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Translations and Transcriptions
English Translation
Citation and declaration. On the same day mentioned on the back [of the sheet], there appeared before us the citizens of the tlaxilacalli of Santo Domingo Huexotitlan and the citizens of the tlaxilacalli of Pochtlan and Bartolomé de Vargas, who were questioned about the land of señor don Antonio González that he bought from those whose names are mentioned in the instrument of sale, whether it was truly inherited land or if they know it to be someone's property or tlaxilacalli land. And they answered, “We have nothing to demand concerning the aforementioned land,” and that they know that it was really the property of the sellers of the land, that it was their inherited land, and that is what they answered. [To show] that it is valid and authentic we set down here our names and our signatures, with witnesses. As a witness and their proxy, Juan Soriano. Don Marcos Juan, alcalde. Don Vicente Ferrer Bautista, governor. Manuel de Paredes. Before me, don Antonio Bilibaldo y Flores, notary of the municipality. Judgment and measurements. On the same day aforementioned, when I the judge-governor and all the municipal officials had heard the statement of the tlaxilacalli citizens and seen how no one contradicts the possession that the land purchaser requests, I summoned the fields judge and with the power of our great ruler the king our lord I ordered him to measure the land. And from east to west it measured 40 brazas, on the east abutting on Bartolomé de Vargas’s land and on the west on the road going to Quauhpanahuazco and the land that belonged to señor Andrés González, whom God took, that now his children have. And in width it measured 20 brazas from north to south. It abuts on the north on lands of the citizens of the tlaxilacalli of San Simón Pochtlan, and on the south it abuts on the lands of the citizens of the tlaxilacalli of Santo Domingo Huexotitlan. And the unit of land measurement with which it was measured is the one that is 21/2 varas long, called “one full height.” And when the measurement was finished I summoned señor don Antonio González, member of the Third Order, and with the power of the king our lord I introduced him into possession. He threw stones, [gathered?] grass, and strolled about on his purchased land signifying that he took possession peacefully; no one disputed it or stepped forward. [Translation by James Lockhart; continues on the next page]
Analytic Transcription
Sitasion y declarasion Sano ipan in tonali tlaCutlapan Omotenehu tixpan onetzque in tlaXilacaleque Domingo hueXotitla ihuan in poxtlan tlaxilacaleque ihuan Bartholome de Bargas Otlatlaniloque itehcacopa in itlaltzin Sr Dn Antt.o Gonsales OquinmoCohuilili in motocatenehua ypan in esCritura de Benta Cux melahuac tlalnemactle aso quimati aca imaxca anose tlaxilacallali Otlananquilique Camo ticpi[e] tlein tiquitlanitzque itehcacopa in omotenehu tlali ahu ca quimati Ca huel imaxca Ocacca in tlalnamacaque Ca intlalnemac Ocacca ahu llehuatl in Otlananquilique ahu inic neltilistle melahuac niCan tictlalia totoCa yhuan tofirma yCa testigos Por testigo yApoderado Juan Soriano D.n Marcos Juan Alcalde D.n Vicente ferrer Baptta Govr Manuel de Paredez Ante mi Dn Antt.o Bilibaldo y flores Esno de Repca Sentensia y medidas Sano ipan tonali Omotenehu in icuac Oniquincaquili in tlaxilacaleque intlatol ihuan Oniquitac in nehuatle (sic) ni Jues G.or ihuan moxtintzitzin Ofisiales de Republica inic allac quiContradisiroa in posesion quimotlania in tlalCoccatzintle Onicnotzi in Jues de Sementeras ihuan Onicnahuati iCa yhuelitzin tohuitlatocatzin Rey N. S.r quitamachihuas in tlali ahu inic Oriente ihuan poniente quipix onpohuali brasadas inic Oriente moCuaxohnamiqui yca itlal Bartholome de Bargas ahu inic poniente ica in otli llahu Cuahupanahuasco yhuan itlaltzin OCacca in Dios Oquimohuiquili Sr Andres Gonsales axcan quipixticate in ipilhuantzitzi ahu inic patlahuac Oquipix de norte a Sur Senpohuali brasadas moCuaxohnamiqui inic norte ica intlal tlaxilacaleque Sn Simon poxtlan ahu inic Sur moCuaxohnamiqui ica intlal Domingo huexotitlan tlaXilacaleque ahu in tlalCuahuitl inic omotamachihu Ca llehualtl [sic] in quipie ome bara yhuan tlaco motenehua tzennequetzalpan ahu llotlan Omotamachihu Onicnonochili in Sr Dn Antt.o Gonsales tersero yhuan yca in ihuelitzin Rey N. S.r onicnocalaquili inpan posesion Omotlamochili Omotlaxihutemili Omopaxialolti ipan in itlalcoaltzin inesca Ca lloQuimocuyli posesion Cualllotica allac Otlachalani Otlapalolo — [Transcription by James Lockhart; continues on the next page]
