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Folio 30 verso

Folio 30 verso

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 30v., dos dibujos; sin texto en español]

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] ear plugs hung rings of thorns, made of gold, like toes, cut like toes. And his nose rod was an arrow, made of hammered gold, set with stones, thinned and with stones scattered on it. Also from it hung what is called the huitznahuayotl [ring of thorns]. It was on the surface, and the manner of its being painted on the surface was with blue and yellow. On his head they placed his hummingbird totem. They followed that with what is named an aneucyotl, arranged of feathers, cylindrical, a bit pointed at the bottom. Then they placed at the back of his neck a , from which hung a boy’s lock of neck-hair. And he had a cloak of nettles, colored black, feathered in five places with eagle down, that he gathered about himself. Below he wore a cape covered with skulls and bones, and above he wrapped himself also in a sleeveless jacket, painted in tlaquaquallo [chewed-up] style, for there [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] (intentionally blank)

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 30v.] nacoch itech pipilcac in vitznaoaiotl, teucuitlatl xoxopiltic, tlaxoxopiltectli, yoā yiacapilol,mitl: Teucuitlatl in tlachiuhtli, tlatzotzontli, yoan tlateantli, tlacanaoalli, tlateicuilolli: no itech pilcaia moteneoa vitznaoaiutl, ixtlan tlatlaan; inic ixtlan tlatlaan, vncan icac texutli, yoan têcuxtli yoā icpac conquetza ivitzitzilnaoal; nimā contoquilia, itoca anecuiutl, hivitl intlachichioalli, mimiltic, achitzin vitztic, achi tzimpitzaoac: nimā ie* in tozpololli icuexcochtlan in contlalilia itech pilcac tziuhcuexpalli, yoā itzitzicaztilma, tlatlilpalli: macuilcan in tlapotonilli, quauhtlachcaiotica, quimololotica, yoan in itilma in tlani quimoquentia tzotzontecomaio, oomicallo: auh in pani quimolpilia, yoan ixicul: inic tlacuilolli tlaquaquallo, ca much vncā ---------- *IE. The word is inadvertently repeated in the manuscript.


Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 30v., dos dibujos; sin texto en español]

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] ear plugs hung rings of thorns, made of gold, like toes, cut like toes. And his nose rod was an arrow, made of hammered gold, set with stones, thinned and with stones scattered on it. Also from it hung what is called the huitznahuayotl [ring of thorns]. It was on the surface, and the manner of its being painted on the surface was with blue and yellow. On his head they placed his hummingbird totem. They followed that with what is named an aneucyotl, arranged of feathers, cylindrical, a bit pointed at the bottom. Then they placed at the back of his neck a , from which hung a boy’s lock of neck-hair. And he had a cloak of nettles, colored black, feathered in five places with eagle down, that he gathered about himself. Below he wore a cape covered with skulls and bones, and above he wrapped himself also in a sleeveless jacket, painted in tlaquaquallo [chewed-up] style, for there [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] (intentionally blank)

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 30v.] nacoch itech pipilcac in vitznaoaiotl, teucuitlatl xoxopiltic, tlaxoxopiltectli, yoā yiacapilol,mitl: Teucuitlatl in tlachiuhtli, tlatzotzontli, yoan tlateantli, tlacanaoalli, tlateicuilolli: no itech pilcaia moteneoa vitznaoaiutl, ixtlan tlatlaan; inic ixtlan tlatlaan, vncan icac texutli, yoan têcuxtli yoā icpac conquetza ivitzitzilnaoal; nimā contoquilia, itoca anecuiutl, hivitl intlachichioalli, mimiltic, achitzin vitztic, achi tzimpitzaoac: nimā ie* in tozpololli icuexcochtlan in contlalilia itech pilcac tziuhcuexpalli, yoā itzitzicaztilma, tlatlilpalli: macuilcan in tlapotonilli, quauhtlachcaiotica, quimololotica, yoan in itilma in tlani quimoquentia tzotzontecomaio, oomicallo: auh in pani quimolpilia, yoan ixicul: inic tlacuilolli tlaquaquallo, ca much vncā ---------- *IE. The word is inadvertently repeated in the manuscript.
