Folio 85 recto
Translations and Transcriptions
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 85r.] Como estuuieron juntos los tres señores de mexico, y tetzcuco, y tlacuba, con sus principales delāte de Don hernādo cortes, mando a Marina que les dixese donde esta el oro que auia dexado en mexico? Y luego los mexicanos le sacaron todas las joyas que tenian ascondidas en vna canoa llena, y todo lo pusieron delante del capitan, y de los españoles que con el estauā: y como lo vio dixo no ay mas oro que este en mexico? Sacaldo todo, que es menester todo: y luego vn principal que llamauan Tlacutzin hablo a Marina respōdiendo: Di a n̄r̄o señor y dios, que quando llego a las casas reales, la primera vez vio todo lo que avia, y todas las salas cerramos con adoues, no sabemus que se hizo el oro que auia tenemos que todo lo lleuaron ellos, y no tenemos mas desto agora; y el capitan respondio diziendo que es
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] Then the Marqués, the Captain, spoke to the rulers, saying to them, “Where is the gold that was kept in Mexico?” Then they took out of the boats all the gold: the golden banners, the golden miters, the golden arm bands, the golden leg bands, the golden helmets, the golden disks. They laid it all before the Captain, but the Spaniards came to remove it all. Then the Captain said, “Is this all the gold that was kept in Mexico? You are to produce it all, for our lords are seeking it urgently.” Then Tlacotzin spoke up: [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] When the three lords of Mexico, Tetzcoco, and Tacuba were assembled with their subordinate leaders before don Hernando Cortés, he ordered Marina to ask them where the gold was that he had left in Mexico. Then the Mexica got out for him all the precious items they had hidden in a full canoe and put it all before the Captain and the Spaniards who were with him. When he saw it, he said, "Is there no more gold than this in Mexico? Get it all out, for it is all needed." Then a leader named Tlacotzin spoke in answer to Marina, "Tell our lord and god that when he came to the palace the first time he saw everything that there was. We closed all the rooms with adobe bricks; we don't know what happened to the gold that was there. We believe that they took it all with them, and we have no more than this now." The Captain answered, saying, "It is
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 85r.] Niman ie ic quinnonotza in Marques in Capitan in tlatoque: quimilhuia. Catli in teucuitlatl? in omopiaia Mexico: niman ie ic vallaquixtilo in acalco in ixquich in teucuitlatl, in teucuitlapanitl, in teucuitlacopilli, in teucuitlamatemecatl, in teucuitlacotzevatl, in teucuitlaquacalalatli, in teucuitlacomalli: muchi ixpan contecaque in capitan, çā much iehoan in Españoles in vallaquixtique: niman ie ic quitoa in Capitan, çan ie ixquich in in teucuitlatl? in omopiaia Mexico, muchi anquinextizque? ca vel quitemoa in totecuiovan: Nimā ie ic ontlatoa in Tlacutzin.
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 85r.] Como estuuieron juntos los tres señores de mexico, y tetzcuco, y tlacuba, con sus principales delāte de Don hernādo cortes, mando a Marina que les dixese donde esta el oro que auia dexado en mexico? Y luego los mexicanos le sacaron todas las joyas que tenian ascondidas en vna canoa llena, y todo lo pusieron delante del capitan, y de los españoles que con el estauā: y como lo vio dixo no ay mas oro que este en mexico? Sacaldo todo, que es menester todo: y luego vn principal que llamauan Tlacutzin hablo a Marina respōdiendo: Di a n̄r̄o señor y dios, que quando llego a las casas reales, la primera vez vio todo lo que avia, y todas las salas cerramos con adoues, no sabemus que se hizo el oro que auia tenemos que todo lo lleuaron ellos, y no tenemos mas desto agora; y el capitan respondio diziendo que es
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] Then the Marqués, the Captain, spoke to the rulers, saying to them, “Where is the gold that was kept in Mexico?” Then they took out of the boats all the gold: the golden banners, the golden miters, the golden arm bands, the golden leg bands, the golden helmets, the golden disks. They laid it all before the Captain, but the Spaniards came to remove it all. Then the Captain said, “Is this all the gold that was kept in Mexico? You are to produce it all, for our lords are seeking it urgently.” Then Tlacotzin spoke up: [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] When the three lords of Mexico, Tetzcoco, and Tacuba were assembled with their subordinate leaders before don Hernando Cortés, he ordered Marina to ask them where the gold was that he had left in Mexico. Then the Mexica got out for him all the precious items they had hidden in a full canoe and put it all before the Captain and the Spaniards who were with him. When he saw it, he said, "Is there no more gold than this in Mexico? Get it all out, for it is all needed." Then a leader named Tlacotzin spoke in answer to Marina, "Tell our lord and god that when he came to the palace the first time he saw everything that there was. We closed all the rooms with adobe bricks; we don't know what happened to the gold that was there. We believe that they took it all with them, and we have no more than this now." The Captain answered, saying, "It is
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 85r.] Niman ie ic quinnonotza in Marques in Capitan in tlatoque: quimilhuia. Catli in teucuitlatl? in omopiaia Mexico: niman ie ic vallaquixtilo in acalco in ixquich in teucuitlatl, in teucuitlapanitl, in teucuitlacopilli, in teucuitlamatemecatl, in teucuitlacotzevatl, in teucuitlaquacalalatli, in teucuitlacomalli: muchi ixpan contecaque in capitan, çā much iehoan in Españoles in vallaquixtique: niman ie ic quitoa in Capitan, çan ie ixquich in in teucuitlatl? in omopiaia Mexico, muchi anquinextizque? ca vel quitemoa in totecuiovan: Nimā ie ic ontlatoa in Tlacutzin.