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Folio 40 verso

Folio 40 verso

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 40v., tres dibulos; sin texto en español]

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] And there were many others who scolded him, moaning, lamenting, shaking their heads. But Itzquauhtzin they put in a boat; they took his body in a boat until they got him here to Tlatelolco. They grieved greatly, their hearts were desolate; the tears flowed down. Not a soul scolded him or cursed him. They said, “The lord Tlacochcalcatl Itzquauhtzin has suffered travail, for he suffered and was afflicted along with Moteucçoma. What tribulations he endured on our behalf in the past, during all of Moteucçoma’s time!” Then they outfitted him, equipping him with the lordly banner and other items of paper, and they gave him provisions. Then they took him and burned him in the temple courtyard at the place called Quauhxicalco. It was with great splendor that his body [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] (intentionally blank)

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 40v.] chichioalli: yoan oc miectin in caoaia, quiquinacaia, ôoiovaia, moquaquacuecuechoaia. Auh in Itzquauhtzin conacalhuito, acaltica conanatoin inacaio, inic caxitico nican tlatilulco, cenca motlaocultique, cenca icnoioac in iniollo, teixaioviton, aiac ma cavaia, aiac in ma quitelchioa: quitoaia. Oquihiovi intlacatl, in tlacuchcalcatl in Itzquauhtzin, ca ivan otlaihiovi, yoā omotolini in Motecuçoma, quexquich oquihiovi in topampa in vmpa otivallaque, otioalitztiaque inixquich cavitl in ocatca in Motecuçoma: niman ie icquichichioa in tecpanitl, yoan oc cequi amatlatquitl icquichichiuhque: yoan quitlamamacaque: auh niman icquivicaque in quitlatito in teuitvalco, itocaiocan: quauhxicalco: cenca tlamaviztililiztica inic tlatlac


Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 40v., tres dibulos; sin texto en español]

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] And there were many others who scolded him, moaning, lamenting, shaking their heads. But Itzquauhtzin they put in a boat; they took his body in a boat until they got him here to Tlatelolco. They grieved greatly, their hearts were desolate; the tears flowed down. Not a soul scolded him or cursed him. They said, “The lord Tlacochcalcatl Itzquauhtzin has suffered travail, for he suffered and was afflicted along with Moteucçoma. What tribulations he endured on our behalf in the past, during all of Moteucçoma’s time!” Then they outfitted him, equipping him with the lordly banner and other items of paper, and they gave him provisions. Then they took him and burned him in the temple courtyard at the place called Quauhxicalco. It was with great splendor that his body [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] (intentionally blank)

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 40v.] chichioalli: yoan oc miectin in caoaia, quiquinacaia, ôoiovaia, moquaquacuecuechoaia. Auh in Itzquauhtzin conacalhuito, acaltica conanatoin inacaio, inic caxitico nican tlatilulco, cenca motlaocultique, cenca icnoioac in iniollo, teixaioviton, aiac ma cavaia, aiac in ma quitelchioa: quitoaia. Oquihiovi intlacatl, in tlacuchcalcatl in Itzquauhtzin, ca ivan otlaihiovi, yoā omotolini in Motecuçoma, quexquich oquihiovi in topampa in vmpa otivallaque, otioalitztiaque inixquich cavitl in ocatca in Motecuçoma: niman ie icquichichioa in tecpanitl, yoan oc cequi amatlatquitl icquichichiuhque: yoan quitlamamacaque: auh niman icquivicaque in quitlatito in teuitvalco, itocaiocan: quauhxicalco: cenca tlamaviztililiztica inic tlatlac
