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Folio 32 recto

Folio 32 recto

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 32r.] todos los principales en el patio grāde del cu de Vitzilobuchtli donde estaua la ymagen hecha de masa de bledos, y muy ricamente atauiada con muchos ornamentos: los quales estan en la letra esplicados, y otras cerimonias que se ponen en todo este capitulo. 

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] those who had fasted for a year . Their pine rods detained people; they brandished the pine rod sat anyone who tried to leave. Anyone who needed to [leave to] relieve himself put down his net cape and his forked heron feather ornament . When anyone absolutely would not obey, [would not accept punishment], was insolent, because of that they beat him soundly on the back, the thighs, the shoulders. They shoved him outside the precinct, they threw him out,pushing him so he fell flat on his face; he went out on his face, on his ear. No one in [their] hands made a sound. The helpers of Huitzilopochtli, those who had fasted for a year, inspired great and general fear, they were respected by all, they were persons of universal authority. Those who went in the lead [of the dance], the great leaders, who had done great things, were able to pass,and they did not detain them. But as to all the youths,those with a lock of hair behind the head and those with the jar-shaped headdress, who had taken a captive with the help of others, , called [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] were performing a great dance in the great square of the cu of Huitzilopochtli where the image made of amaranth dough was, very richly decorated with many ornaments, which are explained in the text, as well as other ceremonies that are included throughout this whole chapter.

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 32r.] yoan in mocexiuhçauhque nepanixtinemi: in tetzaqua imoocoquauh, in aquinquiçaznequi ic quitlaieiecalhuia in ocoquavitl: auh inaquin maxixaz quitlalitiuh icuechi,* yoan iaztaxel. Auh in aquin çan niman atlatlacamati, in amo tetlaçaltoca in aquen tlatta, vel ic quicuitlavitequi, quimetzvitequi,caculhuitequi, caliticpa contopeoa, conchiccanaoa, conixiquetza, mihixiquetztiuh, nanacazitztiuh aiac temac naoati; cenca iehoā tlamamauhtiaia, tlamauhtiaia, cemima-caxoa, cemimacaxtin catca in iachvan vitzilobuchtli in mocexiuhçauhque. Auh in tlaiacatia in vevei tachcavan, in veveichiva tel huel quiçaia, amo quintzacuiliaia: auhin ie ixquich telputzintli, in cuexpaltzine in cuexpaltzitzineque, yoan in tzotzocoleque, in tepallamani, inyiaque: in moteneoa ---------- *ICUEUCHI. Here I have followed Sahagún 1950-1982: 13.53.


Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 32r.] todos los principales en el patio grāde del cu de Vitzilobuchtli donde estaua la ymagen hecha de masa de bledos, y muy ricamente atauiada con muchos ornamentos: los quales estan en la letra esplicados, y otras cerimonias que se ponen en todo este capitulo. 

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] those who had fasted for a year . Their pine rods detained people; they brandished the pine rod sat anyone who tried to leave. Anyone who needed to [leave to] relieve himself put down his net cape and his forked heron feather ornament . When anyone absolutely would not obey, [would not accept punishment], was insolent, because of that they beat him soundly on the back, the thighs, the shoulders. They shoved him outside the precinct, they threw him out,pushing him so he fell flat on his face; he went out on his face, on his ear. No one in [their] hands made a sound. The helpers of Huitzilopochtli, those who had fasted for a year, inspired great and general fear, they were respected by all, they were persons of universal authority. Those who went in the lead [of the dance], the great leaders, who had done great things, were able to pass,and they did not detain them. But as to all the youths,those with a lock of hair behind the head and those with the jar-shaped headdress, who had taken a captive with the help of others, , called [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] were performing a great dance in the great square of the cu of Huitzilopochtli where the image made of amaranth dough was, very richly decorated with many ornaments, which are explained in the text, as well as other ceremonies that are included throughout this whole chapter.

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 32r.] yoan in mocexiuhçauhque nepanixtinemi: in tetzaqua imoocoquauh, in aquinquiçaznequi ic quitlaieiecalhuia in ocoquavitl: auh inaquin maxixaz quitlalitiuh icuechi,* yoan iaztaxel. Auh in aquin çan niman atlatlacamati, in amo tetlaçaltoca in aquen tlatta, vel ic quicuitlavitequi, quimetzvitequi,caculhuitequi, caliticpa contopeoa, conchiccanaoa, conixiquetza, mihixiquetztiuh, nanacazitztiuh aiac temac naoati; cenca iehoā tlamamauhtiaia, tlamauhtiaia, cemima-caxoa, cemimacaxtin catca in iachvan vitzilobuchtli in mocexiuhçauhque. Auh in tlaiacatia in vevei tachcavan, in veveichiva tel huel quiçaia, amo quintzacuiliaia: auhin ie ixquich telputzintli, in cuexpaltzine in cuexpaltzitzineque, yoan in tzotzocoleque, in tepallamani, inyiaque: in moteneoa ---------- *ICUEUCHI. Here I have followed Sahagún 1950-1982: 13.53.
