Folio 22 recto
Translations and Transcriptions
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 22r.] traron en mexico. En todo lo restāte desde* capitulo, no se dize otra cosa, sino la orden que lleuauan los españoles: y los yndios amigos, quando entraron en mexico. ---------- *DESDE. For "deste."
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] leading. They kept turning about as they went, facing people, looking this way and that, looking sideways, gazing everywhere between the houses, examining things, looking up at the roofs. Also the dogs, their dogs, came ahead, sniffing at things and constantly panting. By himself came marching ahead, all alone, the one who bore the standard on his shoulder. He came waving it about, making it spin, tossing it here and there. It came stiffening, rising up like a warrior, twisting and turning. Following him came those with iron swords. Their iron swords came bare and gleaming. On their shoulders they bore their shields, of wood or leather. The second contingent [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] entered Mexico. In all the rest of this chapter, nothing is said except the order that the Spaniards and the Indian allies kept when they entered Mexico.
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 22r.] in teiacana;* mocuecueptivi, ommocuecueptivi, onteixnamictivi, havic tlachixtivi, nanacaz. tlachixtivitze, noviampa onitztivi in cacaltzalan,** tlaixtotocativitze, onacotlachixtivi in tlapanco; no iehoan in chichime in imitzcuinoan, iacattivitze, tlatlanecutivitze, neneciuhtivitze, nêneneciuhtivitze; yioca icativitz, iacattivitz, icel icativitz in quachpanitl quiquechpanoa, quitlatlavitzotivitz, quimamalacachotivitz, havic quitlatlaztivitz, mochichicauhtivitz, moquichquetzivitz, vel mocolotilia, mocoloquetztivitz, mocolonectivitz; quioaltoquilitivi tepuzmaquaveque, pepetlauhtivitz, in intepuzmaquauh, pepepetlacativitz, quiquequechpanoa, quiquequechpanotivitze, inchichimal, quauhchimalli, eoachimalli. Inic vntlaman ---------- *IN TEIACANA. In the manuscript, the letters "in te" are inadvertently repeated at the page break. **IN CACALTZALAN. Or "into the alleyways."
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 22r.] traron en mexico. En todo lo restāte desde* capitulo, no se dize otra cosa, sino la orden que lleuauan los españoles: y los yndios amigos, quando entraron en mexico. ---------- *DESDE. For "deste."
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] leading. They kept turning about as they went, facing people, looking this way and that, looking sideways, gazing everywhere between the houses, examining things, looking up at the roofs. Also the dogs, their dogs, came ahead, sniffing at things and constantly panting. By himself came marching ahead, all alone, the one who bore the standard on his shoulder. He came waving it about, making it spin, tossing it here and there. It came stiffening, rising up like a warrior, twisting and turning. Following him came those with iron swords. Their iron swords came bare and gleaming. On their shoulders they bore their shields, of wood or leather. The second contingent [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] entered Mexico. In all the rest of this chapter, nothing is said except the order that the Spaniards and the Indian allies kept when they entered Mexico.
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 22r.] in teiacana;* mocuecueptivi, ommocuecueptivi, onteixnamictivi, havic tlachixtivi, nanacaz. tlachixtivitze, noviampa onitztivi in cacaltzalan,** tlaixtotocativitze, onacotlachixtivi in tlapanco; no iehoan in chichime in imitzcuinoan, iacattivitze, tlatlanecutivitze, neneciuhtivitze, nêneneciuhtivitze; yioca icativitz, iacattivitz, icel icativitz in quachpanitl quiquechpanoa, quitlatlavitzotivitz, quimamalacachotivitz, havic quitlatlaztivitz, mochichicauhtivitz, moquichquetzivitz, vel mocolotilia, mocoloquetztivitz, mocolonectivitz; quioaltoquilitivi tepuzmaquaveque, pepetlauhtivitz, in intepuzmaquauh, pepepetlacativitz, quiquequechpanoa, quiquequechpanotivitze, inchichimal, quauhchimalli, eoachimalli. Inic vntlaman ---------- *IN TEIACANA. In the manuscript, the letters "in te" are inadvertently repeated at the page break. **IN CACALTZALAN. Or "into the alleyways."