan . cepa . miec oquimictic . quiçotahualtic . ypa¯pa . oquitocac ompa es-tan . yca [sic] . oqualanic totatzin . amo quine [sic] aquin . quitocaz . yaz estançia . ynahuac ySenora . yn quemanian . aquin . motitlaniz . mitic . quitemoz . cepa . yaz . estançia nimā . ompa . quimictiz yuhqui techtoli- nia . v 8o cepa . nochpoch . catalina Juana . ompa yahui . teopan . teotlac . tlachpanaz . auh yn totatzin . ompa teopan . quitzitzquic . quiyecoznequi . amo quicelia . cepa . oncan . teopancalitic . oquimictic nima¯ . ohuala . moteyxpahuico . nixpan . v 9 yuhqui techtolinia auh y¯ miec tlacatl macehualtin . quimacaxi . miec tlacatl . tzoloa yhuā . ayac aquin quicelia mochihuaz fiscal . — v 10 no yhuā . yn iquac yahui estançia amo payna huala . quemanian . matlacti oras huala . auh yn macehualtin amo mochicahua quichiaz . yca . matlacti oras quemanian tzatziz totolin hualaz . anoço . quemanian tlahuiti-huitz . auh in tehuātin . ypampa cēca . titotolinia . ynic ticchiazq¯ — v 11 no yhuā . amo techmachtia . teotlatoli . Sermon ca çan . yxquich techcocolitinemi . techtolinitinemi yn iquac Senr prouiSor quitlacuilhuic oquilhui . xiquinyolali macehualtin ca mopilhuā . nimā quicaquic quitoa . tle ypampa . niquinyolaliz . niquintlaçotlaz. coz nopilhuā ca ypilhuā . diablo . ca niquintoliniz . amo quitlacamati . ytlanahuatil . Senr prouiSor yhuā . obispo . — v 12 auh ynic axcā . tiquitlanico . yn motetlaocoliliz yn titotlatocauh . yn titorrey . titechtlaocoliz titechmomaquiliz . ce quali . teopixqui . techtlaçotlaz no yuhqui . tictlazotlazq¯ . ynin . tovicario . ma xicmoquixtili . ma quiça . ypāpa . cēca . techtolinia . amo techtlaçotla . yntlacamo quiçaz ca miec tlaca [sic] mopilhuā . momacehualhuā. tzolozq¯ . ypampa tovicario . auh no yhuā . polihuiz yn itlacalaquil . tohueytlatoca rrey . campa ticanazq¯ . ticaxitiz.que . yxquich . totlatol . timomacehualhuan juo bicenti allde miguel lopez v 13 yhuā . quinequi toyolo . techcuepiliz 15 . pos 2 to yhuā . caxa . yyaxca . Sanctissimo . Sacramo toyolo pachihuiz ca mochipa ynin . techcocolia — v 14 no yhuā . quintitlania macehualtin campa hueca . yhuā . nicā . molino quintitlania amo tlaxtlahua — yhuā macehualtin . quinahuatia quimachtia ypotros . amo tlaxtlahua [Transcription by James Lockhart; with minor reformatting by Stephanie Wood]