Folio 52 verso
Translations and Transcriptions
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 52v.] çaua otro año en el mes que llamauan Quauitl Eua que començaua segundo dia de hebrero. Luego se sigue el 2ọ mes que llaman Tlacaxipeoaliztli que comiença a veynte y vno de hebrero. Luego se sigue el 3ọ mes que se llama Toçoztontli que comiença a .15. dias de março. Luego se sigue el 4o. mes que se llama Vey toçoztli que comiença a .3. dias de abrir en este mes salieron los españoles huyendo de mexico: En el año pasado. En este año boluierō algunos dellos vinieron por la uia de Quauhtitlan y llegaron hasta tlacuba, y no estuuieron mas de siete dias: y luego se boluieron y dende a quarenta dia boluieron otra uez, y destruyeron algunos lugares mataron mas de quatrocientos hombres que eran maceoales del Tlatilulco. Y dende a quarenta dias se contaron dos años de su uenida boluieron todos en el mes que se llamaua Toxcatl.
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] the seventeenth; Teucilhuitontli, the eighteenth. At this point a year had passed since [the Spaniards] had died at the Tolteca canal. And when they appeared again, when we saw them again, in Izcalli, it had been a year and eleven twenties [since they left]. It was at Quauhtitlan that they appeared; they made a halt at Tlacopan, where they stayed only seven days, then they went away for forty days. When they appeared again, they only came by quickly, going in the direction of Quauhtitlan. All they did was kill some people in passing at Tlaliztacapan and Iztaccalla; those who died were Tlatelolca; close to four hundred died. And when they had had full discussions and consultations about [their plans for] us, it was another forty days, in Toxcatl, with which it had been fully two years since the warriors died in Toxcatl in the temple courtyard. [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] another year with the month they called Quahuitl ehua, which began the second day of February. Then follows the second month, which they call Tlacaxipehualiztli, beginning the twenty-first of February; then follows the third month, called Toçoztontli, which begins the fifteenth day of March; then follows the fourth month, called Huei toçoztli, which begins the third day of April. It was in this month [sic] that the Spaniards left Mexico fleeing, the year before. In this year some of them returned, coming by way of Quauhtitlan, and reached Tacuba [Tlacopan]. They were there only seven days; then they went back, but after forty days they returned again and destroyed some settlements, killing more than four hundred men who were macehuales of Tlatelolco. Forty days after that, it had been two years since they came. They all returned in the month called Toxcatl.
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 52v.] tli, ic caxtolpoalli omume.* Tecuilhuitontli, ic caxtolpoalli omei: vncan cexiuhtico y, inic micque tultecaacaloco. Auh in ie no ceppa quiçaco, in ie no ceppa tiquimittaque ce xivitl, ipā matlacpoalli oce, ipan in Izcalli: quauhtitlan in quiçaco, ommotlalico in Tlacuban çanonchicomilhuitico: niman iaque vmpoaltito. Auh ie noceppa quiçaco, çan quiztiquizque quauhtitlampa itztiaque: çan tequitl ontemictitiquizque in tlaliztacapan yiztacalla: tlatilulca in micque, achi vel centzontli in mic. Auh in tecentlatalhui, in ie topan nenonotzaloc, no vmpoaltica ipan toxcatl: ie vel ic oxivitl in tiacacoan micque in teuitvalco, in Toxcatica./. ---------- *IC CAXTOLPOALLI OMUME. "Seventeenth" is correct; two months are omitted on the list.
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 52v.] çaua otro año en el mes que llamauan Quauitl Eua que començaua segundo dia de hebrero. Luego se sigue el 2ọ mes que llaman Tlacaxipeoaliztli que comiença a veynte y vno de hebrero. Luego se sigue el 3ọ mes que se llama Toçoztontli que comiença a .15. dias de março. Luego se sigue el 4o. mes que se llama Vey toçoztli que comiença a .3. dias de abrir en este mes salieron los españoles huyendo de mexico: En el año pasado. En este año boluierō algunos dellos vinieron por la uia de Quauhtitlan y llegaron hasta tlacuba, y no estuuieron mas de siete dias: y luego se boluieron y dende a quarenta dia boluieron otra uez, y destruyeron algunos lugares mataron mas de quatrocientos hombres que eran maceoales del Tlatilulco. Y dende a quarenta dias se contaron dos años de su uenida boluieron todos en el mes que se llamaua Toxcatl.
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] the seventeenth; Teucilhuitontli, the eighteenth. At this point a year had passed since [the Spaniards] had died at the Tolteca canal. And when they appeared again, when we saw them again, in Izcalli, it had been a year and eleven twenties [since they left]. It was at Quauhtitlan that they appeared; they made a halt at Tlacopan, where they stayed only seven days, then they went away for forty days. When they appeared again, they only came by quickly, going in the direction of Quauhtitlan. All they did was kill some people in passing at Tlaliztacapan and Iztaccalla; those who died were Tlatelolca; close to four hundred died. And when they had had full discussions and consultations about [their plans for] us, it was another forty days, in Toxcatl, with which it had been fully two years since the warriors died in Toxcatl in the temple courtyard. [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] another year with the month they called Quahuitl ehua, which began the second day of February. Then follows the second month, which they call Tlacaxipehualiztli, beginning the twenty-first of February; then follows the third month, called Toçoztontli, which begins the fifteenth day of March; then follows the fourth month, called Huei toçoztli, which begins the third day of April. It was in this month [sic] that the Spaniards left Mexico fleeing, the year before. In this year some of them returned, coming by way of Quauhtitlan, and reached Tacuba [Tlacopan]. They were there only seven days; then they went back, but after forty days they returned again and destroyed some settlements, killing more than four hundred men who were macehuales of Tlatelolco. Forty days after that, it had been two years since they came. They all returned in the month called Toxcatl.
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 52v.] tli, ic caxtolpoalli omume.* Tecuilhuitontli, ic caxtolpoalli omei: vncan cexiuhtico y, inic micque tultecaacaloco. Auh in ie no ceppa quiçaco, in ie no ceppa tiquimittaque ce xivitl, ipā matlacpoalli oce, ipan in Izcalli: quauhtitlan in quiçaco, ommotlalico in Tlacuban çanonchicomilhuitico: niman iaque vmpoaltito. Auh ie noceppa quiçaco, çan quiztiquizque quauhtitlampa itztiaque: çan tequitl ontemictitiquizque in tlaliztacapan yiztacalla: tlatilulca in micque, achi vel centzontli in mic. Auh in tecentlatalhui, in ie topan nenonotzaloc, no vmpoaltica ipan toxcatl: ie vel ic oxivitl in tiacacoan micque in teuitvalco, in Toxcatica./. ---------- *IC CAXTOLPOALLI OMUME. "Seventeenth" is correct; two months are omitted on the list.