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Folio 32 verso, cont.

Folio 32 verso, cont.

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 32v., cont.] Capitulo .20. de como los españoles hizieron gran matança en los yndios estando haziendo la fiesta de Vitzilobuchtli en el patio del mismo Vitzilobuchtli.  Los españoles al tiempo que les parecio convenible salieron de donde estauan y tomaron todas las puertas del patio por que no saliese nadie y otros entraron con sus armas: y començaron a matar a los que estauā en el areyto y a los que tañian los cortaron las manos, y las cabeças y dauan destocadas, y de lançadas a todos quātos topauan, y hizieron vna mantāça muy grande y los que acudian a las puestas huyendo alli los matauā  algunos saltauā por las paredes algunos se metian en las capillas de los cues alli se echauā y se fingian muertos corria la sangre por el patio, 

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] Twentieth chapter, where it is said how the Spaniards killed and annihilated the Mexica who were celebrating the feast of Huitzilopochtli at what they call the Teoithualco [Divine Courtyard, Courtyard of the Gods, temple courtyard]. When things were already going on, when the festivity was being observed and there was dancing and singing, with voices raised in song, the singing was like the noise of waves breaking against the rocks. When it was time, when the moment had come for the Spaniards to do the killing, they came out equipped for battle. They came and closed off each of the places where people went in and out: Quauhquiahuac, Tecpantzinco, Acatliyacapan, and Tezcacoac. And when they had closed these exits, they stationed themselves in each, and no one could [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] Chapter Twenty, of how the Spaniards performed a great slaughter of the Indians while they were celebrating the festivity of Huitzilopochtli in the square of that same Huitzilopochtli. At the time that seemed opportune to them, the Spaniards came out from where they had been and took all the gates to the square so that no one could get out. Others entered with their weapons and began to kill those who were in the dance. They cut off the hands and heads of those who were playing instruments. They stabbed and lanced everyone they encountered, performing a very great slaughter. Those who ran fleeing to the gates were killed there. Some leaped over the walls. Some went into the chapels of the cus, where they lay down and played dead. Blood ran in the square

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 32v., cont.] Inic cempoalli capitulo: vncā mitoa in quenin Espanoles quinmictique, quimixtlatique in Mexica, in quilhuiquixtiliaia Vitzilobuchtli in vncā mitoaia Teuitoalco. Auh in ie iuhqui, in ie ilhuitlamacho, in ie netotilo in ie cuico, in ie cuicoanolo: in cuicatl, iuhquin xaxamacatimani. In ie inmā, in otlainmantic inic temictizque in Españoles: niman ie ic oalquiça omoiauchichiuhque,ocontzatzaquaco, in izquicampa quixoaia, calacoaia, inquauhquiiaoac tecpantzinco, acatl yiacapan, Tezcacoac.Auh in ocōtzatzacque: no izquicā momanque, aocac vel hoal


Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 32v., cont.] Capitulo .20. de como los españoles hizieron gran matança en los yndios estando haziendo la fiesta de Vitzilobuchtli en el patio del mismo Vitzilobuchtli.  Los españoles al tiempo que les parecio convenible salieron de donde estauan y tomaron todas las puertas del patio por que no saliese nadie y otros entraron con sus armas: y començaron a matar a los que estauā en el areyto y a los que tañian los cortaron las manos, y las cabeças y dauan destocadas, y de lançadas a todos quātos topauan, y hizieron vna mantāça muy grande y los que acudian a las puestas huyendo alli los matauā  algunos saltauā por las paredes algunos se metian en las capillas de los cues alli se echauā y se fingian muertos corria la sangre por el patio, 

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] Twentieth chapter, where it is said how the Spaniards killed and annihilated the Mexica who were celebrating the feast of Huitzilopochtli at what they call the Teoithualco [Divine Courtyard, Courtyard of the Gods, temple courtyard]. When things were already going on, when the festivity was being observed and there was dancing and singing, with voices raised in song, the singing was like the noise of waves breaking against the rocks. When it was time, when the moment had come for the Spaniards to do the killing, they came out equipped for battle. They came and closed off each of the places where people went in and out: Quauhquiahuac, Tecpantzinco, Acatliyacapan, and Tezcacoac. And when they had closed these exits, they stationed themselves in each, and no one could [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] Chapter Twenty, of how the Spaniards performed a great slaughter of the Indians while they were celebrating the festivity of Huitzilopochtli in the square of that same Huitzilopochtli. At the time that seemed opportune to them, the Spaniards came out from where they had been and took all the gates to the square so that no one could get out. Others entered with their weapons and began to kill those who were in the dance. They cut off the hands and heads of those who were playing instruments. They stabbed and lanced everyone they encountered, performing a very great slaughter. Those who ran fleeing to the gates were killed there. Some leaped over the walls. Some went into the chapels of the cus, where they lay down and played dead. Blood ran in the square

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 32v., cont.] Inic cempoalli capitulo: vncā mitoa in quenin Espanoles quinmictique, quimixtlatique in Mexica, in quilhuiquixtiliaia Vitzilobuchtli in vncā mitoaia Teuitoalco. Auh in ie iuhqui, in ie ilhuitlamacho, in ie netotilo in ie cuico, in ie cuicoanolo: in cuicatl, iuhquin xaxamacatimani. In ie inmā, in otlainmantic inic temictizque in Españoles: niman ie ic oalquiça omoiauchichiuhque,ocontzatzaquaco, in izquicampa quixoaia, calacoaia, inquauhquiiaoac tecpantzinco, acatl yiacapan, Tezcacoac.Auh in ocōtzatzacque: no izquicā momanque, aocac vel hoal
