Folio 24 verso
Translations and Transcriptions
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 24v.] mosas y olorosas hechas en sartales y en guirnaldas y compuestas para las manos y pusieronlas em platos muy pintados y muy grādes s de calabaças, y tanbien lleuaron collares de oro y de piedras. Llegando Motecuçoma a los españoles a lugar* que llamā vitzillan que es cabe el hospital de la conception, luego alli el mismo Motecuçoma puso vn collar de oro y piedras al capitan Don hernādo cortes y dio flores guirnaldas a todos los demas capitanes aviendo dado el mismo Motecuçoma este presente como ellos lo vsauā hazer, luego Don hernando cortes pregunto al mismo Motecuçoma? y Motecuçoma respondio, yo soy Motecuçoma y entonce humillose delante del capitan haziendole gran reuerencia y enyestose luego de cara a cara. El capitan cerca del y començole a hablar desta manera. O señor nuestro seays muy bienvenido aveys llegado a vuestra tierra a v̄r̄o pueblo y a vuestra casa mexico! Aveys venido a sentaros en vuestro trono y vuestra silla el qual yo en v̄r̄o nombre he poseydo algunos dias otros señores ya son muertos le tuvieron ante que yo: el vno que se llamaua Itzcoatl y el otro ---------- *A LUGAR. An earlier version no doubt had "al lugar" or "a un lugar" instead.
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] his rulers and nobles. Then they went to the meeting. On gourd bases they set out different precious flowers; in the midst of the shield flowers and heart flowers stood popcorn flowers, yellow tobacco flowers, cacao flowers, [made into] wreaths for the head, wreaths to be girt round. And they carried golden necklaces, necklaces with pendants, wide necklaces. And when Moteucçoma went out to meet them at Huitzillan, thereupon he gave various things to the war leader, the commander of the warriors; he gave him flowers, he put necklaces on him, he put flower necklaces on him, he girt him with flowers, he put flower wreaths on his head. Then he laid before him the golden necklaces, all the different things for greeting people. He ended by putting some of the necklaces on him. Then [Cortés] said in reply to Moteucçoma: “Is it not you? Is it not you then? Moteucçoma?” Moteucçoma said, “Yes, it is me.” Thereupon [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] beautiful and fragrant flowers, in chains, wreaths, and arrangements for the hands, and they put them in very large and well-painted dishes made of gourds. They also took necklaces of gold and fine stones. When Moteucçoma reached the Spaniards, at the place they call Huitzillan, near the Hospital of La Concepción, there Moteucçoma himself put a necklace of gold and fine stones on Captain don Hernando Cortés, and gave flowers and garlands to all the other captains. After Moteucçoma himself had given this present, as they were accustomed to do, don Hernando Cortés asked Moteucçoma himself [if it was he], and Moteucçoma replied, "I am Moteucçoma." Then he prostrated himself before the captain, doing him great reverence, and then he raised himself face to face with the captain, very close to him. He began to speak to him in this fashion: "O our lord, you are very welcome. You have reached your land, your settlement, your home Mexico. You have come to sit on your throne and seat, which I have possessed for some days in your name. Other lords, now dead, had it before me; one was named Itzcoatl, another
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 24v.] pipilti, in itlatocaiovan, in ipilloan: nimā ie ic vi tenamiquizque, xicalpechtica cōmamāque in tlaçosuchitl, in chimalsuchitl, in iollosuchitl inepantla icatiuh in izquisuchitl, in coztic iiesuchitl, in cacaoasuchitl, icpacsuchitl, in suchineapantli: yoā quitqui in teucuitlacozcatl, chaiaoaccozcatl, cozcapetlatl. Auh ie vncan in vitzilla ontenamic Motecuçomatzin, niman ie ic contlamamaca in iautachcauh, in intepachocauh iauquizque, coxochimacac, concozcati in cozcatl,consuchicozcati, consuchiapan, conicpacsuchiti: nimanie ic ixpan contequilia in teucuitlacozcatl, in izquitlamā tli tenamiconi, tenamictli in ica oiecauh, cequi cōcozcati: Nimā quioalilhui in Motecuçoma. Cuix amo te? cuixamo ie te? ie te in timotecuçoma: quito in Motecuçoma, ca quemaca ca nehoatl: nimā
