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Folio 15 verso

Folio 15 verso

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 15v.] començaron a pelear con ellos y los de caballo alancearon mucha: y los arcaboceros, y ballesteros mataron tanbien muchos, de manera q̄ desbaratarō a todo aq̄llo exercito que venia huyerō los que q̄daron: los españoles tomaron el pueblo y robaron lo q̄ hallarō y asi destruieron aq̄llos pueblos.  Como los de tlaxcalla oyeron lo que auia acontecido a sus soldados y otomies espātaronse començaron a temer luego se juntarō a consejo y conferieron todos sobre el negocio para ver si saldrian de guerra contra los españoles o si se darian de paz  dixerō: sabemos que los otomies son muy valientes y pelean reziamente y todos son destruidos ninguna resistencia vuo en ellos en vn cerrar y abrir de ojo los destruieron que podemos hazer nosotros sera bien que los recibamos de paz y los tomemos por amigos esto es mejor que no perder toda nuestra gente: y ansi acordaron los señores de tlaxcalla de recebirlos de paz y tomarlos por amigos.  Salieron luego los señores y principales con grā multitud de tamemes cargados de comida de todas maneras: llegando a ellos asaludaron de paz a don hernando cortes y el los pregunto, diziendo: de donde soys vosotros? y de donde venis?  Ellos dixerō somos de la ciudad de taxcala: y venimos a recebiros porque nos holgamos de v̄r̄a venida, aveys llegado a n̄r̄a tierra, seays muy bienvenidos es v̄r̄a casa y v̄r̄a tierra dōde estays que se llama Quauhtexcalla.*  La ciudad q̄ agora se llama tlaxcalla, ante que vinieson los españoles se llamaua texcalla.  ----------  *QUAUHTEXCALLAN.  The Spanish version takes quauh- as part of the name, which it is not, and has "-texcalla" rather than "-tlaxcalla" as in the Nahuatl; see n. 51 just above. 

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] and rulers, and took counsel among themselves, considering the reports. They said, “How is it to be with us? Should we face them? For the Otomis are great and valiant warriors, yet they thought nothing of them, they regarded them as nothing; in a very short time, in the blink of an eyelid,they destroyed the people. Now let us just submit to them, let us make friends with them, let us be friends, for something must be done about the common people.” Thereupon the Tlaxcalan rulers went to meet them, taking along food: turkey hens, eggs, white tortillas, fine tortillas. They said to them, “Welcome, our lords.” [The Spaniards] answered them back, “Where is your homeland? Where have you come from?” They said, “We are Tlaxcalans. Welcome, you have arrived, you have reached the land of Tlaxcala, which is your home.” (But in olden times it was called Texcallan and the people Texcalans). [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] began to fight with them; the horsemen lanced many of them, and the harquebusiers and crossbowmen also killed many, so that they routed the whole army that was coming, and those who remained fled. The Spaniards took the settlement and stole what they found, and so they destroyed those settlements. When the Tlaxcalans heard what had happened to their soldiers and Otomis, they were shocked and began to be afraid. Then they assembled in council and all conferred about the matter, to see if they should do battle against the Spaniards or if they should submit peacefully. They said, "We know that the Otomis are very valiant and fierce fighters, yet all have been destroyed. They were unable to resist them; in the blink of an eyelid they destroyed them. What can we do? It will be well to receive them peacefully and take them as friends. That would be better than losing all our people." And so the lords of Tlaxcala agreed to receive them peacefully and take them as friends. Then the lords and leaders went out with a great multitude of tamemes [bearers] loaded with all kinds of food. Reaching them, they greeted don Hernando Cortés peacefully. He asked them, "Where are you from? Where do you come from?" They said, "We are from the city of Tlaxcala, and we are coming to receive you because we are glad that you have come. You have reached our land; you are very welcome; this land where you are, which is called Quauhtexcallan, is your home and land." Today the city is called Tlaxcala, but before the Spaniards came it was called Texcallan.

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 15v.] que, motlatocanonotzque, quimoottitique in tlatolli: quitoque. Quen toiezque, cuix tiquinnamiquizque: cavei oquichtli vei tiacauh in otomitl, atle ipan oquittac, atle ipan oconittac, çan ixquich cavitontli in çan ixpeioctli in oconpopolo maceoalli. Auh in axcan ma çan itlan toncalaquicā, ma çan tictocniuhtican, ma çan titocniuhtlacan, motolinia in maceoalli. Auh nima ie ic vi in quīnamiquizque in tlaxcaltecatlatoque: quitquique in tlaqualli, in totoli, in totoltetl iniztac tlaxcalli, in chipaoac tlaxcalli: quimilhuique. Oanquimihioviltique totecuioane: quinoalnanquilique. Can amochan? Campa oanoallaque? Conitoque. Titlaxcalteca, oanquimociaviltique, oan-maxitico, otlaltech anmaxitico in amochantzinco quauh-tlaxcalla* (auh in ie vecauh moteneoaia Texcalla, in maceoalti mitoaia, Texcalteca.) ---------- *QUAUHTLAXCALLA. The form contains a prefatory quauh-, sometimes seen optionally combined with altepetl names on formal occasions. I am not sure whether the element derives from quahuitl 'tree, wood, forest', in which case it might have a connotation of mock humiltiy, or from quauhtli 'eagle', in which case it would connote pride and martial vigor.


Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 15v.] començaron a pelear con ellos y los de caballo alancearon mucha: y los arcaboceros, y ballesteros mataron tanbien muchos, de manera q̄ desbaratarō a todo aq̄llo exercito que venia huyerō los que q̄daron: los españoles tomaron el pueblo y robaron lo q̄ hallarō y asi destruieron aq̄llos pueblos.  Como los de tlaxcalla oyeron lo que auia acontecido a sus soldados y otomies espātaronse començaron a temer luego se juntarō a consejo y conferieron todos sobre el negocio para ver si saldrian de guerra contra los españoles o si se darian de paz  dixerō: sabemos que los otomies son muy valientes y pelean reziamente y todos son destruidos ninguna resistencia vuo en ellos en vn cerrar y abrir de ojo los destruieron que podemos hazer nosotros sera bien que los recibamos de paz y los tomemos por amigos esto es mejor que no perder toda nuestra gente: y ansi acordaron los señores de tlaxcalla de recebirlos de paz y tomarlos por amigos.  Salieron luego los señores y principales con grā multitud de tamemes cargados de comida de todas maneras: llegando a ellos asaludaron de paz a don hernando cortes y el los pregunto, diziendo: de donde soys vosotros? y de donde venis?  Ellos dixerō somos de la ciudad de taxcala: y venimos a recebiros porque nos holgamos de v̄r̄a venida, aveys llegado a n̄r̄a tierra, seays muy bienvenidos es v̄r̄a casa y v̄r̄a tierra dōde estays que se llama Quauhtexcalla.*  La ciudad q̄ agora se llama tlaxcalla, ante que vinieson los españoles se llamaua texcalla.  ----------  *QUAUHTEXCALLAN.  The Spanish version takes quauh- as part of the name, which it is not, and has "-texcalla" rather than "-tlaxcalla" as in the Nahuatl; see n. 51 just above. 

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] and rulers, and took counsel among themselves, considering the reports. They said, “How is it to be with us? Should we face them? For the Otomis are great and valiant warriors, yet they thought nothing of them, they regarded them as nothing; in a very short time, in the blink of an eyelid,they destroyed the people. Now let us just submit to them, let us make friends with them, let us be friends, for something must be done about the common people.” Thereupon the Tlaxcalan rulers went to meet them, taking along food: turkey hens, eggs, white tortillas, fine tortillas. They said to them, “Welcome, our lords.” [The Spaniards] answered them back, “Where is your homeland? Where have you come from?” They said, “We are Tlaxcalans. Welcome, you have arrived, you have reached the land of Tlaxcala, which is your home.” (But in olden times it was called Texcallan and the people Texcalans). [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] began to fight with them; the horsemen lanced many of them, and the harquebusiers and crossbowmen also killed many, so that they routed the whole army that was coming, and those who remained fled. The Spaniards took the settlement and stole what they found, and so they destroyed those settlements. When the Tlaxcalans heard what had happened to their soldiers and Otomis, they were shocked and began to be afraid. Then they assembled in council and all conferred about the matter, to see if they should do battle against the Spaniards or if they should submit peacefully. They said, "We know that the Otomis are very valiant and fierce fighters, yet all have been destroyed. They were unable to resist them; in the blink of an eyelid they destroyed them. What can we do? It will be well to receive them peacefully and take them as friends. That would be better than losing all our people." And so the lords of Tlaxcala agreed to receive them peacefully and take them as friends. Then the lords and leaders went out with a great multitude of tamemes [bearers] loaded with all kinds of food. Reaching them, they greeted don Hernando Cortés peacefully. He asked them, "Where are you from? Where do you come from?" They said, "We are from the city of Tlaxcala, and we are coming to receive you because we are glad that you have come. You have reached our land; you are very welcome; this land where you are, which is called Quauhtexcallan, is your home and land." Today the city is called Tlaxcala, but before the Spaniards came it was called Texcallan.

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 15v.] que, motlatocanonotzque, quimoottitique in tlatolli: quitoque. Quen toiezque, cuix tiquinnamiquizque: cavei oquichtli vei tiacauh in otomitl, atle ipan oquittac, atle ipan oconittac, çan ixquich cavitontli in çan ixpeioctli in oconpopolo maceoalli. Auh in axcan ma çan itlan toncalaquicā, ma çan tictocniuhtican, ma çan titocniuhtlacan, motolinia in maceoalli. Auh nima ie ic vi in quīnamiquizque in tlaxcaltecatlatoque: quitquique in tlaqualli, in totoli, in totoltetl iniztac tlaxcalli, in chipaoac tlaxcalli: quimilhuique. Oanquimihioviltique totecuioane: quinoalnanquilique. Can amochan? Campa oanoallaque? Conitoque. Titlaxcalteca, oanquimociaviltique, oan-maxitico, otlaltech anmaxitico in amochantzinco quauh-tlaxcalla* (auh in ie vecauh moteneoaia Texcalla, in maceoalti mitoaia, Texcalteca.) ---------- *QUAUHTLAXCALLA. The form contains a prefatory quauh-, sometimes seen optionally combined with altepetl names on formal occasions. I am not sure whether the element derives from quahuitl 'tree, wood, forest', in which case it might have a connotation of mock humiltiy, or from quauhtli 'eagle', in which case it would connote pride and martial vigor.
