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Folio 36 verso

Folio 36 verso

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 36v., dos dibujos; sin texto en español]

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] would implore them, saying, “Oh Mexica, what are you doing? I am not one of them.” They told him, “You are one of them, you rogue, you are not doing duty.” Then and there they killed him. They were just keeping watch on everyone, going about being careful about everyone; they kept their eyes peeled, the Mexica just watched everyone. They punished many for invented things, who were treacherously killed; they punished them for wrong doings not their own. And others doing duty work hid themselves, went to shelter, no longer showed themselves to anyone nor let themselves be seen, no longer came out among people. They were greatly afraid, limp with fear; they went about taking refuge so that they would not fall into someone’s hands. And when they had the Spaniards closed in their buildings, they fought them for only seven days. They were shut in for twenty-three days, and during each of these days the canals were excavated, widened, deepened, and the sides made steeper. Everywhere the canals were made more difficult to pass. And on the roads, [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] (intentionally blank)

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 36v.] nequi, in quintlatlauhtia: quimilhuia. Tle amai mexicae, camo no nehoatl: conilhuia, ca no tehoatl nocne, amo titequitqui:niman ic vncan cōmictia ça teixpipia, ça motecuitlavitinemi, ça imix intequiuh, ça tepipia in mexica: ca miequintin in tlapictli quitzacutiaque in ixpopoiomictiloquein amo vel intlatlacul quitzacutiaque. Auh in oc cequintitequitque motlatique, minaxque, aocmo moteittitiaia, aocmo motenextiliaia, aocmo tevic quiçaia, cenca momauhtiaia, mauhcaçonequia, miinaxtinenca, inic amo temac vetzizque. Auh in iquac oquincaltzacque in Españoles: çanchicomilhuitl in quincalicalque. Auh in caltzacuticatca cempoalilhuitl omei: auh izquilhuitl in, in acalotli mo-tatatacac, mopapatlauh, movevecatlano, motetepexiq̄tz novian movicantlali, moovitili in acalotli: Auh in vtli


Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 36v., dos dibujos; sin texto en español]

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] would implore them, saying, “Oh Mexica, what are you doing? I am not one of them.” They told him, “You are one of them, you rogue, you are not doing duty.” Then and there they killed him. They were just keeping watch on everyone, going about being careful about everyone; they kept their eyes peeled, the Mexica just watched everyone. They punished many for invented things, who were treacherously killed; they punished them for wrong doings not their own. And others doing duty work hid themselves, went to shelter, no longer showed themselves to anyone nor let themselves be seen, no longer came out among people. They were greatly afraid, limp with fear; they went about taking refuge so that they would not fall into someone’s hands. And when they had the Spaniards closed in their buildings, they fought them for only seven days. They were shut in for twenty-three days, and during each of these days the canals were excavated, widened, deepened, and the sides made steeper. Everywhere the canals were made more difficult to pass. And on the roads, [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] (intentionally blank)

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 36v.] nequi, in quintlatlauhtia: quimilhuia. Tle amai mexicae, camo no nehoatl: conilhuia, ca no tehoatl nocne, amo titequitqui:niman ic vncan cōmictia ça teixpipia, ça motecuitlavitinemi, ça imix intequiuh, ça tepipia in mexica: ca miequintin in tlapictli quitzacutiaque in ixpopoiomictiloquein amo vel intlatlacul quitzacutiaque. Auh in oc cequintitequitque motlatique, minaxque, aocmo moteittitiaia, aocmo motenextiliaia, aocmo tevic quiçaia, cenca momauhtiaia, mauhcaçonequia, miinaxtinenca, inic amo temac vetzizque. Auh in iquac oquincaltzacque in Españoles: çanchicomilhuitl in quincalicalque. Auh in caltzacuticatca cempoalilhuitl omei: auh izquilhuitl in, in acalotli mo-tatatacac, mopapatlauh, movevecatlano, motetepexiq̄tz novian movicantlali, moovitili in acalotli: Auh in vtli
