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folio d

folio d

Third page of the 1652 manuscript.

Translations and Transcriptions

Analytic Transcription

v yz ca omocohua Sera de castilla y[-] n icuac ypan yntiero huel ixquich omocohua — 6 pos v no yhuan omomacaque canto[-] res limosna yxquich 1 pos v no yhuan omochihua missa omocavac huencintli yxquich — 4 ts v no yhuan cofradia otitemacaque limos[-] na conception sulidat yxquich — 4 ts Axcan 17 tonali motoca metztli março yn xihuitl de mil y seis sientos y cinCuē[-] ta y dos años oncan mochihuac almoneda difunto franco felipe . nican tecpantoc yn mo[-] namacatiyahu — v y huel achto se sonbrero ysolti omona[-] macac ce peso yhuan chiquacen ts — 1 pos 6 ts v no yhuā omonamacac ce martillo yhuā yey SinSeles oquihuica juā berbe yca — 0 6 ts v no yhuā omonamacac ce Silla xineta yca coxinillo yhuan almartiga yca mo[-] chi Reata oquihuica miguel angel escriuo Soledad yca macuili pes yhuan ma[-] cuiltomines — 5 pos 5 ts [Transcription by James Lockhart (with minor formatting changes by Stephanie Wood).]

English Translation

Juan Martín de Céspedes, alcalde. Juan Bernabé, alcalde. As a witness: Don Diego Martín de Guzmán. Juan Mateo, witness. Juan Bernabé, cofradía steward. Diego Felipe, cofradía steward. Gabriel Méndez, witness. Before me the notary, Juan Baltasar. Expenses. v Here is the Spanish candle wax bought for the occasion of the burial; the total bought was — 6 pesos v And also the cantors were given a donation totaling 1 peso. v And also a mass was held; an offering was given totaling — 4 reales v And also we gave a donation for the [cofradías of] Concepción and the Soledad totaling — 4 reales Today, the 17th day of the month of March of the year 1652, an auction was held for the deceased Francisco Felipe; here is listed what went along being sold: — v First of all a used hat was sold for 1 peso and 6 reales — 1 peso, 6 reales v And also a hammer was sold with three chisels; Juan Bernabé took it for — 6 reales v And also a riding saddle with saddle-pad was sold, and a halter with all its rope; Miguel Angel, notary of the [cofradía of] Soledad, took it for 5 pesos and 5 reales — 5 pesos, 5 reales [Translation by James Lockhart]