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Nahuatl codicil, f. 99r.

Nahuatl codicil, f. 99r.

This is folio 99 recto. It is the first page of the codicil to the Nahuatl testament of don Toribio Cortés.

Translations and Transcriptions

English Translation

We the nobles, Don Toribio Cortés, governor, and we the alcaldes [and] regidores here at the Villa of Santa María de la Asunción Quauhnahauc: We govern and serve here at her altepetl, and our authority is in the presence of [i.e. in the name of] our great ruler the King and our ruler the Marqués del Valle. No one is to destroy my statement about how we are laying out all the altepetl land [altepetlalli; i.e. corporate property] here in the Villa of Quauhnahuac. God's children [i.e. the people] are to enter it ; from it they are to pay the tribute of our Lord the King and our ruler the Marqués del Valle. Never is someone to speak about it, nor is someone to evict them [or] appropriate the land, never a Spaniard, nor a mestizo, nor a mulatto, nor a priest, for it is really our property, altepetl land. God is the one who is to maintain them, for he is to make people see this, my testament. Our lord the King is to know about whoever will appropriate it; he is to help God's children. In their presence, the nobles and my witnesses, it is being laid out: straight at Zacanco, as it ends at a ridge [telilhuitl], straight to the west as the large river [huey atl = possibly a lake?], comes straight to Telquechecan, straight to Tenanpa, straight to Tetzicaac [Tetzicoal?], straight to Tlapitzaco Tlaltataco [or “place of humped, bumpy land?”] at the land marker [tlalmachiotl], straight to Atzinco and Popotla, straight to Quauhtamala, straight to Cuauhtla by [yca = “by way of?”] Huitzillac, straight to Cuezcontitlan, coming to descend at Quexomalitlan, by way of straight to Xiuhtepec, comes straight to Texalpan by way of Yzcuintepec, by way of Cocotehuacan, comes to ford at the big river, [and] comes together at Zacanco. On Monday, the 5th of December, in the year 1559. Here we set down our names and signatures, so that it is true. Don Martín Cortés Don Toribio Cortés Juan Tlapaltecatl Don Miguel García Francisco López Tecpanecatl Francisco Tlapaltecatl Felipe Olacatl Miguel Analcatl Pedro Chiapamecatl Francisco Huitznahuatl It was done in my presence, Francisco Romano, notary

Analytic Transcription

Yn tehuantin pipiltin : Don torivio Cortes : gobernador yhuan tehuãtin : alcaldes regidores : nican villa quauhnahuac : Santa maria aSupSion : ticpachuhua tictequipanohua yn ialtepetzin : yhuan toJusSia [sic] yn ixpantzinco : yn tohueytlatoCatzin : rey yhuan totlatoCatzin marqueS del balle : anmo aquin quixitiniS : yn notlatol ynic niCan nictecpantiuh : Ca mochi altepetlali yn niCan villa quauhnahuac Ca ypan tlaCalaquisque : yn ipilhuantzitzinhuan diuS : ypan quimantasque yn itlaCalaquiltzin : noeStro Señor rey : yhuan totlatoCatzin marques del balle hamo quemanian : tleyn quitoS noSo quinquixtiliS : quimaxCatis yn tlali : anmo quenmanian : aca Se CaxtilteCatl : noSo mestiSo : noSo molato noSo çe teopixCatzintli : Ca huel toaxCa altepetlali yn aquin quinmonemiltilis : dius Ca quiteytitiS ynin noteztamento : yn aquin quimaXCatiS : Ca quimomachiltiS noestro Señor rey : yehuatzin quinmopalehuilis : yn ipilhuantzintzinhuan dius : yntla yxpan yn pipiltin yhuan noteztigohuan tlantiCa tlamelahua : SaCanCo ytlamian telihuitl : tlamelahua yhuetziyan tonatiuh ypan huey atl hualamelahua telquechecan tlamelahua miChapan tenanpa : tlamelahua tetziCaaC tlamelahua tlapitzaCo tlaltataCo tlalmachiotl tlamelahua atzinco yhuan popotla tlamelahua quauhtamala tlamelahua quauhtla : yca huitzillac tlamelahua Cuezcontitlan : hual temo quexomalitlan yCa tlamelahua tetenCo : hual tlamelahua texalpan yca xiuhtepec hualamelahua tetzontepeC yCa yzCuintepec yCa CoCotehuaCan hual pano yca huey atl quihualnamiqui SaCanCo yn ipan lones yhuan metzli yc maCuil ylhuitl ytlapohual diSiemBre : ypan xihuitl = 15:59 años ========================= niCan tictlalia totoCa yhuan tofirma ynic neltilistli == Don martin Cortez == Don torivio Cortez == Juan tlapaltecatl Don migl garsia Don toribio Sanchez = franco lopes tecpanecatl franco tlapaltecatl felipe olacatl migl analcatl = peo chiapamecatl franco huiznahuatl = nixpan omochiuh franco ramano eSCno ==


