Nahuatl testament, f. 430r., 1579
Translations and Transcriptions
English Translation
430r/ In the name of God the father, God the child, and God the Holy Spirit, I begin my testament. Let all know who see this document that I, don Juan Jimé¬nez, whose home is here in Cuernavaca, belonging to Tecpan in the tlaxilacalli of Otlipan, make my testament. Although my body is sick, nothing is wrong with my spirit and will, my thought and understanding, but they are healthy. I await death, from which no one can flee or escape, so that I am issuing my testament, my final will, which I depend on being observed, so that no one will violate it. It is this that I am beginning. — First of all I place my soul in the hands of our lord God, for he made it, and I urgently implore him to show me the favor of pardoning me of my sins and carrying me to his heavenly home when my soul has left my earthly form. And I leave my body to the earth, for it emerged from there and is earth and clay. And I want my body to be wrapped in a habit, a cloak of the friars of San Francisco; with 5 pesos I will pay for it. And I wish that my body be buried where my late spouse doña María lies buried, for this is our agreement. Let our father guardian, fray Andrés Guerrero, be instructed about it. I also desire for the aid of my soul, so that it will not spend a long time in purgatory, that a mass be said for me on the seventh day; I make an offering of 5 pesos. I leave it up to my spouse doña Bárbara; she is in charge of it. And as to whether a few more masses should be said for me, I leave myself in the hands of the noble¬woman my spouse doña Bárbara; she is to help me as much as she can. I also desire that when my body is buried my children the cantors be given 1 peso to help me concerning my soul, and 4 reales to the cofradía; I offer 4 reales to be delivered to the hos¬pital, which is to belong to those who are ill.
Analytic Transcription
430r/ Yn ica ytocatzin dios tetahtzin dios tepiltzin dios espû sancto Nicpehualtia y notestamento . ma qui¬matican yn ixquichtin yn quittazque ynin amatzintly . ca y¯ nehuatl nidon Jhoan ximenez . nican nochan quauhnavac tecpan nipohui notlaxilacalpa¯ ohtilpan nicchihua y¯ notestamento . maçoyhui y¯ mococohua no[na]cayo / yeçeh y¯ noyollo y¯ nocializ y¯ notlal¬namiquiliz y¯ notlacaquia amo quen ca çan pactica . / auh nicchixtica y¯ miquiztly yn ayac huel yxpampa yehua yn ayac huel quitlalcahuia yc nictlalia y¯ notestamento . yn ça tlatzacca¯ notlanequiliz yc nino¬cauhtiuh ynic mopiaz . ynic ayac quitlacoz . ca ye¬huatl in ye noconpehualtia — huel achtopa y¯ nanima ymactzinco noco¯tlalia yn tot.o dios . ca oquimo¬chihuilli yuan çenca nicnotlahtlauhtilia ynic nech¬motlaocoliliz nechmopopolhuiliz y¯ notlahtlacol . yuan nechmohuiquiliz yn ichantzinco yn ilhuicac yn iquac nanima oquitlalcah[ui] y no[tlallo] yuan nonacayo ytech niccahua y¯ tlalli . ca ytech oquiz . ca tlalli çoquitl / . yvan nicnequi çentetl abito . yn intilmatzin teopixque St yc moquimiloz . yn nonacayo . auh yc niquixiptlatiz macuilli ps.o yua¯ nicnequi . ma o¯can tocoz y¯ nonacayo . yn o¯can toctitoc nonamic catca dona— maria . ca yuh catqui tonenonotzal / . ma yxpantililoz y¯ yehuatzin toguar¬dian fray andres guerrero . / yua¯ nicnequi yn ipampa ypalehuiloca nanima ynic amo purgatorio hueca¬huaz . yn ichicomilhuiyoc çentetl missa nopa¯ mihtoz . macuilli pesus nichue¯chiva ytech niccahua y¯ no¬namic dona— barbara yehuatl quimati . / auh y¯tla oc quezquitetl . missa nopa¯ mihtoz . çan yehuatl ytech ninocauhtiuh y¯ çihuapilli nonamic dona— barbara . yn iuh huelitiz yuh nechmopalehuiliz . yuan nicnequi yn iquac tocoz y¯ nonacayo . y¯ nopilhua¯ cuicanime ce pos . macozque ynic nechpalehuizque ytechpa nanima , yvã nahui tos . cofradia yc nitlamantiuh . nahui tos . hospital mocahuaz . ytech pohuiz y¯ co¬coxque —
