Folio 25 verso
Translations and Transcriptions
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 25v.] descansad agora aqui esta v̄r̄a casa y vuestros palacios: tomaldos y descansad en ellos con todos vuestros capitanes y conpañeros que an venido con vos. Acabo de dezir Motecuçoma su platica, y Marina declarola a Don hernando cortes, como Don hernando cortes vuo entendido lo que auia dicho Motecuçoma. Dixo a Marina dezilde a* Motecuçoma que se consuele y huelque** y no aya temor que yo le quiero mucho y todos los que comigo vienen, de nadie recibira daño emos recebido grā contento en verle y conocerle lo qual emos deseado muchos dias a, ya se a cumplido nuestro deseo emos venido a su casa mexico despacio nos hablaremos: luego don hernādo cortes tomo por la mano a Motecuçoma, y se fueron ambos juntos a la par para las casas reales. Los señores que se hallaron presentes con Motecuçoma fueron los siguientes: el señor de Tetzcuco que se llamaua Cacamatzin; el segundo el señor de tlacuba se llamaua Teztlepanquetzatzin, El tercero el que gouernaua en el tlatilulco que se llamaua Itzquauhtzin:*** ---------- *A. The word is repeated through inadvertence. **HUELQUE. For "huelgue." ***ITZQUAUHTZIN. The colon is inadvertently repeated at the beginning of fol. 26.
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] For I am not just dreaming, nor just sleep walking, not just seeing it in my sleep. I am not just dreaming that I have seen you, have looked upon your face. For a time I have been concerned, looking toward the mysterious place from where you have come, among clouds and mist. It is so that the rulers on departing said that you would come in order to acquaint yourself with your altepetl and sit upon your seat of authority. And now it has come true, you have come. Be doubly welcomed, enter the land, go to enjoy your palace; rest your body. May our lords be arrived in the land.” And when the speech that Moteucçoma directed to the Marqués had concluded, Marina reported it to him, interpreting it for him. [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] in coming such a long way; rest now. Here are your home and your palaces; take them and rest in them with all your captains and companions who have come with you." When Moteucçoma had finished giving his speech, Marina interpreted it for don Hernando Cortés. When don Hernando Cortés understood what Moteucçoma had said, he said to Marina, "Tell Moteucçoma to console himself, relax, and not be afraid, for I and all who are coming with me like him very much; he will receive no harm from anyone. It has given us great pleasure to see him and make his acquaintance, as we have wished to do for a long time now. Our desire has been fulfilled, and we have come to his home, Mexico. We will speak at leisure." Then don Hernando Cortés took Moteucçoma by the hand, and they went together, side by side, toward the royal palace. The lords who were present with Moteucçoma were the following: the lord of Tetzcoco, named Cacamatzin; second, the lord of Tacuba, named Tetlepanquetzatzin; third, the governor in Tlatelolco, named Itzquauhtzin;
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 25v.] camo çan nitemiqui, amo çā nicochitleoa, amo çan niccochitta, amo çan nictemiqui caie onimitznottili, mixtzinco onitlachix, ca ononnentlamatticatca in ie macuil in ie matlac, in vmpa nonitztica, in quenamican in otimoquixtico in mixtitlan in aiauhtitlan: anca iehoatl inin quiteneuhtivi in tlatoq¯ in ticmo-machitiquiuh in matzin, in motepetzin: in ipā timovetzi-tiquiuh in mopetlatzin, in mocpaltzin in tioalmovicaz.Auh in axcan ca oneltic, otioalmovicac, oticmihiovilti, oticmociavilti, ma tlaltitech ximaxiti, ma ximocevitzino, ma xoconmomachiti in motecpancaltzin, ma xicmoceviliin monacaiotzin, ma tlaltitech maxitican in totecuiovan. Auh in ontzonquiz in itlatlatlauhtiliz Motecuçoma concaquiti in Marques: niman ic concaquiztili connaoaittal
