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Folio 86 recto

Folio 86 recto

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 86r., sin dibujos y sin texto en español]

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] and to intercept our lords. Was it not perhaps the Tlatelolca who took it all?” Then Quauhtemoctzin spoke in turn, replying to the Cihuacoatl, “What are you saying, Cihuacoatl? Although the Tlatelolca took it, were not those who took things apprehended? Did they not produce everything? Was it not collected at Texopan? And is this not what our lords took?” Quauhtemoctzin pointed to the gold with his finger. Then Marina replied to him, “The Captain says, ‘Is this all?’” Then the Cihuacoatl said, “Perhaps some of the common folk removed it, but it will be investigated, our lord the Captain will see it.” [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] (intentionally blank)

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 86r.] tica tlaiecoque, in quiniacatzacuilito in totecuiovā amo nel iehoantin muchi quicuique in tlatilulca: nimā ie ic vallatoa in Quauhtemoctzin: quivalilhui in Cioacoatl, tlein tiquitoa Cioacoatle: maço quicuiq̄ in tlatilulca, amo ic çaçacoque in tlamaceuhque? amo muchi quinextique? amo texopan in monechico? auh tlein oconmocuilique in totecuiovan amo iehoatl in? commapilhui in teucuitlatl in Quauhtemoctzin: nimā quivalilhui in Malintzin quimitalhuia in capitan Çan ie ixquich in? niman ic conito in cioacoatl, aço aca quiquixti in Macevalli, atel motlatemoliz, aquimottiliz in totecuio in capi


Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 86r., sin dibujos y sin texto en español]

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] and to intercept our lords. Was it not perhaps the Tlatelolca who took it all?” Then Quauhtemoctzin spoke in turn, replying to the Cihuacoatl, “What are you saying, Cihuacoatl? Although the Tlatelolca took it, were not those who took things apprehended? Did they not produce everything? Was it not collected at Texopan? And is this not what our lords took?” Quauhtemoctzin pointed to the gold with his finger. Then Marina replied to him, “The Captain says, ‘Is this all?’” Then the Cihuacoatl said, “Perhaps some of the common folk removed it, but it will be investigated, our lord the Captain will see it.” [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] (intentionally blank)

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 86r.] tica tlaiecoque, in quiniacatzacuilito in totecuiovā amo nel iehoantin muchi quicuique in tlatilulca: nimā ie ic vallatoa in Quauhtemoctzin: quivalilhui in Cioacoatl, tlein tiquitoa Cioacoatle: maço quicuiq̄ in tlatilulca, amo ic çaçacoque in tlamaceuhque? amo muchi quinextique? amo texopan in monechico? auh tlein oconmocuilique in totecuiovan amo iehoatl in? commapilhui in teucuitlatl in Quauhtemoctzin: nimā quivalilhui in Malintzin quimitalhuia in capitan Çan ie ixquich in? niman ic conito in cioacoatl, aço aca quiquixti in Macevalli, atel motlatemoliz, aquimottiliz in totecuio in capi