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 24v.] mosas y olorosas hechas en sartales y en guirnaldas y compuestas para las manos y pusieronlas em platos muy pintados y muy grādes s de calabaças, y tanbien lleuaron collares de oro y de piedras. Llegando Motecuçoma a los españoles a lugar* que llamā vitzillan que es cabe el hospital de la conception, luego alli el mismo Motecuçoma puso vn collar de oro y piedras al capitan Don hernādo cortes y dio flores guirnaldas a todos los demas capitanes aviendo dado el mismo Motecuçoma este presente como ellos lo vsauā hazer, luego Don hernando cortes pregunto al mismo Motecuçoma? y Motecuçoma respondio, yo soy Motecuçoma y entonce humillose delante del capitan haziendole gran reuerencia y enyestose luego de cara a cara. El capitan cerca del y començole a hablar desta manera. O señor nuestro seays muy bienvenido aveys llegado a vuestra tierra a v̄r̄o pueblo y a vuestra casa mexico! Aveys venido a sentaros en vuestro trono y vuestra silla el qual yo en v̄r̄o nombre he poseydo algunos dias otros señores ya son muertos le tuvieron ante que yo: el vno que se llamaua Itzcoatl y el otro ---------- *A LUGAR. An earlier version no doubt had "al lugar" or "a un lugar" instead.
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] his rulers and nobles. Then they went to the meeting. On gourd bases they set out different precious flowers; in the midst of the shield flowers and heart flowers stood popcorn flowers, yellow tobacco flowers, cacao flowers, [made into] wreaths for the head, wreaths to be girt round. And they carried golden necklaces, necklaces with pendants, wide necklaces. And when Moteucçoma went out to meet them at Huitzillan, thereupon he gave various things to the war leader, the commander of the warriors; he gave him flowers, he put necklaces on him, he put flower necklaces on him, he girt him with flowers, he put flower wreaths on his head. Then he laid before him the golden necklaces, all the different things for greeting people. He ended by putting some of the necklaces on him. Then [Cortés] said in reply to Moteucçoma: “Is it not you? Is it not you then? Moteucçoma?” Moteucçoma said, “Yes, it is me.” Thereupon [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] beautiful and fragrant flowers, in chains, wreaths, and arrangements for the hands, and they put them in very large and well-painted dishes made of gourds. They also took necklaces of gold and fine stones. When Moteucçoma reached the Spaniards, at the place they call Huitzillan, near the Hospital of La Concepción, there Moteucçoma himself put a necklace of gold and fine stones on Captain don Hernando Cortés, and gave flowers and garlands to all the other captains. After Moteucçoma himself had given this present, as they were accustomed to do, don Hernando Cortés asked Moteucçoma himself [if it was he], and Moteucçoma replied, "I am Moteucçoma." Then he prostrated himself before the captain, doing him great reverence, and then he raised himself face to face with the captain, very close to him. He began to speak to him in this fashion: "O our lord, you are very welcome. You have reached your land, your settlement, your home Mexico. You have come to sit on your throne and seat, which I have possessed for some days in your name. Other lords, now dead, had it before me; one was named Itzcoatl, another
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 24v.] pipilti, in itlatocaiovan, in ipilloan: nimā ie ic vi tenamiquizque, xicalpechtica cōmamāque in tlaçosuchitl, in chimalsuchitl, in iollosuchitl inepantla icatiuh in izquisuchitl, in coztic iiesuchitl, in cacaoasuchitl, icpacsuchitl, in suchineapantli: yoā quitqui in teucuitlacozcatl, chaiaoaccozcatl, cozcapetlatl. Auh ie vncan in vitzilla ontenamic Motecuçomatzin, niman ie ic contlamamaca in iautachcauh, in intepachocauh iauquizque, coxochimacac, concozcati in cozcatl,consuchicozcati, consuchiapan, conicpacsuchiti: nimanie ic ixpan contequilia in teucuitlacozcatl, in izquitlamā tli tenamiconi, tenamictli in ica oiecauh, cequi cōcozcati: Nimā quioalilhui in Motecuçoma. Cuix amo te? cuixamo ie te? ie te in timotecuçoma: quito in Motecuçoma, ca quemaca ca nehoatl: nimā