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Nahuatl testament, f. 97r.

Nahuatl testament, f. 97r.

This is folio 97 recto. It is the continuation of the Nahuatl testament of don Toribio Cortés.

Translations and Transcriptions

English Translation

V The tenth thing I say about my desires: My nephew don Francisco Quauhpachiuhqui is being given the irrigated field located at Tzaqualpanapan, upon which the mayeque live. These mayeque serve my daughter-in-law Doña Juana. In this way my heart knows that her father, don Toribio, and my nephews do not love her. Again I say in my statement that don Toribio will not be able to take the mayeque, for I have already assigned them to my nephew don Francisco Quauhpachiuhqui, for the mayeque had served me. V The eleventh thing I say about my will: I am giving my nephew don Francisco Quauhpachiuhqui the irrigated field at Acatonco,, the irrigated field at Tlalnecictepec, and the irrigated field at Tetlalpan, And I am giving the non-irrigated land at Quauthtla, Tlatzintitla, and Zacamilpa to my nephew don Francisco Quauhpachiuhqui. V The twelfth thing I say about my will: My younger brother don Melchor de los Ángeles is leaving behind my niece Francisca Xiuhtlamiyahuatl [i.e. he has died]. ]. I am giving her the calmili, which is the site of the house sold off as stone mentioned above. I am giving the calmili, the land, to her; I am assigning it to my niece Francisca Xiuhtlamiyahuatl. It arrives at Ochpantenco [or “at the edge of the wide road”], below it goes straight to a canal; at a tree stump it descends in the east towards the calmili at Oxomalacac where the governor Cortés built a plaster wall. I am leaving it to my niece Francisca Xiuhtlamiyahuatl, for it was always the calmili of my younger brother, the late don Melchor de los Angeles. No one is to speak up about it, for I, the older brother, shared the land with him, as I am setting down in my statement. When our governor Cortés tried to take our calmili and house from us, we complained before the authorities [justicia], so we evicted our governor Cortés. I am the older brother, who was first born. When we were given our house and our calmili I, Don Toribio, shared the calmili with him [the younger brother]. Now I have given everything on it; it was not non-irrigated land that I gave him. He [the governor Cortés] is not to claim anything from my nephews and grandchildren, where I am setting it down here in my statement. I left the calmili and the non-irrigated land at Tlacomulco to my late younger brother, Don Melchor. Today, at the edge of my death /

Analytic Transcription

V ynic matlactlamātli notlanequilis niquitohua y yehuatl y nomach don franco quauhpachiuhqui momaCatiuh yn tzaqualpanapan manic amilli yn ipa yoque [sic = yolque] mayeque auh yn mayeque quitequipanoque y noÇihuamotzin yn doña Juana Ca yuh quimatiuh y noyolo amo quitlaçotla yn ita yn don thoribio y nomachhuan auh oCÇepa niquitohua y notlatol ynin mayeque amo huel quinCuilis yn don thoribio ca ye ytech onicpuh y nomach don quauhpachiuhqui Ca nechtequipanohuaya yn mayeque ==== V auh ynic matlactlamãtli õçetl niquitohua y notlanequilis i yehuatl y nomach don franco quauhpachiuhqui nicmaCatiuh yn aCatonCo amilli yhuã yn tlalnecictepec manic amilli yhuan y tetlalpã manic amilli quauhtla tlatzintitla : yhuan y çaCamilpã manic yn tlalhuactli nicmaCatiuh y nomach don franco quauhpachiuhqui ===== V auh ynic mactlactlamãtli omome niquitohua y notlanequilis yn yehuatl y nomach franCa xiuhtlamiyahuatl yn quimoCahuilitiuh noteiCaCauhtzin yn don melor de los angeles nicmaCatihili [sic] yn Calmili y noCal ypãn iCac Ca tlacpateneuhtiCa yn tetl monamaCas auh yn Calmili yn tlali nicmaCatiuh ytech nipuhtiuh y nomach franCa xiuhtlamiyahuatl yn onaÇi ochpantenco y tlanihuic yc tlamelatiCaC yn apantli yn quahuitl tenqui yn temotiCac auh y tonatiuh yquiSayan oxomalCactiCa yn Calmili yn õcan oquitlaliCa tenextepantli GoVernador Cortez yhuan niCmaCatiuh y nomach yn franca xiuhtlamiahuatl yc çan Çe mieS yn iCalmil y noteyCauhtzin oCatCa don melCõr de los angeles ayac onCan tlatoS Ca nitiachCauh ynic nicxelotiuh yn tlali Ca nictlalitiuh notlatol Ca yn iquac yn otechCuilisquia y donoro Corthez yn toCalmil yhuan toCal Ca yc otitoteylhuique yn ixpantzinCo JustiÇia ynic otiquixtique yn tonaor Cortez auh y nehuatl Ca niteachCauh yaCachtopa onitlaCat auh yn iquac otimaCoque yn toCal yhuã yn toCalmil auh niman onicxelhui yn don thoribio yn Calmili yn axcan ypan Ca Çan ixquich onicmaCac amo tlalhuactli onicmaCac auh amo tle quimixtoquilis yn tlali y nomachhuan y noxhuihuan yni Capa Ca niCan nictlaitiuh yn notlatol auh y noteyCautzin don melor : oCatCa onicmaCac yn Calmili yhuã y tlalhuactli yn tlalcomolCo auh yn axCan yn ipan nomiquistêp[an]