English Translation
430r/ In the name of God the father, God the child, and God the Holy Spirit, I begin my testament. Let all know who see this document that I, don Juan Jimé¬nez, whose home is here in Cuernavaca, belonging to Tecpan in the tlaxilacalli of Otlipan, make my testament. Although my body is sick, nothing is wrong with my spirit and will, my thought and understanding, but they are healthy. I await death, from which no one can flee or escape, so that I am issuing my testament, my final will, which I depend on being observed, so that no one will violate it. It is this that I am beginning. — First of all I place my soul in the hands of our lord God, for he made it, and I urgently implore him to show me the favor of pardoning me of my sins and carrying me to his heavenly home when my soul has left my earthly form. And I leave my body to the earth, for it emerged from there and is earth and clay. And I want my body to be wrapped in a habit, a cloak of the friars of San Francisco; with 5 pesos I will pay for it. And I wish that my body be buried where my late spouse doña María lies buried, for this is our agreement. Let our father guardian, fray Andrés Guerrero, be instructed about it. I also desire for the aid of my soul, so that it will not spend a long time in purgatory, that a mass be said for me on the seventh day; I make an offering of 5 pesos. I leave it up to my spouse doña Bárbara; she is in charge of it. And as to whether a few more masses should be said for me, I leave myself in the hands of the noble¬woman my spouse doña Bárbara; she is to help me as much as she can. I also desire that when my body is buried my children the cantors be given 1 peso to help me concerning my soul, and 4 reales to the cofradía; I offer 4 reales to be delivered to the hos¬pital, which is to belong to those who are ill.
Analytic Transcription
430r/ Yn ica ytocatzin dios tetahtzin dios tepiltzin dios espû sancto Nicpehualtia y notestamento . ma qui¬matican yn ixquichtin yn quittazque ynin amatzintly . ca y¯ nehuatl nidon Jhoan ximenez . nican nochan quauhnavac tecpan nipohui notlaxilacalpa¯ ohtilpan nicchihua y¯ notestamento . maçoyhui y¯ mococohua no[na]cayo / yeçeh y¯ noyollo y¯ nocializ y¯ notlal¬namiquiliz y¯ notlacaquia amo quen ca çan pactica . / auh nicchixtica y¯ miquiztly yn ayac huel yxpampa yehua yn ayac huel quitlalcahuia yc nictlalia y¯ notestamento . yn ça tlatzacca¯ notlanequiliz yc nino¬cauhtiuh ynic mopiaz . ynic ayac quitlacoz . ca ye¬huatl in ye noconpehualtia — huel achtopa y¯ nanima ymactzinco noco¯tlalia yn tot.o dios . ca oquimo¬chihuilli yuan çenca nicnotlahtlauhtilia ynic nech¬motlaocoliliz nechmopopolhuiliz y¯ notlahtlacol . yuan nechmohuiquiliz yn ichantzinco yn ilhuicac yn iquac nanima oquitlalcah[ui] y no[tlallo] yuan nonacayo ytech niccahua y¯ tlalli . ca ytech oquiz . ca tlalli çoquitl / . yvan nicnequi çentetl abito . yn intilmatzin teopixque St yc moquimiloz . yn nonacayo . auh yc niquixiptlatiz macuilli ps.o yua¯ nicnequi . ma o¯can tocoz y¯ nonacayo . yn o¯can toctitoc nonamic catca dona— maria . ca yuh catqui tonenonotzal / . ma yxpantililoz y¯ yehuatzin toguar¬dian fray andres guerrero . / yua¯ nicnequi yn ipampa ypalehuiloca nanima ynic amo purgatorio hueca¬huaz . yn ichicomilhuiyoc çentetl missa nopa¯ mihtoz . macuilli pesus nichue¯chiva ytech niccahua y¯ no¬namic dona— barbara yehuatl quimati . / auh y¯tla oc quezquitetl . missa nopa¯ mihtoz . çan yehuatl ytech ninocauhtiuh y¯ çihuapilli nonamic dona— barbara . yn iuh huelitiz yuh nechmopalehuiliz . yuan nicnequi yn iquac tocoz y¯ nonacayo . y¯ nopilhua¯ cuicanime ce pos . macozque ynic nechpalehuizque ytechpa nanima , yvã nahui tos . cofradia yc nitlamantiuh . nahui tos . hospital mocahuaz . ytech pohuiz y¯ co¬coxque —