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Folio 69 verso

Folio 69 verso

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 69v., tres dibujos; sin texto en español]

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] Then our enemies retired. And at Yacacolco likewise there was fighting. The Spaniards who shoot the iron bolts came in formation. The Four Lords came helping them, accompanying them, closing the road. And the warriors crouched down in order to penetrate into their midst. The sun was already low. And as they were just about to come [out attacking the Spaniards], some of our enemies climbed on a roof and cried out, saying, “Hey, Tlaxcalans, come running, here are your enemies!” Then they threw darts down on those who had been crouched there, and they dispersed. Slowly [the Spaniards] reached Yacacolco; the battle was fierce there. They just hit against a wall, they could not break through the Tlatelolca. Those who were on the other side of the water shot arrows at them, threw stones at them. They were not able to cross, not able to find a way over. [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] (intentionally blank)

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 69v.] ]ic ommomiquili: auh nimā ic mocototztlalique in toiaovan. Auh in vmpa in iacacolco: çanno ivi in tlaiecolo, in Espanoles in tlatepuzmivia tecpantivitze, quinpalevitivitze, quintlamatilitivitze in nauhtecutli, quitzacutivitze in vtli. Auh in tiacavan nec nepacholo, inic quincuitla xelozque, ie ommopiloa in tonatiuh. Auh in ie iuhqui in ie vitze: cequintin tlapanco tlecoque in toiaovan: auh in otzatzic, quito. hui tlaxcaltecae, xioalnenemican, nican cate in amoiaovan: nec quivallaça in mitl, in impan in mopachotoca, nec xitinque: yiolic onacico in iacaculco vncā motetemmā in iauiotl: çan vncā ommotzotzonaco avel quinpetlaque in Tlatilulca, in amac onoque quinvalmina, quinvaltepachoa aoctle in panoani, aoctle acuepanavaztli, ocaanque.


Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 69v., tres dibujos; sin texto en español]

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] Then our enemies retired. And at Yacacolco likewise there was fighting. The Spaniards who shoot the iron bolts came in formation. The Four Lords came helping them, accompanying them, closing the road. And the warriors crouched down in order to penetrate into their midst. The sun was already low. And as they were just about to come [out attacking the Spaniards], some of our enemies climbed on a roof and cried out, saying, “Hey, Tlaxcalans, come running, here are your enemies!” Then they threw darts down on those who had been crouched there, and they dispersed. Slowly [the Spaniards] reached Yacacolco; the battle was fierce there. They just hit against a wall, they could not break through the Tlatelolca. Those who were on the other side of the water shot arrows at them, threw stones at them. They were not able to cross, not able to find a way over. [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] (intentionally blank)

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 69v.] ]ic ommomiquili: auh nimā ic mocototztlalique in toiaovan. Auh in vmpa in iacacolco: çanno ivi in tlaiecolo, in Espanoles in tlatepuzmivia tecpantivitze, quinpalevitivitze, quintlamatilitivitze in nauhtecutli, quitzacutivitze in vtli. Auh in tiacavan nec nepacholo, inic quincuitla xelozque, ie ommopiloa in tonatiuh. Auh in ie iuhqui in ie vitze: cequintin tlapanco tlecoque in toiaovan: auh in otzatzic, quito. hui tlaxcaltecae, xioalnenemican, nican cate in amoiaovan: nec quivallaça in mitl, in impan in mopachotoca, nec xitinque: yiolic onacico in iacaculco vncā motetemmā in iauiotl: çan vncā ommotzotzonaco avel quinpetlaque in Tlatilulca, in amac onoque quinvalmina, quinvaltepachoa aoctle in panoani, aoctle acuepanavaztli, ocaanque.