English Translation
Citation and declaration. On the same day mentioned on the back [of the sheet], there appeared before us the citizens of the tlaxilacalli of Santo Domingo Huexotitlan and the citizens of the tlaxilacalli of Pochtlan and Bartolomé de Vargas, who were questioned about the land of señor don Antonio González that he bought from those whose names are mentioned in the instrument of sale, whether it was truly inherited land or if they know it to be someone's property or tlaxilacalli land. And they answered, “We have nothing to demand concerning the aforementioned land,” and that they know that it was really the property of the sellers of the land, that it was their inherited land, and that is what they answered. [To show] that it is valid and authentic we set down here our names and our signatures, with witnesses. As a witness and their proxy, Juan Soriano. Don Marcos Juan, alcalde. Don Vicente Ferrer Bautista, governor. Manuel de Paredes. Before me, don Antonio Bilibaldo y Flores, notary of the municipality. Judgment and measurements. On the same day aforementioned, when I the judge-governor and all the municipal officials had heard the statement of the tlaxilacalli citizens and seen how no one contradicts the possession that the land purchaser requests, I summoned the fields judge and with the power of our great ruler the king our lord I ordered him to measure the land. And from east to west it measured 40 brazas, on the east abutting on Bartolomé de Vargas’s land and on the west on the road going to Quauhpanahuazco and the land that belonged to señor Andrés González, whom God took, that now his children have. And in width it measured 20 brazas from north to south. It abuts on the north on lands of the citizens of the tlaxilacalli of San Simón Pochtlan, and on the south it abuts on the lands of the citizens of the tlaxilacalli of Santo Domingo Huexotitlan. And the unit of land measurement with which it was measured is the one that is 21/2 varas long, called “one full height.” And when the measurement was finished I summoned señor don Antonio González, member of the Third Order, and with the power of the king our lord I introduced him into possession. He threw stones, [gathered?] grass, and strolled about on his purchased land signifying that he took possession peacefully; no one disputed it or stepped forward. [Translation by James Lockhart; continues on the next page]
Analytic Transcription
Sitasion y declarasion Sano ipan in tonali tlaCutlapan Omotenehu tixpan onetzque in tlaXilacaleque Domingo hueXotitla ihuan in poxtlan tlaxilacaleque ihuan Bartholome de Bargas Otlatlaniloque itehcacopa in itlaltzin Sr Dn Antt.o Gonsales OquinmoCohuilili in motocatenehua ypan in esCritura de Benta Cux melahuac tlalnemactle aso quimati aca imaxca anose tlaxilacallali Otlananquilique Camo ticpi[e] tlein tiquitlanitzque itehcacopa in omotenehu tlali ahu ca quimati Ca huel imaxca Ocacca in tlalnamacaque Ca intlalnemac Ocacca ahu llehuatl in Otlananquilique ahu inic neltilistle melahuac niCan tictlalia totoCa yhuan tofirma yCa testigos Por testigo yApoderado Juan Soriano D.n Marcos Juan Alcalde D.n Vicente ferrer Baptta Govr Manuel de Paredez Ante mi Dn Antt.o Bilibaldo y flores Esno de Repca Sentensia y medidas Sano ipan tonali Omotenehu in icuac Oniquincaquili in tlaxilacaleque intlatol ihuan Oniquitac in nehuatle (sic) ni Jues G.or ihuan moxtintzitzin Ofisiales de Republica inic allac quiContradisiroa in posesion quimotlania in tlalCoccatzintle Onicnotzi in Jues de Sementeras ihuan Onicnahuati iCa yhuelitzin tohuitlatocatzin Rey N. S.r quitamachihuas in tlali ahu inic Oriente ihuan poniente quipix onpohuali brasadas inic Oriente moCuaxohnamiqui yca itlal Bartholome de Bargas ahu inic poniente ica in otli llahu Cuahupanahuasco yhuan itlaltzin OCacca in Dios Oquimohuiquili Sr Andres Gonsales axcan quipixticate in ipilhuantzitzi ahu inic patlahuac Oquipix de norte a Sur Senpohuali brasadas moCuaxohnamiqui inic norte ica intlal tlaxilacaleque Sn Simon poxtlan ahu inic Sur moCuaxohnamiqui ica intlal Domingo huexotitlan tlaXilacaleque ahu in tlalCuahuitl inic omotamachihu Ca llehualtl [sic] in quipie ome bara yhuan tlaco motenehua tzennequetzalpan ahu llotlan Omotamachihu Onicnonochili in Sr Dn Antt.o Gonsales tersero yhuan yca in ihuelitzin Rey N. S.r onicnocalaquili inpan posesion Omotlamochili Omotlaxihutemili Omopaxialolti ipan in itlalcoaltzin inesca Ca lloQuimocuyli posesion Cualllotica allac Otlachalani Otlapalolo — [Transcription by James Lockhart; continues on the next page]