Nahuatl testament, f. 96r.
Translations and Transcriptions
English Translation
May the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit be praised. I, Don Toribio Cortés, am here in my home of Ollac Tepetenchi. I already am about to die [heneh] my God and my ruler wants to come and summon me. Even though my flesh is very weak [and] from my sickness my earthly body will die, nothing is wrong with [my soul]; it is healthy. First, I am leaving my soul in my ruler God's hands, for it is his creation. And I leave my flesh to the earth, for it emerged from there; it is just dirt, just clay. I, Don Toribio Cortés, set down my testament here; it is [done] with my complete voluntary will, for no one forced me. Before my witnesses, four of whom are noble elders of Ollac [and] six [other] people: Juan Tlapaltecatl of Ollac, Francisco Tlapaltecatl of Tlapallan, Don Miguel García of Analco, Toribio Sánchez of Calnahuac, Felipe Ollacatl of Ollac, Miguel Analcatl of Analco, Francisco Tocalpanecatl of Ixtlahuaca, Pedro Chiapanecatl of Huaxtla, Francisco Huitznahuatl of Otlan. They are my witnesses, before whom is set down my testament, the many things down my testament, my wishes about the many things that are to be necessary for my soul. V The first thing I say, I, Don Toribio Cortés: When I die, I ask that my body be buried there in the newly built church. For my body to be buried, an offering of two pesos, four tomines is to be paid to the church. V The second thing I say about my desires: I ask that my body be wrapped in a habit. An offering of five pesos is to be paid to the church for the substitute habit, for I am asking for the habit voluntarily. V The third thing I say about my wishes: I am giving the singers, the cantors, two pesos so that they will come to take my body. I ask that they say [sing] four prayers for the dead for me on the road. My children know about however many of the prayers for the dead they are to make for me. V The fourth chapter I say about my wishes: I am leaving 2 pesos to the Hospital; [the funeral procession] will be celebrated with candles; they are to be burnt along the road when they come to take my body. V The fifth thing I say, I, Don Toribio Cortés, about my wishes: I ask for ten masses to be said for me. An offering of 25 pesos is to be paid to the church. When I die, the 25 pesos are [to be] left to the church immediately. They are to deliver it as I set down in my testament before my witnesses.
Analytic Transcription
ma moyectenahua yn itocCatzin yn dius tetatzin y dius tepiltzin dius eSpirito santo niqutohua y nehuatl don toribio Cortez niCan noChan ollac tepetenchi Ca ye ninomiquilisnequi heneh [?] hualmonochilisnequi yn noteouh y notlatoCauh auh maçihui y ÇenCa moÇotlahua y nonaCayo auh y noCoColis y notlalnaCayo miquilis Ca amo quē Ca Ca pactiCa auh y aCachtopa ymactizinCo noConCahua y noanima y noteouh y notlatoCauh Ca itlachihualtzin auh y nonaCayo ytech niCahua yn tlali Ca ytech oquis Ca çan tlali Ca Çan Çoquitl y nehuatl don toribio Cortes niCan nictlalia y notestamento Ca noÇenyoloCaCopa yn aiac nechcuitlahuiltia yn imixpã y notestigohuan y nahuintin pipiltin yn ollac huehuetque chiquaÇen tlacatl Juao tlapaltecatl ollac franco tlapalteCatl tlapallan don migel gara: analco thoribioSanchez calnahuac felipe ollaCatl ollac migl analCatl analCo franco thocalpaneCatl yxtlahuaCã: pedro chiapaneCatl huaxtla franco huitznahuatl thotlan o yehuantinin y noteStigohuã yn imixpan y motlalia y noteStamento yn izquitlamãtli y notlanequilis yn itech monequiS y nanima ------------------------------------- V yniC Çentlamãtli niquitohua y nehuatl don toribio Cortez yntla ninomiquiliis honCan ninotlaytlania y iacuic mochihua yglesia onCã motoCaS y nonaCayo auh ynic motoCas y nonaCayo Calaquis yn huentzintli yn teopã ome ps.o ypan nahui tomin == V auh ynic ontlamantli niquitohua y notlanequiliS Çentetl haBito niquitlatiuh yc quimiliuhtiaS y nonaCayo auh calaquiS yn huentzintli y teopã macuili pe.s yn ixiptla haBito Ca noyolcacopa y niquitlantiuh haBito == V auh ynic yetlamãtli niquitohua y notlanequiliS yn CuiCanime yn Cantores niquinmaCatiuh ome ps ynic Canaquihui y nonaCayo auh niquitlantiuh nauhtetl respoSo yn õpan quiteCaSque yn otliCa auh yehuantin quimati yn topilhuantzitzihuã y çaÇo quesquitetl nechmotlayoColilisque respoSo == V auh ynic nahui Capitolo niquitohua y notlanequilis oSpital nicCachiuhtiuh ome pss yc quiSaz yn CandellaS onCan tlatlatias yn otlica yn iquac Canaquihui nonaCayo == V auh ynic Cuiltlamãtli [sic] niquitohua y nehuatl don torbio Cortez y notlanequilis niquintlantiuh matlactli miSSa y nopa mitos Calaquis yn huentzintli Çenpohuali o maCuili ps yn teopã auh yn iquaC yn oninomiquili Çan nimã moCahualiuh yn çenpohuali o macuili pss yn teopan yehuãtin quiCahualihi [sic] in imixpan onictlalia y notestamento y notestigohuã==
