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Folio 17 verso

Folio 17 verso

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 17v.] Quando supo Motecuçoma que los españoles auia partido de cholula y que yuan camino de mexico, despacho luego a vn principal suyo el mas principal de su corte que se llamaua tzioacpupuca y con el muchos otros principales y otra mucha gente para que fuesen a recebir a los españoles y diolos vn presente de oro que lleuasen. Partieronse de mexico y toparonse con los españoles entre las dos sierras que es la sierra neuada: y el bulcan.  alli los recibieron y presentaron el presente de oro que lleuauan y segun que a los indios les parecio por las senales esteriores que vieron en los españoles holgaronse y regozijaronse mucho con el oro mostrando que lo tenia es* mucho.  y como vieron el principal, tzioacpupuca: preguntaron a los que con ellos venian Tlalcaltecas,** y Cempoaltecas secretamente si era aquel Motecuçoma? Y dixeronles. Que no! Que no era el, que era vn principal suyo que se llama, tzioacpupuca!  y despues preguntaron al mismo principal si era el Motecuçoma? Y dixo que si! que era el Motecuçoma:  y dixeronle. Vete de ay que mientes! que no eres Motecuçoma piensas de engañarnos? Piensas que somos algunos nescios, no nos podras engañar.  ----------  *ES.  For "en."  **TLALCALTECAS.  For "Tlaxcaltecas." 

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] Thereupon Moteucçoma named and sent the noble men and a great many other agents of his, with Tzihuacpopocatzin as their leader, to go meet [Cortés] between Popocatepetl and Iztactepetl, at Quauhtechcac. They gave [the Spaniards] golden banners, banners of precious feathers, and golden necklaces. And when they had given the things to them, they seemed to smile, to rejoice and be very happy. Like monkeys they grabbed the gold. It was as though their hearts were put to rest, brightened, freshened. For gold was what they greatly thirsted for; they were gluttonous for it, starved for it, piggishly wanting it. They came lifting up the golden banners, waving them from side to side, showing them to each other. They seemed to babble; what they said to each other was in a babbling tongue. And when they saw Tzihuacpopocatzin, they said, “Is this one then Moteucçoma?” They said it to the Tlaxcalans [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] When Moteucçoma learned that the Spaniards had departed from Cholula and were on their way toward Mexico, he immediately dispatched one of his leaders, the most important in his court, called Tzihuacpopoca, and many other leaders with him, and many other people, to go to receive the Spaniards, and he gave them a present of gold to take. They departed from Mexico and came up against the Spaniards between the two mountains, that is, the snowy peak and the volcano. There they received them and gave them the present of gold that they brought, and according to the external signs that the Indians saw in the Spaniards, it seemed to them that they were pleased and greatly rejoiced over the gold, for they held it in great esteem. And when they saw the leader Tzihuacpopoca, they secretly asked the Tlaxcalans and Cempohualans who were coming along with them if that was Moteucçoma. They told them no, that it was not him, that it was a leader of his named Tzihuacpopoca. And afterward they asked the leader himself if he was Moteucçoma, and he said that yes, he was Moteucçoma. Then they told him, "Go on with you, you're lying. You aren't Moteucçoma. Do you think you can deceive us? Do you think we are a lot of simpletons? You can't deceive us.

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 17v.] Auh in Motecuçoma: nimā ie ic quimonioa, quimonixquetza in pipilti, quiniacana in tzioacpopocatzin, yoan oc ceq’ntin cenca miequintin itechiuhcaoan cōnamiquito, intzalan in popocatepetl, yoan iztactepetl, vncan in quauhtechcac, quimōmacaque teucuitlapanitl, quetzalpanitl, yoā teucuitlacozcatl. Auh in oquimōmacaque iuhquin yixvetzca, cenca papaqui, ahavia, iuhquin cooçomatzitzquia in teucuitlatl, iuhquin vncan motlatlalia, iuhquin iiztaia, iuhqn cecelia yiollo: canel iehoatl in cenca camiqui, quipoçaoa, quiteucivi, quipitzonequi in teucuitlatl. Auh in teucuitlapanitl quihiiauhtivitze, quitlatlavitzotivitze, quimoottititivitze, iuhq̓uin tlapopoloca, in tlein quimolhuia in popolochcopa. Auh in iquac oquittaque Tzioacpopocatzin: quitoque. Cuix iee hin in Motecuçoma: Quimilhuique, in intlanmantivitze in intlachixcaoan, in tlaxcal


Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 17v.] Quando supo Motecuçoma que los españoles auia partido de cholula y que yuan camino de mexico, despacho luego a vn principal suyo el mas principal de su corte que se llamaua tzioacpupuca y con el muchos otros principales y otra mucha gente para que fuesen a recebir a los españoles y diolos vn presente de oro que lleuasen. Partieronse de mexico y toparonse con los españoles entre las dos sierras que es la sierra neuada: y el bulcan.  alli los recibieron y presentaron el presente de oro que lleuauan y segun que a los indios les parecio por las senales esteriores que vieron en los españoles holgaronse y regozijaronse mucho con el oro mostrando que lo tenia es* mucho.  y como vieron el principal, tzioacpupuca: preguntaron a los que con ellos venian Tlalcaltecas,** y Cempoaltecas secretamente si era aquel Motecuçoma? Y dixeronles. Que no! Que no era el, que era vn principal suyo que se llama, tzioacpupuca!  y despues preguntaron al mismo principal si era el Motecuçoma? Y dixo que si! que era el Motecuçoma:  y dixeronle. Vete de ay que mientes! que no eres Motecuçoma piensas de engañarnos? Piensas que somos algunos nescios, no nos podras engañar.  ----------  *ES.  For "en."  **TLALCALTECAS.  For "Tlaxcaltecas." 

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] Thereupon Moteucçoma named and sent the noble men and a great many other agents of his, with Tzihuacpopocatzin as their leader, to go meet [Cortés] between Popocatepetl and Iztactepetl, at Quauhtechcac. They gave [the Spaniards] golden banners, banners of precious feathers, and golden necklaces. And when they had given the things to them, they seemed to smile, to rejoice and be very happy. Like monkeys they grabbed the gold. It was as though their hearts were put to rest, brightened, freshened. For gold was what they greatly thirsted for; they were gluttonous for it, starved for it, piggishly wanting it. They came lifting up the golden banners, waving them from side to side, showing them to each other. They seemed to babble; what they said to each other was in a babbling tongue. And when they saw Tzihuacpopocatzin, they said, “Is this one then Moteucçoma?” They said it to the Tlaxcalans [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] When Moteucçoma learned that the Spaniards had departed from Cholula and were on their way toward Mexico, he immediately dispatched one of his leaders, the most important in his court, called Tzihuacpopoca, and many other leaders with him, and many other people, to go to receive the Spaniards, and he gave them a present of gold to take. They departed from Mexico and came up against the Spaniards between the two mountains, that is, the snowy peak and the volcano. There they received them and gave them the present of gold that they brought, and according to the external signs that the Indians saw in the Spaniards, it seemed to them that they were pleased and greatly rejoiced over the gold, for they held it in great esteem. And when they saw the leader Tzihuacpopoca, they secretly asked the Tlaxcalans and Cempohualans who were coming along with them if that was Moteucçoma. They told them no, that it was not him, that it was a leader of his named Tzihuacpopoca. And afterward they asked the leader himself if he was Moteucçoma, and he said that yes, he was Moteucçoma. Then they told him, "Go on with you, you're lying. You aren't Moteucçoma. Do you think you can deceive us? Do you think we are a lot of simpletons? You can't deceive us.

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 17v.] Auh in Motecuçoma: nimā ie ic quimonioa, quimonixquetza in pipilti, quiniacana in tzioacpopocatzin, yoan oc ceq’ntin cenca miequintin itechiuhcaoan cōnamiquito, intzalan in popocatepetl, yoan iztactepetl, vncan in quauhtechcac, quimōmacaque teucuitlapanitl, quetzalpanitl, yoā teucuitlacozcatl. Auh in oquimōmacaque iuhquin yixvetzca, cenca papaqui, ahavia, iuhquin cooçomatzitzquia in teucuitlatl, iuhquin vncan motlatlalia, iuhquin iiztaia, iuhqn cecelia yiollo: canel iehoatl in cenca camiqui, quipoçaoa, quiteucivi, quipitzonequi in teucuitlatl. Auh in teucuitlapanitl quihiiauhtivitze, quitlatlavitzotivitze, quimoottititivitze, iuhq̓uin tlapopoloca, in tlein quimolhuia in popolochcopa. Auh in iquac oquittaque Tzioacpopocatzin: quitoque. Cuix iee hin in Motecuçoma: Quimilhuique, in intlanmantivitze in intlachixcaoan, in tlaxcal
