Folio 86 verso
Translations and Transcriptions
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 86v.] Otra uez dixo Marina el señor capitan, dize que busqueys docientos tesoelos de oro tan grandes, como asi: y señales con las manos, el grandor de vna patena de caliz: otra uez hablo el principal Cioacoatl, y dixo por uentura algunas de las mugeres lo lleuaron ascondido debaxo, de las nauas, buscarse a, y traerse a a la presencia del sñor capitan: luego alli hablo otro p̓ncipal, que se llamaua Miscoatlaylotlac auelitoctzin, dile al señor capitan que quando viuia Motecuçoma el estilo que se tenia en conquistar era este que yuan los mexicanos, y los tetzcucanos, y los de Tlacuba, y los de las chinampas, todos juntos yvan sobre el pueblo o prouincia que queriā conquistar:
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] Then again Marina replied, “The Captain says that you are to produce two hundred pieces of gold of this size.” She measured it with her hands, making a circle with her hands. Again the Cihuacoatl replied, saying, “Perhaps some woman put it in her skirt. It will be sought; he will see it.” Then the Mixcoatlailotlac Ahuelitoctzin spoke up, saying, “May the lord our lord, the Captain, pay heed. When Moteucçoma was still alive, when there was a conquest somewhere, the Mexica, the Tlatelolca, the Tepaneca and the Acolhuaque all went together. All of us, all of the Tepaneca, the Acol [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] Again Marina said, "The lord Captain says you should look for two hundred disks of gold this big," and she signaled with her hands the size of a chalice plate. Again the leader Cihuacoatl spoke, saying, "Perhaps some of the women took it hidden underneath their skirts. It will be looked for and brought into the presence of the lord Captain." Then another leader, named Mixcoatlailotlac Ahuelitoctzin, spoke up, saying, "Tell the lord Captain that when Moteucçoma was alive, the custom that was maintained in conquering was this: the Mexica, the Tetzcoca, the people of Tacuba, and the people of the chinampas went all together against the settlement or province that they wanted to conquer,
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 86v.] tan: nimā ie no ceppa quivalito in Malintzin, quimitalhuia in Capitan Matlacpoalli anquinextizque in teucuitlatl ixquich in: quivaltamachiuh imatica, quivaliavallali in ima: ie no ceppa ontlananquili in civacoatl: quito. Aço ça aca ipan mocueti in civatzintli, amotemoliz, aquimottiliz:* niman ie ic ontlatoa in Mixcoatlailotlac, avelitoctzin: quito. tla quimocaquiti in tlacatl in totecuio in Capitan, in oc vnca Motecuçoma, in iquac ontepevaloia cana, ca cemolini in Mexicatl, in tlatilulcatl, in tepanecatl in aculhoa: in ixquich tepanecatl, in ixquich acul ---------- *AQUIMOTTILIZ. The a prefixed to some verbs here and above appears not to be a negative.
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 86v.] Otra uez dixo Marina el señor capitan, dize que busqueys docientos tesoelos de oro tan grandes, como asi: y señales con las manos, el grandor de vna patena de caliz: otra uez hablo el principal Cioacoatl, y dixo por uentura algunas de las mugeres lo lleuaron ascondido debaxo, de las nauas, buscarse a, y traerse a a la presencia del sñor capitan: luego alli hablo otro p̓ncipal, que se llamaua Miscoatlaylotlac auelitoctzin, dile al señor capitan que quando viuia Motecuçoma el estilo que se tenia en conquistar era este que yuan los mexicanos, y los tetzcucanos, y los de Tlacuba, y los de las chinampas, todos juntos yvan sobre el pueblo o prouincia que queriā conquistar:
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] Then again Marina replied, “The Captain says that you are to produce two hundred pieces of gold of this size.” She measured it with her hands, making a circle with her hands. Again the Cihuacoatl replied, saying, “Perhaps some woman put it in her skirt. It will be sought; he will see it.” Then the Mixcoatlailotlac Ahuelitoctzin spoke up, saying, “May the lord our lord, the Captain, pay heed. When Moteucçoma was still alive, when there was a conquest somewhere, the Mexica, the Tlatelolca, the Tepaneca and the Acolhuaque all went together. All of us, all of the Tepaneca, the Acol [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] Again Marina said, "The lord Captain says you should look for two hundred disks of gold this big," and she signaled with her hands the size of a chalice plate. Again the leader Cihuacoatl spoke, saying, "Perhaps some of the women took it hidden underneath their skirts. It will be looked for and brought into the presence of the lord Captain." Then another leader, named Mixcoatlailotlac Ahuelitoctzin, spoke up, saying, "Tell the lord Captain that when Moteucçoma was alive, the custom that was maintained in conquering was this: the Mexica, the Tetzcoca, the people of Tacuba, and the people of the chinampas went all together against the settlement or province that they wanted to conquer,
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 86v.] tan: nimā ie no ceppa quivalito in Malintzin, quimitalhuia in Capitan Matlacpoalli anquinextizque in teucuitlatl ixquich in: quivaltamachiuh imatica, quivaliavallali in ima: ie no ceppa ontlananquili in civacoatl: quito. Aço ça aca ipan mocueti in civatzintli, amotemoliz, aquimottiliz:* niman ie ic ontlatoa in Mixcoatlailotlac, avelitoctzin: quito. tla quimocaquiti in tlacatl in totecuio in Capitan, in oc vnca Motecuçoma, in iquac ontepevaloia cana, ca cemolini in Mexicatl, in tlatilulcatl, in tepanecatl in aculhoa: in ixquich tepanecatl, in ixquich acul ---------- *AQUIMOTTILIZ. The a prefixed to some verbs here and above appears not to be a negative.