English Translation
May the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit be praised. I, Don Toribio Cortés, am here in my home of Ollac Tepetenchi. I already am about to die [heneh] my God and my ruler wants to come and summon me. Even though my flesh is very weak [and] from my sickness my earthly body will die, nothing is wrong with [my soul]; it is healthy. First, I am leaving my soul in my ruler God's hands, for it is his creation. And I leave my flesh to the earth, for it emerged from there; it is just dirt, just clay. I, Don Toribio Cortés, set down my testament here; it is [done] with my complete voluntary will, for no one forced me. Before my witnesses, four of whom are noble elders of Ollac [and] six [other] people: Juan Tlapaltecatl of Ollac, Francisco Tlapaltecatl of Tlapallan, Don Miguel García of Analco, Toribio Sánchez of Calnahuac, Felipe Ollacatl of Ollac, Miguel Analcatl of Analco, Francisco Tocalpanecatl of Ixtlahuaca, Pedro Chiapanecatl of Huaxtla, Francisco Huitznahuatl of Otlan. They are my witnesses, before whom is set down my testament, the many things down my testament, my wishes about the many things that are to be necessary for my soul. V The first thing I say, I, Don Toribio Cortés: When I die, I ask that my body be buried there in the newly built church. For my body to be buried, an offering of two pesos, four tomines is to be paid to the church. V The second thing I say about my desires: I ask that my body be wrapped in a habit. An offering of five pesos is to be paid to the church for the substitute habit, for I am asking for the habit voluntarily. V The third thing I say about my wishes: I am giving the singers, the cantors, two pesos so that they will come to take my body. I ask that they say [sing] four prayers for the dead for me on the road. My children know about however many of the prayers for the dead they are to make for me. V The fourth chapter I say about my wishes: I am leaving 2 pesos to the Hospital; [the funeral procession] will be celebrated with candles; they are to be burnt along the road when they come to take my body. V The fifth thing I say, I, Don Toribio Cortés, about my wishes: I ask for ten masses to be said for me. An offering of 25 pesos is to be paid to the church. When I die, the 25 pesos are [to be] left to the church immediately. They are to deliver it as I set down in my testament before my witnesses.
Analytic Transcription
ma moyectenahua yn itocCatzin yn dius tetatzin y dius tepiltzin dius eSpirito santo niqutohua y nehuatl don toribio Cortez niCan noChan ollac tepetenchi Ca ye ninomiquilisnequi heneh [?] hualmonochilisnequi yn noteouh y notlatoCauh auh maçihui y ÇenCa moÇotlahua y nonaCayo auh y noCoColis y notlalnaCayo miquilis Ca amo quē Ca Ca pactiCa auh y aCachtopa ymactizinCo noConCahua y noanima y noteouh y notlatoCauh Ca itlachihualtzin auh y nonaCayo ytech niCahua yn tlali Ca ytech oquis Ca çan tlali Ca Çan Çoquitl y nehuatl don toribio Cortes niCan nictlalia y notestamento Ca noÇenyoloCaCopa yn aiac nechcuitlahuiltia yn imixpã y notestigohuan y nahuintin pipiltin yn ollac huehuetque chiquaÇen tlacatl Juao tlapaltecatl ollac franco tlapalteCatl tlapallan don migel gara: analco thoribioSanchez calnahuac felipe ollaCatl ollac migl analCatl analCo franco thocalpaneCatl yxtlahuaCã: pedro chiapaneCatl huaxtla franco huitznahuatl thotlan o yehuantinin y noteStigohuã yn imixpan y motlalia y noteStamento yn izquitlamãtli y notlanequilis yn itech monequiS y nanima ------------------------------------- V yniC Çentlamãtli niquitohua y nehuatl don toribio Cortez yntla ninomiquiliis honCan ninotlaytlania y iacuic mochihua yglesia onCã motoCaS y nonaCayo auh ynic motoCas y nonaCayo Calaquis yn huentzintli yn teopã ome ps.o ypan nahui tomin == V auh ynic ontlamantli niquitohua y notlanequiliS Çentetl haBito niquitlatiuh yc quimiliuhtiaS y nonaCayo auh calaquiS yn huentzintli y teopã macuili pe.s yn ixiptla haBito Ca noyolcacopa y niquitlantiuh haBito == V auh ynic yetlamãtli niquitohua y notlanequiliS yn CuiCanime yn Cantores niquinmaCatiuh ome ps ynic Canaquihui y nonaCayo auh niquitlantiuh nauhtetl respoSo yn õpan quiteCaSque yn otliCa auh yehuantin quimati yn topilhuantzitzihuã y çaÇo quesquitetl nechmotlayoColilisque respoSo == V auh ynic nahui Capitolo niquitohua y notlanequilis oSpital nicCachiuhtiuh ome pss yc quiSaz yn CandellaS onCan tlatlatias yn otlica yn iquac Canaquihui nonaCayo == V auh ynic Cuiltlamãtli [sic] niquitohua y nehuatl don torbio Cortez y notlanequilis niquintlantiuh matlactli miSSa y nopa mitos Calaquis yn huentzintli Çenpohuali o maCuili ps yn teopã auh yn iquaC yn oninomiquili Çan nimã moCahualiuh yn çenpohuali o macuili pss yn teopan yehuãtin quiCahualihi [sic] in imixpan onictlalia y notestamento y notestigohuã==