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Folio 45 recto

Folio 45 recto

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 45r.] y luego començaron a subir hazia el pueblo de Teucalhuiacan. [Aquí: tres dibujos]

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] leather shields, metal shields, wooden shields. And they acquired there gold in bricks, golden disks, and gold dust, and gilded necklaces with pendants. And when they were through taking things, everyone scattered in the water, searching; some searched with their hands, some with their feet. When they [the Spaniards] were coming out, those who went in the lead were able to get through, but those who came behind were the ones who fell in, who fell in the water. They all died. It was truly like a mountain of people that was formed. They lay pressed against each other, killing and smothering each other. While this went on, [the Spaniards] at Acueco kept sleeping. It was still very dark, still dawn when they arose and readied themselves, dressing for war, donning their war gear. Then they made their departure, got started on their way, put themselves in order. And the Mexica went clamoring at them, [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] and then they began to climb toward the settlement of Teocalhueyacan.

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 45r.] eoachimalli, in tepuchimalli, in quauhchimalli: yoan vncanmomaceuh in teucuitlatl in tlaxantectli, yoan teucuitlacomalli, yoan teucuitlatl tlaxaqualolli, yoan in chaiaoaccozcatl teucuitlaio. Auh in ie ixquich in otlanamoieloc, nimā ie ic onne tepeoalo in atlan, netlatetemolilo, cequintin tlamatemoa, cequintin tlacxitemoa. Auh inic quizque in iacattiaque, ie vel quizque: auhin ça tlatzacutiaque, iehoantin in motepexivique in matlanvique, mochintin micque vel iuhqui tlacatepetl motlali monenepanotoque, çan monetechmictique, mihiomictiq̄: auh in ie iuhqui in vncā acueco, in oncochque, ocveca iovan oc vellavizcalpan in meuhq̄, in mochichiuhque, in moiauchichiuhque, in ōmaaquique in iautlatquitl: niman ie ic oneoa, onolini, ōmotema. Auh in mexica quimicavatztivi


Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 45r.] y luego començaron a subir hazia el pueblo de Teucalhuiacan. [Aquí: tres dibujos]

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] leather shields, metal shields, wooden shields. And they acquired there gold in bricks, golden disks, and gold dust, and gilded necklaces with pendants. And when they were through taking things, everyone scattered in the water, searching; some searched with their hands, some with their feet. When they [the Spaniards] were coming out, those who went in the lead were able to get through, but those who came behind were the ones who fell in, who fell in the water. They all died. It was truly like a mountain of people that was formed. They lay pressed against each other, killing and smothering each other. While this went on, [the Spaniards] at Acueco kept sleeping. It was still very dark, still dawn when they arose and readied themselves, dressing for war, donning their war gear. Then they made their departure, got started on their way, put themselves in order. And the Mexica went clamoring at them, [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] and then they began to climb toward the settlement of Teocalhueyacan.

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 45r.] eoachimalli, in tepuchimalli, in quauhchimalli: yoan vncanmomaceuh in teucuitlatl in tlaxantectli, yoan teucuitlacomalli, yoan teucuitlatl tlaxaqualolli, yoan in chaiaoaccozcatl teucuitlaio. Auh in ie ixquich in otlanamoieloc, nimā ie ic onne tepeoalo in atlan, netlatetemolilo, cequintin tlamatemoa, cequintin tlacxitemoa. Auh inic quizque in iacattiaque, ie vel quizque: auhin ça tlatzacutiaque, iehoantin in motepexivique in matlanvique, mochintin micque vel iuhqui tlacatepetl motlali monenepanotoque, çan monetechmictique, mihiomictiq̄: auh in ie iuhqui in vncā acueco, in oncochque, ocveca iovan oc vellavizcalpan in meuhq̄, in mochichiuhque, in moiauchichiuhque, in ōmaaquique in iautlatquitl: niman ie ic oneoa, onolini, ōmotema. Auh in mexica quimicavatztivi
