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Page 4

Fourth page of the 1738 manuscript.

Translations and Transcriptions

English Translation

Possession. In the presence of all the aforementioned tlaxilacalli citizens, now and here we issue this document, since no one contradicted the possession that the Spaniard señor don Antonio González took, and if anyone should dispute it in any future time, justice will be entirely on his side, because they will no longer have any voice in it, because they were asked if they had any demands concerning the aforementioned land, and they answered no, and declared that it was really the property of the sellers of the land, as appears in the citation and declaration that the tlaxilacalli citizens made. And if any [other] document should appear it is not to be believed; what is to be fully accepted is the one we make here; both we [present] officers of the law and those who come to hold office in the future will approve our judgment, wherefore we set down here our names and signatures, with witnesses. — As a witness and their proxy, Juan Soriano. Don Marcos Juan, alcalde. Don Vicente Ferrer Bautista, governor. Manuel de Paredes. Before me, don Antonio Bilibaldo y Flores, notary of the municipality. Decree. On the 20th day of the count of the month of December of the year of 1738, here in the government building of Mexicapan, I the judge-governor don Vicente Ferrer de Bautista and the alcalde don Marcos Juan and all the officials of the municipality pronounce that señor don Antonio González, member of the Third Order, is to be given these proceedings to serve in his support. And [to show] that it is valid we set down here our names and signatures [with] witnesses. — As a witness and their proxy, Juan Soriano. Don Marcos Juan, alcalde. Don Vicente Ferrer Bautista, governor. Manuel de Paredes. Juan de Mora. Before me, don Antonio Bilibaldo y Flores, notary of the municipality. [Translation by James Lockhart; continues on the next page]

Analytic Transcription

Posesion ixpan in mochtintzitzin tlaxilacaleque in omotenehuque ahu in axcan nican tictomaquilia ynin amatlaculoli lleyCa allac OquiContradisiro in posesion OquimoCuili i caxtiltecal S.r Dn Antt.o gonsales ahu intla aca tlachalanis ipan itla Cahuitl Ca huel iteh lles Justisia tleican Cacmo itlatohuallan ipanpa llotlatlaniloque Cux quipie tlein quitlanisquia inpan in Omotenehu tlali Otlananquilique Camo ihuan Otlatlaixpantilique Ca huel inmaxca Ocacca in tlalnamaCaque inpan netzi in sitasion ihuan declarasion Oquichihuque y tlaxilacaleque ahu tla itla amatl nesis acmo neltocos in tlein huel moCaquis llehualtl [sic] in nican ticchihua icqui tiJustisias ahu in moicatze motlatequipanilhuisque quimohuelCaquitisque in totlatzontec yca nican tictlalia totoca yhuan tofirma yCa testigos — Por testigo yApoderado Juan Soriano Dn Marcos Juan Alcalde Dn Vicente ferrer Baptista Govr Manuel de Paredez Ante mi Dn Antt.o Bilibaldo y flores de Repca Auto Ypan tlapohua metztli Senpohuali tonali de Disiembre mil Setesientos treinta y Ocho aos nican ipan Casas Reales Mexicapan in Nehuatl niJues G.or Dn Visente ferrer Bautista i Alcalde Dn Marcos Juo in lle moxtintzitzi Ofisiales de Republica titlatzontequi Ma momacatzino in Sr Dn Antto Gonsales tersero inin deliJensias in ipalehuilocatzin mochihuas ahu inic neltilistle nican tictlalia totoca tofirma y testigos. — Por testigo yApoderado Juan Soriano Dn Marcos Juan Alcalde Dn Vicente ferrer Baptista Govr Manuel de Paredez Juan de Mora Ante mi Dn Antt.o Bilibaldo y flores de Repca [Transcription by James Lockhart; continues on the next page]


English Translation

Possession. In the presence of all the aforementioned tlaxilacalli citizens, now and here we issue this document, since no one contradicted the possession that the Spaniard señor don Antonio González took, and if anyone should dispute it in any future time, justice will be entirely on his side, because they will no longer have any voice in it, because they were asked if they had any demands concerning the aforementioned land, and they answered no, and declared that it was really the property of the sellers of the land, as appears in the citation and declaration that the tlaxilacalli citizens made. And if any [other] document should appear it is not to be believed; what is to be fully accepted is the one we make here; both we [present] officers of the law and those who come to hold office in the future will approve our judgment, wherefore we set down here our names and signatures, with witnesses. — As a witness and their proxy, Juan Soriano. Don Marcos Juan, alcalde. Don Vicente Ferrer Bautista, governor. Manuel de Paredes. Before me, don Antonio Bilibaldo y Flores, notary of the municipality. Decree. On the 20th day of the count of the month of December of the year of 1738, here in the government building of Mexicapan, I the judge-governor don Vicente Ferrer de Bautista and the alcalde don Marcos Juan and all the officials of the municipality pronounce that señor don Antonio González, member of the Third Order, is to be given these proceedings to serve in his support. And [to show] that it is valid we set down here our names and signatures [with] witnesses. — As a witness and their proxy, Juan Soriano. Don Marcos Juan, alcalde. Don Vicente Ferrer Bautista, governor. Manuel de Paredes. Juan de Mora. Before me, don Antonio Bilibaldo y Flores, notary of the municipality. [Translation by James Lockhart; continues on the next page]

Analytic Transcription

Posesion ixpan in mochtintzitzin tlaxilacaleque in omotenehuque ahu in axcan nican tictomaquilia ynin amatlaculoli lleyCa allac OquiContradisiro in posesion OquimoCuili i caxtiltecal S.r Dn Antt.o gonsales ahu intla aca tlachalanis ipan itla Cahuitl Ca huel iteh lles Justisia tleican Cacmo itlatohuallan ipanpa llotlatlaniloque Cux quipie tlein quitlanisquia inpan in Omotenehu tlali Otlananquilique Camo ihuan Otlatlaixpantilique Ca huel inmaxca Ocacca in tlalnamaCaque inpan netzi in sitasion ihuan declarasion Oquichihuque y tlaxilacaleque ahu tla itla amatl nesis acmo neltocos in tlein huel moCaquis llehualtl [sic] in nican ticchihua icqui tiJustisias ahu in moicatze motlatequipanilhuisque quimohuelCaquitisque in totlatzontec yca nican tictlalia totoca yhuan tofirma yCa testigos — Por testigo yApoderado Juan Soriano Dn Marcos Juan Alcalde Dn Vicente ferrer Baptista Govr Manuel de Paredez Ante mi Dn Antt.o Bilibaldo y flores de Repca Auto Ypan tlapohua metztli Senpohuali tonali de Disiembre mil Setesientos treinta y Ocho aos nican ipan Casas Reales Mexicapan in Nehuatl niJues G.or Dn Visente ferrer Bautista i Alcalde Dn Marcos Juo in lle moxtintzitzi Ofisiales de Republica titlatzontequi Ma momacatzino in Sr Dn Antto Gonsales tersero inin deliJensias in ipalehuilocatzin mochihuas ahu inic neltilistle nican tictlalia totoca tofirma y testigos. — Por testigo yApoderado Juan Soriano Dn Marcos Juan Alcalde Dn Vicente ferrer Baptista Govr Manuel de Paredez Juan de Mora Ante mi Dn Antt.o Bilibaldo y flores de Repca [Transcription by James Lockhart; continues on the next page]
