Folio 56 recto
Translations and Transcriptions
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 56r.] que se llama vitzillan que es cerca de la yglesia de sanct Pablo, alli estaua otro paredon hecho, y a las espaldas del, estauan muchas gentes de los mexicanos alli se detuuieron algo los vergantines entre tanto que adereçauan la artilleria pa derrocar al paredon.
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] many people died from it. [When hit, each boat] quickly lifted its prow, wavered, and sank. Likewise, when they took aim at someone with the iron bolts, he did not escape; immediately he died, he expired. But when the Mexica had been able to see and judge how the guns hit, or the iron bolts, they no longer went straight, but went back and forth, going from one side to the other, zigzagging. Also, when they saw the big gun was about to go off, everyone hit the ground, spread out on the ground, crouched down, and the warriors quickly went in among the houses. The road cleared off; the highway was as if swept clean. Then [the Spaniards] reached Huitzillan, where there was another wall. Many [Mexica] lay crouching at it, hiding behind the wall. For a little while [the Spaniards’] boats were grounded. [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] called Huitzillan, which is near the church of San Pablo. Another barrier had been erected there, and behind it were many of the Mexica. The brigantines halted there for a time while they adjusted the artillery to knock down the barrier.
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 56r.] miec tlacatl ic mic: niman aaquetztivetzi, nenecuiliuhtivetzi, papachiuhtivetzi: can ie no ivi in tpuzmitl in aquin vel quimottilia, aocmo quica, niman miqui, vncan quihiovia. Auh in o vel quittaque Mexica, in o vel quinemiliq̄ in iuh vetzi tlequiquiztli, yoā in tepuzmitl, aocac motla-melauhcaquetza, ça avic vivi, tlatlaxtlapaloa, ça ixtlapalhuivi. Auh in iquac ie no quitta in ie vetziz in veitlequiquiztli, tlaltech viloa, tlaltech neteco, nepacholo. Auh in tiacavan cacalactivetzque in caltzalan chipavatimoquetz in vtli, in vchpantli, ça iuhquin chipacpul icac. Auh niman onacico in vitzillan, in oc ce vncā onoc tenamitl: auh miequintin itlan mopachotoca, quimotoctitoca in tenamitl: achitonca vncan ommacā, ontzo
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 56r.] que se llama vitzillan que es cerca de la yglesia de sanct Pablo, alli estaua otro paredon hecho, y a las espaldas del, estauan muchas gentes de los mexicanos alli se detuuieron algo los vergantines entre tanto que adereçauan la artilleria pa derrocar al paredon.
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] many people died from it. [When hit, each boat] quickly lifted its prow, wavered, and sank. Likewise, when they took aim at someone with the iron bolts, he did not escape; immediately he died, he expired. But when the Mexica had been able to see and judge how the guns hit, or the iron bolts, they no longer went straight, but went back and forth, going from one side to the other, zigzagging. Also, when they saw the big gun was about to go off, everyone hit the ground, spread out on the ground, crouched down, and the warriors quickly went in among the houses. The road cleared off; the highway was as if swept clean. Then [the Spaniards] reached Huitzillan, where there was another wall. Many [Mexica] lay crouching at it, hiding behind the wall. For a little while [the Spaniards’] boats were grounded. [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] called Huitzillan, which is near the church of San Pablo. Another barrier had been erected there, and behind it were many of the Mexica. The brigantines halted there for a time while they adjusted the artillery to knock down the barrier.
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 56r.] miec tlacatl ic mic: niman aaquetztivetzi, nenecuiliuhtivetzi, papachiuhtivetzi: can ie no ivi in tpuzmitl in aquin vel quimottilia, aocmo quica, niman miqui, vncan quihiovia. Auh in o vel quittaque Mexica, in o vel quinemiliq̄ in iuh vetzi tlequiquiztli, yoā in tepuzmitl, aocac motla-melauhcaquetza, ça avic vivi, tlatlaxtlapaloa, ça ixtlapalhuivi. Auh in iquac ie no quitta in ie vetziz in veitlequiquiztli, tlaltech viloa, tlaltech neteco, nepacholo. Auh in tiacavan cacalactivetzque in caltzalan chipavatimoquetz in vtli, in vchpantli, ça iuhquin chipacpul icac. Auh niman onacico in vitzillan, in oc ce vncā onoc tenamitl: auh miequintin itlan mopachotoca, quimotoctitoca in tenamitl: achitonca vncan ommacā, ontzo