Spanish Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 25v.] descansad agora aqui esta v̄r̄a casa y vuestros palacios: tomaldos y descansad en ellos con todos vuestros capitanes y conpañeros que an venido con vos. Acabo de dezir Motecuçoma su platica, y Marina declarola a Don hernando cortes, como Don hernando cortes vuo entendido lo que auia dicho Motecuçoma. Dixo a Marina dezilde a* Motecuçoma que se consuele y huelque** y no aya temor que yo le quiero mucho y todos los que comigo vienen, de nadie recibira daño emos recebido grā contento en verle y conocerle lo qual emos deseado muchos dias a, ya se a cumplido nuestro deseo emos venido a su casa mexico despacio nos hablaremos: luego don hernādo cortes tomo por la mano a Motecuçoma, y se fueron ambos juntos a la par para las casas reales. Los señores que se hallaron presentes con Motecuçoma fueron los siguientes: el señor de Tetzcuco que se llamaua Cacamatzin; el segundo el señor de tlacuba se llamaua Teztlepanquetzatzin, El tercero el que gouernaua en el tlatilulco que se llamaua Itzquauhtzin:*** ---------- *A. The word is repeated through inadvertence. **HUELQUE. For "huelgue." ***ITZQUAUHTZIN. The colon is inadvertently repeated at the beginning of fol. 26.
English Translation
[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] For I am not just dreaming, nor just sleep walking, not just seeing it in my sleep. I am not just dreaming that I have seen you, have looked upon your face. For a time I have been concerned, looking toward the mysterious place from where you have come, among clouds and mist. It is so that the rulers on departing said that you would come in order to acquaint yourself with your altepetl and sit upon your seat of authority. And now it has come true, you have come. Be doubly welcomed, enter the land, go to enjoy your palace; rest your body. May our lords be arrived in the land.” And when the speech that Moteucçoma directed to the Marqués had concluded, Marina reported it to him, interpreting it for him. [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] in coming such a long way; rest now. Here are your home and your palaces; take them and rest in them with all your captains and companions who have come with you." When Moteucçoma had finished giving his speech, Marina interpreted it for don Hernando Cortés. When don Hernando Cortés understood what Moteucçoma had said, he said to Marina, "Tell Moteucçoma to console himself, relax, and not be afraid, for I and all who are coming with me like him very much; he will receive no harm from anyone. It has given us great pleasure to see him and make his acquaintance, as we have wished to do for a long time now. Our desire has been fulfilled, and we have come to his home, Mexico. We will speak at leisure." Then don Hernando Cortés took Moteucçoma by the hand, and they went together, side by side, toward the royal palace. The lords who were present with Moteucçoma were the following: the lord of Tetzcoco, named Cacamatzin; second, the lord of Tacuba, named Tetlepanquetzatzin; third, the governor in Tlatelolco, named Itzquauhtzin;
Analytic Transcription
[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 25v.] camo çan nitemiqui, amo çā nicochitleoa, amo çan niccochitta, amo çan nictemiqui caie onimitznottili, mixtzinco onitlachix, ca ononnentlamatticatca in ie macuil in ie matlac, in vmpa nonitztica, in quenamican in otimoquixtico in mixtitlan in aiauhtitlan: anca iehoatl inin quiteneuhtivi in tlatoq¯ in ticmo-machitiquiuh in matzin, in motepetzin: in ipā timovetzi-tiquiuh in mopetlatzin, in mocpaltzin in tioalmovicaz.Auh in axcan ca oneltic, otioalmovicac, oticmihiovilti, oticmociavilti, ma tlaltitech ximaxiti, ma ximocevitzino, ma xoconmomachiti in motecpancaltzin, ma xicmoceviliin monacaiotzin, ma tlaltitech maxitican in totecuiovan. Auh in ontzonquiz in itlatlatlauhtiliz Motecuçoma concaquiti in Marques: niman ic concaquiztili connaoaittal