Folio 85 verso
Translations and Transcriptions
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 85v.] verdad que todo lo tomamos? pero todo nos lo tomaron en aquel paso del acequia que se llama Toltecaacaloco, es menester que luego parezca. Y luego respondio vn principal mexicano que se llamaua Cioacoatl Tlacutzin, y dixo a Marina dile al dios capitan q̄ nosotros los mexicanos no peleamos por el agua con canoas ni sabemos esta manera de pelea que solos los del tlatilulco que peleauan por el agua atajaron a n̄r̄os señores los españoles y creemos que solos ellos lo tomaron: y luego respondio Quauhtemoctzin y dixo al principal Cioacoatl que es lo que dizes aunque es asi, que los del Tlatilulco lo tomaron por ello fueron presos, y todo lo tornaron en el lugar de Texopan se junto todo, y esto es lo que esta aqui y no ay mas; dixo luego Marina: el n̄r̄o capitan dize que no esta aqui todo: y respondio el principal Cioacoatl por uentura algun maceoal a tomado algo. Buscarse a: y traerse a a la presencia del capitan
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] “If our lord the god will pay heed, did our lords not take with them all that was brought to our palace when he was there, all of which was turned into bars?” Then Marina replied, “The Captain says, ‘Yes, we took everything that was assembled, and it was stamped. But they made us let it go at the Tolteca canal, they made us drop it there. They are to produce all of it.’” Then the Cihuacoatl Tlacotzin replied, “Let the god, the Captain, pay heed. The Tenochca stand back from boats, it is not their affair; rather the Tlatelolca took it upon themselves alone to fight in boats [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] true that we took it all, but they took it all from us in crossing the canal called Toltecaacaloco. It is necessary that it be produced immediately." Then a Mexica leader called Cihuacoatl Tlacotzin answered, saying to Marina, "Tell the god and captain that we Mexica do not fight on the water with canoes, nor do we understand this kind of fighting. Only the Tlatelolca who were fighting on the water intercepted our lords the Spaniards, and we believe that they alone took it." Then Quauhtemoctzin answered, saying to the leader Cihuacoatl, "What are you saying? Although it is true that the Tlatelolca took it, they were apprehended for it and returned it all. It was all assembled in the place Texopan, and it is what is here. There is no more." Then Marina said, "Our Captain says that it is not all here." The leader Cihuacoatl answered, "Perhaps some macehual has taken something. It will be sought and brought into the presence of the Captain."
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 85v.] Tla quimocaquiti in totecuio in teutl, ca o ipan maxitico in totecpan, ca much ticxaxantzacque, amo nel much quimotquilique in totecuiovan? niman quivalito in Malintzin, quimitalhuia in Capitan, Quemaca ca much ticcuique, muchi omocentlali, yoan muchi omumachioti: auh ca much techtlaçaltique in vncā tulteca acaloco, much oncā techtepevaltique, much quinextizque: nimā ie ic tlananquilia in Cioacoatl tlacutzin, tla quimocaquiti in teutl in Capitā. Ca vel acalco moquetza in tenuchcatl, ca amo ichivil, ca çan ineixcavil quichiuh in tlatilulcatl, in acal
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 85v.] verdad que todo lo tomamos? pero todo nos lo tomaron en aquel paso del acequia que se llama Toltecaacaloco, es menester que luego parezca. Y luego respondio vn principal mexicano que se llamaua Cioacoatl Tlacutzin, y dixo a Marina dile al dios capitan q̄ nosotros los mexicanos no peleamos por el agua con canoas ni sabemos esta manera de pelea que solos los del tlatilulco que peleauan por el agua atajaron a n̄r̄os señores los españoles y creemos que solos ellos lo tomaron: y luego respondio Quauhtemoctzin y dixo al principal Cioacoatl que es lo que dizes aunque es asi, que los del Tlatilulco lo tomaron por ello fueron presos, y todo lo tornaron en el lugar de Texopan se junto todo, y esto es lo que esta aqui y no ay mas; dixo luego Marina: el n̄r̄o capitan dize que no esta aqui todo: y respondio el principal Cioacoatl por uentura algun maceoal a tomado algo. Buscarse a: y traerse a a la presencia del capitan
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] “If our lord the god will pay heed, did our lords not take with them all that was brought to our palace when he was there, all of which was turned into bars?” Then Marina replied, “The Captain says, ‘Yes, we took everything that was assembled, and it was stamped. But they made us let it go at the Tolteca canal, they made us drop it there. They are to produce all of it.’” Then the Cihuacoatl Tlacotzin replied, “Let the god, the Captain, pay heed. The Tenochca stand back from boats, it is not their affair; rather the Tlatelolca took it upon themselves alone to fight in boats [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] true that we took it all, but they took it all from us in crossing the canal called Toltecaacaloco. It is necessary that it be produced immediately." Then a Mexica leader called Cihuacoatl Tlacotzin answered, saying to Marina, "Tell the god and captain that we Mexica do not fight on the water with canoes, nor do we understand this kind of fighting. Only the Tlatelolca who were fighting on the water intercepted our lords the Spaniards, and we believe that they alone took it." Then Quauhtemoctzin answered, saying to the leader Cihuacoatl, "What are you saying? Although it is true that the Tlatelolca took it, they were apprehended for it and returned it all. It was all assembled in the place Texopan, and it is what is here. There is no more." Then Marina said, "Our Captain says that it is not all here." The leader Cihuacoatl answered, "Perhaps some macehual has taken something. It will be sought and brought into the presence of the Captain."
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 85v.] Tla quimocaquiti in totecuio in teutl, ca o ipan maxitico in totecpan, ca much ticxaxantzacque, amo nel much quimotquilique in totecuiovan? niman quivalito in Malintzin, quimitalhuia in Capitan, Quemaca ca much ticcuique, muchi omocentlali, yoan muchi omumachioti: auh ca much techtlaçaltique in vncā tulteca acaloco, much oncā techtepevaltique, much quinextizque: nimā ie ic tlananquilia in Cioacoatl tlacutzin, tla quimocaquiti in teutl in Capitā. Ca vel acalco moquetza in tenuchcatl, ca amo ichivil, ca çan ineixcavil quichiuh in tlatilulcatl, in acal