English Translation

We the nobles, Don Toribio Cortés, governor, and we the alcaldes [and] regidores here at the Villa of Santa María de la Asunción Quauhnahauc: We govern and serve here at her altepetl, and our authority is in the presence of [i.e. in the name of] our great ruler the King and our ruler the Marqués del Valle. No one is to destroy my statement about how we are laying out all the altepetl land [altepetlalli; i.e. corporate property] here in the Villa of Quauhnahuac. God's children [i.e. the people] are to enter it ; from it they are to pay the tribute of our Lord the King and our ruler the Marqués del Valle. Never is someone to speak about it, nor is someone to evict them [or] appropriate the land, never a Spaniard, nor a mestizo, nor a mulatto, nor a priest, for it is really our property, altepetl land. God is the one who is to maintain them, for he is to make people see this, my testament. Our lord the King is to know about whoever will appropriate it; he is to help God's children. In their presence, the nobles and my witnesses, it is being laid out: straight at Zacanco, as it ends at a ridge [telilhuitl], straight to the west as the large river [huey atl = possibly a lake?], comes straight to Telquechecan, straight to Tenanpa, straight to Tetzicaac [Tetzicoal?], straight to Tlapitzaco Tlaltataco [or “place of humped, bumpy land?”] at the land marker [tlalmachiotl], straight to Atzinco and Popotla, straight to Quauhtamala, straight to Cuauhtla by [yca = “by way of?”] Huitzillac, straight to Cuezcontitlan, coming to descend at Quexomalitlan, by way of straight to Xiuhtepec, comes straight to Texalpan by way of Yzcuintepec, by way of Cocotehuacan, comes to ford at the big river, [and] comes together at Zacanco. On Monday, the 5th of December, in the year 1559. Here we set down our names and signatures, so that it is true. Don Martín Cortés Don Toribio Cortés Juan Tlapaltecatl Don Miguel García Francisco López Tecpanecatl Francisco Tlapaltecatl Felipe Olacatl Miguel Analcatl Pedro Chiapamecatl Francisco Huitznahuatl It was done in my presence, Francisco Romano, notary

Analytic Transcription

Yn tehuantin pipiltin : Don torivio Cortes : gobernador yhuan tehuãtin : alcaldes regidores : nican villa quauhnahuac : Santa maria aSupSion : ticpachuhua tictequipanohua yn ialtepetzin : yhuan toJusSia [sic] yn ixpantzinco : yn tohueytlatoCatzin : rey yhuan totlatoCatzin marqueS del balle : anmo aquin quixitiniS : yn notlatol ynic niCan nictecpantiuh : Ca mochi altepetlali yn niCan villa quauhnahuac Ca ypan tlaCalaquisque : yn ipilhuantzitzinhuan diuS : ypan quimantasque yn itlaCalaquiltzin : noeStro Señor rey : yhuan totlatoCatzin marques del balle hamo quemanian : tleyn quitoS noSo quinquixtiliS : quimaxCatis yn tlali : anmo quenmanian : aca Se CaxtilteCatl : noSo mestiSo : noSo molato noSo çe teopixCatzintli : Ca huel toaxCa altepetlali yn aquin quinmonemiltilis : dius Ca quiteytitiS ynin noteztamento : yn aquin quimaXCatiS : Ca quimomachiltiS noestro Señor rey : yehuatzin quinmopalehuilis : yn ipilhuantzintzinhuan dius : yntla yxpan yn pipiltin yhuan noteztigohuan tlantiCa tlamelahua : SaCanCo ytlamian telihuitl : tlamelahua yhuetziyan tonatiuh ypan huey atl hualamelahua telquechecan tlamelahua miChapan tenanpa : tlamelahua tetziCaaC tlamelahua tlapitzaCo tlaltataCo tlalmachiotl tlamelahua atzinco yhuan popotla tlamelahua quauhtamala tlamelahua quauhtla : yca huitzillac tlamelahua Cuezcontitlan : hual temo quexomalitlan yCa tlamelahua tetenCo : hual tlamelahua texalpan yca xiuhtepec hualamelahua tetzontepeC yCa yzCuintepec yCa CoCotehuaCan hual pano yca huey atl quihualnamiqui SaCanCo yn ipan lones yhuan metzli yc maCuil ylhuitl ytlapohual diSiemBre : ypan xihuitl = 15:59 años ========================= niCan tictlalia totoCa yhuan tofirma ynic neltilistli == Don martin Cortez == Don torivio Cortez == Juan tlapaltecatl Don migl garsia Don toribio Sanchez = franco lopes tecpanecatl franco tlapaltecatl felipe olacatl migl analcatl = peo chiapamecatl franco huiznahuatl = nixpan omochiuh franco ramano eSCno ==
