Nahuatl testament, f. 98r.
Translations and Transcriptions
English Translation
V The fifteenth thing I say about my wishes: My wife, the noblewoman Doña Magdalena Cortés, and I no longer have living children. I am leaving 20 pesos that will be needed by her, and two kettles, a bed, and 4 metates. No one is to say anything there, for I am verifying [what] I am setting down in my statement. V The sixteenth thing I say about my desires: Both of my stepdaughters served me [with] atole, they gave it to me. I say that it is my wish that I am giving María Tiacapan six pesos, a kettle, and a metate. To Juana Teicictiuh I am giving 5 pesos, a kettle, and a metate. Everything we possess [in the house] , the clay pot and clay ladle [tecontzintli; xontzintli], I am giving it all to my stepdaughters. Their mother, Doña Magdalena Cortés, is to divide it among her children, for Their mother, doña Magdalena Cortés, knows [how] she is to divide [these things] among her children, for I am leaving it up to her. V The seventeenth thing I say about my wishes: If my wife, Doña Magdalena Cortés, had always still had a house here forever, it would have been assigned to her; but if she will go to her home in Tlaquiltenango then my witnesses are to sell the house when my masses end, however many I am requesting [as] mentioned above in writing. V The eighteenth thing I say about my desires: They are to share all the ears of maize that were harvested [and] however many maize kernels will come of it with my wife, Doña Magdalena Cortés, who is to consume it here. And separately maize kernels will be assigned on my behalf when a Mass will be celebrated for me to those who are my aides, as is necessary for them. All the things I mention in the testament I am writing in the presence of all of my witnesses named above are my desires. May he who takes care of it, the magistrate, know [that] if sometime my testament will appear before them [Spanish officials], there they [the witnesses] are to see how I arranged all of the things, my wishes that are necessary for my soul, and also how I am thus giving things to my grandchildren and nephews [and] nieces, all three of whom are mentioned above. It is [done] in the presence, /
Analytic Transcription
V ynic Caxtoltlamatli niquitohua y notlanequilis y yehuatl y nonamiC Çihuapilli doña madallena Cortez ayoCac ytechpa onicquixima yn piltzintli auh nicmaCatiuh Çenpohuali psos ytech monequiS yhua CaSo ontetl tlapechtli çentel metlatl nahui ayac onCan tlatos Ca nicneltilitiuh nictlalitiuh notlatol ====== V ynic Caxtotlamãtli oÇetl niquitohua notlanequilis omentin otlacpahuitectzitzihuan Çihuatzitzintzin onechmotequipanilhuique atoltzintli onechmomaquilique auh niquitohua y notlanequiliS y maria tiaCapan nicmaCatiuh ChiquaÇen pss yhuan Çentetl CaSo yhuã çe tlatli [sic = metlatl] auh y Juana teiÇictiuh nicmaCatiuh maCuili pss yhuan Çetl CaSo yhuan metlatl Çetl auh yn ixquich yn tocalaqui yn teContzintli yn Contzintli mochi niquinmaCatiuh y notlacpahuitectzitzinhuã yehuatl quimati yn innãtzin y doña magnallena Cortez quinxelhuiz ypilhuan Ca ytech niCauhtiuh === V ynic Caxtolamãtli omome niquitohua y notlanequiliS y yehuatl y nonamic y doña magna Cortez yntla oc niCan omoyetzinotaz yn quexquich cahuitl oquitech opouhtiez yn Cali auh yntla mohuiCaS yn ichantzinCo yn tlaquiltenãCo nimã quinamaCasque y noteztigohuã yn Cali yn iquac yn ontlamis nomiSSa yn isquitetl y niquitlantiuh yn tlacpa teneuhtiCa y Cuiliuhtica === V ynic Caxtoltlamãtli omey niquitohua y notlanequilis yn ixquich omopixCac y Çentli yn quexquich moyaz yn tlayoli quixelhuisque y nonamic doña magna cortez oc niCan quimoqualtitez auh yn ixeliuhCa yn tlayoli notech pohuis yn iquac miSa nopan mitos -- yn acme [?] notepalehuiCahuan yntech monequiS === V oyzquitlamãtli yn yn [sic] onicteneuh yn ipan noteStamento y niquiliuhtica y notlanequilis yn imixpã y noteztigohuan yn iSquintin yn tlacpac teneuhticate ma quimatiCan yn quimoCuitlahuia yn JuStiSia yntla quenmanian ymixpan neSis y noteztamento onCan quitasque yn iuh onichipan [sic: onichuipan] yn izquitlamantli y notlanequilis yn itech monequis yn nanima -- yhuan y no yuh niquitlamamaCatiuh y noxhuihuan yn nomachhuan yn imeyxtin yn tlacpa teneuhtiCate ca imixipan
