Nahuatl testament, f. 430v.
Translations and Transcriptions
English Translation
430v/v Here I mention what is truly my own property. My house and everything in it is truly my own; I arranged it entirely on my own. I am bequeathing it all to my spouse doña Bárbara, because she has given birth and there is an infant, María. She is to bring her up there, and no one whosoever is to take anything of my house fields from her. It was abso¬lutely all there when I arrived; I did not enlarge it. v And I declare that my field at Teoquauhco is ruler’s land, my patrimony. I detach [a piece of] 20 [quahuitl] wide for my nephew don Diego de San Gerónimo; he is to take it. What he is being given goes through to the other side, down below. Every¬thing [else] there belongs to my spouse doña Bár¬bara. She is either to cultivate it or rent it out; she will decide. The second piece is high land [tlacpac tlalli] [crossed out section: at the place called Atl Inepilohuayan, 40 square.]. I myself [sold it but it now?] belongs to doña Bárbara. The third is at the place named Tlatzallan and is high land. It already belongs to Andrés de Santiago. He is to take it once and for all, but first he is to present 16 pesos for it, which he is to give to my spouse doña Bárbara. [in the margin: noble land in the calpolli] v Next I mention my fields, lands here in Tepepan. There are nine of them: The first is in Tzacualpan, the second in Olactzinco, the third in Quauhchiltonco, the fourth in Ahuacaquauhyo, the fifth in Yaotlica, the sixth in Techialco, the seventh in Tepetitlan, the eighth in Cohuatepec, [crossed out section: and the ninth an irrigated field in Tzacualpan. These are all truly my fields, lands, and houses. Those who are on the land are to take care of them.] v And I declare that my deceased child don Diego Moquihuix gave an irrigated field to don Bartolomé [crossed out section: of Calnepantla; he really made it his property. It is 20 square and located at Xal¬momolocayan at a place called Lower Tzapotitlan.] [Don Diego’s] grandparents gave him a second piece at the place called Xochtlan Atlauhtzinco. It is not big, just a few […] All of this I am assigning assigning to the noblewoman my spouse doña Bárbara. Let no one take any of what I mentioned from her, for they are really all my fields and lands; they are no one else’s property. — v And I declare that I have an illegitimate child liv¬ing named Juan Moquihuixtli, whom I engendered with one named María of Calihuacan [. . .]. Let my spouse doña Bárbara take him and bring him up. — v And I mention everything that is kept here inside my residence: a horse, saddle, and bridle; eight [Spanish-style] chairs; one log drum; one skin-headed drum; one upright skin-headed drum;
Analytic Transcription
430v/ v Auh yz catqui nictenehua y¯ huel nixcoya naxca . y¯ nocal yxquich yc mani . ca huel nixcoya¯ onicno¬chihchihuilli y¯ mochi . yn yzqui[ch] mochi nicne-mactihtiuh . y¯ nonamic dona— barbara ypampa ca omotlacachihuilli oncatqui ceh piltzintly . maria / oncan quimohuapahuiltiez . / yoan yxquich y¯ nocal¬mil nima¯ ayac achi quicuiliz / ça¯ huel yxquich yn ipa¯ nehcoc amo ma onichueylli — v yoan nictenehua y¯ nomil teoquauhco tlahtocatlalli nopatrim[o]nio . / auh niccotonia y¯ nomach don die- go de san Jeronimo / . cempohualli ynic patlahuac quicuiz . auh quinalquixtiz . tlacxitla¯ y¯ momacatiuh . / auh yn ixquich yc manic mochi ytetzinco pohui[z] y nonamic dona— barbara aço