English Translation

V The tenth thing I say about my desires: My nephew don Francisco Quauhpachiuhqui is being given the irrigated field located at Tzaqualpanapan, upon which the mayeque live. These mayeque serve my daughter-in-law Doña Juana. In this way my heart knows that her father, don Toribio, and my nephews do not love her. Again I say in my statement that don Toribio will not be able to take the mayeque, for I have already assigned them to my nephew don Francisco Quauhpachiuhqui, for the mayeque had served me. V The eleventh thing I say about my will: I am giving my nephew don Francisco Quauhpachiuhqui the irrigated field at Acatonco,, the irrigated field at Tlalnecictepec, and the irrigated field at Tetlalpan, And I am giving the non-irrigated land at Quauthtla, Tlatzintitla, and Zacamilpa to my nephew don Francisco Quauhpachiuhqui. V The twelfth thing I say about my will: My younger brother don Melchor de los Ángeles is leaving behind my niece Francisca Xiuhtlamiyahuatl [i.e. he has died]. ]. I am giving her the calmili, which is the site of the house sold off as stone mentioned above. I am giving the calmili, the land, to her; I am assigning it to my niece Francisca Xiuhtlamiyahuatl. It arrives at Ochpantenco [or “at the edge of the wide road”], below it goes straight to a canal; at a tree stump it descends in the east towards the calmili at Oxomalacac where the governor Cortés built a plaster wall. I am leaving it to my niece Francisca Xiuhtlamiyahuatl, for it was always the calmili of my younger brother, the late don Melchor de los Angeles. No one is to speak up about it, for I, the older brother, shared the land with him, as I am setting down in my statement. When our governor Cortés tried to take our calmili and house from us, we complained before the authorities [justicia], so we evicted our governor Cortés. I am the older brother, who was first born. When we were given our house and our calmili I, Don Toribio, shared the calmili with him [the younger brother]. Now I have given everything on it; it was not non-irrigated land that I gave him. He [the governor Cortés] is not to claim anything from my nephews and grandchildren, where I am setting it down here in my statement. I left the calmili and the non-irrigated land at Tlacomulco to my late younger brother, Don Melchor. Today, at the edge of my death /

Analytic Transcription

V ynic matlactlamātli notlanequilis niquitohua y yehuatl y nomach don franco quauhpachiuhqui momaCatiuh yn tzaqualpanapan manic amilli yn ipa yoque [sic = yolque] mayeque auh yn mayeque quitequipanoque y noÇihuamotzin yn doña Juana Ca yuh quimatiuh y noyolo amo quitlaçotla yn ita yn don thoribio y nomachhuan auh oCÇepa niquitohua y notlatol ynin mayeque amo huel quinCuilis yn don thoribio ca ye ytech onicpuh y nomach don quauhpachiuhqui Ca nechtequipanohuaya yn mayeque ==== V auh ynic matlactlamãtli õçetl niquitohua y notlanequilis i yehuatl y nomach don franco quauhpachiuhqui nicmaCatiuh yn aCatonCo amilli yhuã yn tlalnecictepec manic amilli yhuan y tetlalpã manic amilli quauhtla tlatzintitla : yhuan y çaCamilpã manic yn tlalhuactli nicmaCatiuh y nomach don franco quauhpachiuhqui ===== V auh ynic mactlactlamãtli omome niquitohua y notlanequilis yn yehuatl y nomach franCa xiuhtlamiyahuatl yn quimoCahuilitiuh noteiCaCauhtzin yn don melor de los angeles nicmaCatihili [sic] yn Calmili y noCal ypãn iCac Ca tlacpateneuhtiCa yn tetl monamaCas auh yn Calmili yn tlali nicmaCatiuh ytech nipuhtiuh y nomach franCa xiuhtlamiyahuatl yn onaÇi ochpantenco y tlanihuic yc tlamelatiCaC yn apantli yn quahuitl tenqui yn temotiCac auh y tonatiuh yquiSayan oxomalCactiCa yn Calmili yn õcan oquitlaliCa tenextepantli GoVernador Cortez yhuan niCmaCatiuh y nomach yn franca xiuhtlamiahuatl yc çan Çe mieS yn iCalmil y noteyCauhtzin oCatCa don melCõr de los angeles ayac onCan tlatoS Ca nitiachCauh ynic nicxelotiuh yn tlali Ca nictlalitiuh notlatol Ca yn iquac yn otechCuilisquia y donoro Corthez yn toCalmil yhuan toCal Ca yc otitoteylhuique yn ixpantzinCo JustiÇia ynic otiquixtique yn tonaor Cortez auh y nehuatl Ca niteachCauh yaCachtopa onitlaCat auh yn iquac otimaCoque yn toCal yhuã yn toCalmil auh niman onicxelhui yn don thoribio yn Calmili yn axcan ypan Ca Çan ixquich onicmaCac amo tlalhuactli onicmaCac auh amo tle quimixtoquilis yn tlali y nomachhuan y noxhuihuan yni Capa Ca niCan nictlaitiuh yn notlatol auh y noteyCautzin don melor : oCatCa onicmaCac yn Calmili yhuã y tlalhuactli yn tlalcomolCo auh yn axCan yn ipan nomiquistêp[an]