English Translation
V The fifteenth thing I say about my wishes: My wife, the noblewoman Doña Magdalena Cortés, and I no longer have living children. I am leaving 20 pesos that will be needed by her, and two kettles, a bed, and 4 metates. No one is to say anything there, for I am verifying [what] I am setting down in my statement. V The sixteenth thing I say about my desires: Both of my stepdaughters served me [with] atole, they gave it to me. I say that it is my wish that I am giving María Tiacapan six pesos, a kettle, and a metate. To Juana Teicictiuh I am giving 5 pesos, a kettle, and a metate. Everything we possess [in the house] , the clay pot and clay ladle [tecontzintli; xontzintli], I am giving it all to my stepdaughters. Their mother, Doña Magdalena Cortés, is to divide it among her children, for Their mother, doña Magdalena Cortés, knows [how] she is to divide [these things] among her children, for I am leaving it up to her. V The seventeenth thing I say about my wishes: If my wife, Doña Magdalena Cortés, had always still had a house here forever, it would have been assigned to her; but if she will go to her home in Tlaquiltenango then my witnesses are to sell the house when my masses end, however many I am requesting [as] mentioned above in writing. V The eighteenth thing I say about my desires: They are to share all the ears of maize that were harvested [and] however many maize kernels will come of it with my wife, Doña Magdalena Cortés, who is to consume it here. And separately maize kernels will be assigned on my behalf when a Mass will be celebrated for me to those who are my aides, as is necessary for them. All the things I mention in the testament I am writing in the presence of all of my witnesses named above are my desires. May he who takes care of it, the magistrate, know [that] if sometime my testament will appear before them [Spanish officials], there they [the witnesses] are to see how I arranged all of the things, my wishes that are necessary for my soul, and also how I am thus giving things to my grandchildren and nephews [and] nieces, all three of whom are mentioned above. It is [done] in the presence, /
Analytic Transcription
V ynic Caxtoltlamatli niquitohua y notlanequilis y yehuatl y nonamiC Çihuapilli doña madallena Cortez ayoCac ytechpa onicquixima yn piltzintli auh nicmaCatiuh Çenpohuali psos ytech monequiS yhua CaSo ontetl tlapechtli çentel metlatl nahui ayac onCan tlatos Ca nicneltilitiuh nictlalitiuh notlatol ====== V ynic Caxtotlamãtli oÇetl niquitohua notlanequilis omentin otlacpahuitectzitzihuan Çihuatzitzintzin onechmotequipanilhuique atoltzintli onechmomaquilique auh niquitohua y notlanequiliS y maria tiaCapan nicmaCatiuh ChiquaÇen pss yhuan Çentetl CaSo yhuã çe tlatli [sic = metlatl] auh y Juana teiÇictiuh nicmaCatiuh maCuili pss yhuan Çetl CaSo yhuan metlatl Çetl auh yn ixquich yn tocalaqui yn teContzintli yn Contzintli mochi niquinmaCatiuh y notlacpahuitectzitzinhuã yehuatl quimati yn innãtzin y doña magnallena Cortez quinxelhuiz ypilhuan Ca ytech niCauhtiuh === V ynic Caxtolamãtli omome niquitohua y notlanequiliS y yehuatl y nonamic y doña magna Cortez yntla oc niCan omoyetzinotaz yn quexquich cahuitl oquitech opouhtiez yn Cali auh yntla mohuiCaS yn ichantzinCo yn tlaquiltenãCo nimã quinamaCasque y noteztigohuã yn Cali yn iquac yn ontlamis nomiSSa yn isquitetl y niquitlantiuh yn tlacpa teneuhtiCa y Cuiliuhtica === V ynic Caxtoltlamãtli omey niquitohua y notlanequilis yn ixquich omopixCac y Çentli yn quexquich moyaz yn tlayoli quixelhuisque y nonamic doña magna cortez oc niCan quimoqualtitez auh yn ixeliuhCa yn tlayoli notech pohuis yn iquac miSa nopan mitos -- yn acme [?] notepalehuiCahuan yntech monequiS === V oyzquitlamãtli yn yn [sic] onicteneuh yn ipan noteStamento y niquiliuhtica y notlanequilis yn imixpã y noteztigohuan yn iSquintin yn tlacpac teneuhticate ma quimatiCan yn quimoCuitlahuia yn JuStiSia yntla quenmanian ymixpan neSis y noteztamento onCan quitasque yn iuh onichipan [sic: onichuipan] yn izquitlamantli y notlanequilis yn itech monequis yn nanima -- yhuan y no yuh niquitlamamaCatiuh y noxhuihuan yn nomachhuan yn imeyxtin yn tlacpa teneuhtiCate ca imixipan