quimeli-miquiliz anoço quitetlaneuhtiz yehuatl quimati . auh ynic o¯tetl tlac¬pac tlalli y[to]- [d– barpola nixcoya onicnonamaq’ [sic] ytech pohui dna– barbara (inserted above line)] cayocan atl ynepillohuayan . necoc o¯-pohualli / . auh ynic Etetl ytocayocan tlatzallan . tlacpac tlalli . ye ytech pohui y¯ andres de Santiago / . auh ynic huel cemi co¯cuiz oc quimanaz caxtolli ypa¯ çe pesus . quimomaquiliz y¯ nonamic dona— barbara — [in the margin: calpolpa pillalli] v auh nimã yehuatl nictenehua y nomil nica¯ tepepan tlalli / chiconauh¬tetl / . ynic ce¯tetl . tzacualpan . ynic o¯tetl olactzinco / ynic Etetl quauhchilto¯co . / ynic nauhtetl . ahuaca¬quauhyoh . ynic . 5 . yaoh[tli]ca . / ynic 6 . tetl techi¬alco . ynic . 7 . tetl tepetitlan . ynic 8 . tetl cohua¬tepec . /ynic . 9 . tetl tzaqualpa¯ amilli / yzquitetl y¯ y¯ huel nomil notlal nocaltzin ypan cate yeua¯ quimo¬cuitlavizque v yoa¯ nictenehua y¯ nopiltzin catca . don diego mo¬quihuix / çe¯tetl amiltzintly . quimacac y¯ don barme calnepantlah huel caxcatihtiuh necoc ce¯pohualli / . y¯ manic xalmomolocaya¯ tlanihuic tzapotitla ytocayoca ynic o¯tetl . ytocayoca¯ xochtlan atlauhtzinco / . ycoh¬colhua¯ . quimacac amo huey . çã quexquich [. . .] ynin mochi ytech nicpouhtiuh y¯ çihuapilli . nonamic dona— barbara macayac tle quicuiliz yn ixquich onicteneuh . ca huel mochi nomil notlal ayac yyaxca — v yoan nictenehua . çeh o¯nemi amo teoyotica no¬piltzin ytoca Jhoan moquihuixtly . ytech onicchiuh . ytoca maria calihuaca¯ ychan [. . .] ma quimaniliz . y¯ nonamic dona— barbara quimohuapahuiliz — v yoan nictenehua yn ixquich y¯ nican nocalitic mo¬pia çe¯[te]tl cavallo yoã silla freno . / yoã sillas . netlaliloni chicuetetl yoã çeh teponaztli / çentetl huehuetl . çe¯tetl tlalpan huehuetl
English Translation
430v/v Here I mention what is truly my own property. My house and everything in it is truly my own; I arranged it entirely on my own. I am bequeathing it all to my spouse doña Bárbara, because she has given birth and there is an infant, María. She is to bring her up there, and no one whosoever is to take anything of my house fields from her. It was abso¬lutely all there when I arrived; I did not enlarge it. v And I declare that my field at Teoquauhco is ruler’s land, my patrimony. I detach [a piece of] 20 [quahuitl] wide for my nephew don Diego de San Gerónimo; he is to take it. What he is being given goes through to the other side, down below. Every¬thing [else] there belongs to my spouse doña Bár¬bara. She is either to cultivate it or rent it out; she will decide. The second piece is high land [tlacpac tlalli] [crossed out section: at the place called Atl Inepilohuayan, 40 square.]. I myself [sold it but it now?] belongs to doña Bárbara. The third is at the place named Tlatzallan and is high land. It already belongs to Andrés de Santiago. He is to take it once and for all, but first he is to present 16 pesos for it, which he is to give to my spouse doña Bárbara. [in the margin: noble land in the calpolli] v Next I mention my fields, lands here in Tepepan. There are nine of them: The first is in Tzacualpan, the second in Olactzinco, the third in Quauhchiltonco, the fourth in Ahuacaquauhyo, the fifth in Yaotlica, the sixth in Techialco, the seventh in Tepetitlan, the eighth in Cohuatepec, [crossed out section: and the ninth an irrigated field in Tzacualpan. These are all truly my fields, lands, and houses. Those who are on the land are to take care of them.] v And I declare that my deceased child don Diego Moquihuix gave an irrigated field to don Bartolomé [crossed out section: of Calnepantla; he really made it his property. It is 20 square and located at Xal¬momolocayan at a place called Lower Tzapotitlan.] [Don Diego’s] grandparents gave him a second piece at the place called Xochtlan Atlauhtzinco. It is not big, just a few […] All of this I am assigning assigning to the noblewoman my spouse doña Bárbara. Let no one take any of what I mentioned from her, for they are really all my fields and lands; they are no one else’s property. — v And I declare that I have an illegitimate child liv¬ing named Juan Moquihuixtli, whom I engendered with one named María of Calihuacan [. . .]. Let my spouse doña Bárbara take him and bring him up. — v And I mention everything that is kept here inside my residence: a horse, saddle, and bridle; eight [Spanish-style] chairs; one log drum; one skin-headed drum; one upright skin-headed drum;
Analytic Transcription
430v/ v Auh yz catqui nictenehua y¯ huel nixcoya naxca . y¯ nocal yxquich yc mani . ca huel nixcoya¯ onicno¬chihchihuilli y¯ mochi . yn yzqui[ch] mochi nicne-mactihtiuh . y¯ nonamic dona— barbara ypampa ca omotlacachihuilli oncatqui ceh piltzintly . maria / oncan quimohuapahuiltiez . / yoan yxquich y¯ nocal¬mil nima¯ ayac achi quicuiliz / ça¯ huel yxquich yn ipa¯ nehcoc amo ma onichueylli — v yoan nictenehua y¯ nomil teoquauhco tlahtocatlalli nopatrim[o]nio . / auh niccotonia y¯ nomach don die- go de san Jeronimo / . cempohualli ynic patlahuac quicuiz . auh quinalquixtiz . tlacxitla¯ y¯ momacatiuh . / auh yn ixquich yc manic mochi ytetzinco pohui[z] y nonamic dona— barbara aço quimeli-miquiliz anoço quitetlaneuhtiz yehuatl quimati . auh ynic o¯tetl tlac¬pac tlalli y[to]- [d– barpola nixcoya onicnonamaq’ [sic] ytech pohui dna– barbara (inserted above line)] cayocan atl ynepillohuayan . necoc o¯-pohualli / . auh ynic Etetl ytocayocan tlatzallan . tlacpac tlalli . ye ytech pohui y¯ andres de Santiago / . auh ynic huel cemi co¯cuiz oc quimanaz caxtolli ypa¯ çe pesus . quimomaquiliz y¯ nonamic dona— barbara — [in the margin: calpolpa pillalli] v auh nimã yehuatl nictenehua y nomil nica¯ tepepan tlalli / chiconauh¬tetl / . ynic ce¯tetl . tzacualpan . ynic o¯tetl olactzinco / ynic Etetl quauhchilto¯co . / ynic nauhtetl . ahuaca¬quauhyoh . ynic . 5 . yaoh[tli]ca . / ynic 6 . tetl techi¬alco . ynic . 7 . tetl tepetitlan . ynic 8 . tetl cohua¬tepec . /ynic . 9 . tetl tzaqualpa¯ amilli / yzquitetl y¯ y¯ huel nomil notlal nocaltzin ypan cate yeua¯ quimo¬cuitlavizque v yoa¯ nictenehua y¯ nopiltzin catca . don diego mo¬quihuix / çe¯tetl amiltzintly . quimacac y¯ don barme calnepantlah huel caxcatihtiuh necoc ce¯pohualli / . y¯ manic xalmomolocaya¯ tlanihuic tzapotitla ytocayoca ynic o¯tetl . ytocayoca¯ xochtlan atlauhtzinco / . ycoh¬colhua¯ . quimacac amo huey . çã quexquich [. . .] ynin mochi ytech nicpouhtiuh y¯ çihuapilli . nonamic dona— barbara macayac tle quicuiliz yn ixquich onicteneuh . ca huel mochi nomil notlal ayac yyaxca — v yoan nictenehua . çeh o¯nemi amo teoyotica no¬piltzin ytoca Jhoan moquihuixtly . ytech onicchiuh . ytoca maria calihuaca¯ ychan [. . .] ma quimaniliz . y¯ nonamic dona— barbara quimohuapahuiliz — v yoan nictenehua yn ixquich y¯ nican nocalitic mo¬pia çe¯[te]tl cavallo yoã silla freno . / yoã sillas . netlaliloni chicuetetl yoã çeh teponaztli / çentetl huehuetl . çe¯tetl tlalpan huehuetl