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Nahuatl testament, f. 97v.

Nahuatl testament, f. 97v.

This is folio 97 verso. It is the continuation of the Nahuatl testament of don Toribio Cortés.

Translations and Transcriptions

English Translation

/, at the end of my life, again I am dividing the land among my nephews and grandchildren so that my deity, God, will not punish me. No one is to take it from my niece Francisca Xiuhtlamiyahuatl. I say in my statement that if my niece Francisca Xiuhtlamiyahuatl dies, her older brothers are to take the land I gave her. I am not giving anything to Gaspar and Baltasar: You say that “our uncle is poor,” that “he brought us up this way.” But they are just dissolute youths. V The thirteenth [thing] I say about my will: I am giving my niece Francisca Xiuhtlamiyahuatl non-irrigated land at Temetlayopan [or “place covered with stone used for metates”], and the non-irrigated land at Ocotepec. It begins above the crag and arrives at the edge of the roads. No one is to take it from my niece Francisca Xiuhtlamiyahual. Everything I gave her I set down here in my statement and am verifying it. I divided all the land among my nephews and my grandchildren, for I have done all of it, since I am the eldest brother. Our late father, Teohuantzin, left it to me. If my children existed I would leave them the land. But my deity God did not give any to me. So I give the land to all three of my nephews and grandchildren, as is being written here on my testament; I am naming them. V The fourteenth thing I say, I Don Toribio Cortés: If our Lord God desires it, if he will cause all of my grandchildren and nephews to grow up [i.e. let them survive]; if otherwise they do not have children, [then] the land I left to them, which I divided among them, those who survive are to do it [i.e. divide the land]. Once again I say [in] my statement, that if our Lord God makes [even] one [of the offspring] of my nephews and grandchildren become an adult, if they have children, [someone] is to gather/combine the Tecpilali at Tepetenchi. No one there is to say that "he is not of our lineage, it is not of our relatives.” For they are just my nephews and grandchildren, all three of whom I name in the writing of my testament.

Analytic Transcription

y notzonquiÇaliSpan oCÇepa niquinxelhuitiuh yn tlalli y nomachuan y noxhuihuan yniC amo yn nechmotlatzaCuiltilis y noteouh dius auh y nomach yn franca xiuhtlamiyahuatl ayac quiCuilis auh ca niquitohua y notlatol yntla momiquilis y nomach yn franca xiuhtlamiyahuatl yn tlali onicmaCac ConCuizque yn ioquichtihuan auh yn ipanpa amo tleyn niquinmaCatiuh yn gaspar yn Balthasar anmoquitohua [anmo quitohua] yn motolinia yn totlatzin yn ma tiqualehuaCan ma ytlantoYeCan Çan telpochtlahueliloque === V ynic matlactli homei niquitohua y notlanequilis yn yehuatl y nomah yn franca xiuhtlamiyahuatl nicmaCatiuh yn temetlayoCan y manic tlali tlalhuactli yhuan yn oCotepec manic tlalhuactli y texCalticpac opehua onaÇi othotliCa ayac quiCuilis y nomach yn franca xiuhtlmiyahual yn isquitetl onicmaCac Ca niCā nictlalitiuh notlatol nicneltilitiuh auh yn ixquich yn oniquinxexelhui y tlali y nomachhuan y noxhuihuan Ca mochi onicchihuaya Canel niteachCauh Ca notech quiCauhtiuh yn totatzin Catca yn teohuatzin yntla oCate nopilhuã Ca yehuãtin yntech niCauhtias yn tlali auh ynin Cayac onechmomaquili yn toteouh dius Ca yehuãtzin y nomachhuã y noxhuihuã y niquinmaCatiuh yn tlali yn imeyxtin y niCan ypan y CuiliuhtiCate y notestamento y niquinteneuhtiuh === V auh ynic matlactlamãtli onahui niquitohua y nehuatl don toribio Cortez y noxhuihuan y nomachhuan yntla quimonequitis yn toteo dius, yntla quinmoÇepahuapahuiliS yntlaCamo mopilhuatisque auh yn tlali yn oniquinmaCatehua yn oniquinxexelhuitehuac yehuantin quichihuasque yn aquique onemisque auh oCÇepa niquitohua y notlatol yntla Çetl quimohueyquechilis yn toteo dius y nomachhuã y noxhuihuan yntla mopilhuatisque yehuatl quiÇentlalis yn ixquich yn tepetenchi yn tecpilali ayac onCan tlatos yn amo totlaCameCayo yn amo tohuayolqui Ca Çan yehuantinin y nomachhuan y noxhuihuan yn imeyxtin y niquinteneuhtiuh yn ipan y CuiliuhtiCate y noteztamento ====


English Translation

/, at the end of my life, again I am dividing the land among my nephews and grandchildren so that my deity, God, will not punish me. No one is to take it from my niece Francisca Xiuhtlamiyahuatl. I say in my statement that if my niece Francisca Xiuhtlamiyahuatl dies, her older brothers are to take the land I gave her. I am not giving anything to Gaspar and Baltasar: You say that “our uncle is poor,” that “he brought us up this way.” But they are just dissolute youths. V The thirteenth [thing] I say about my will: I am giving my niece Francisca Xiuhtlamiyahuatl non-irrigated land at Temetlayopan [or “place covered with stone used for metates”], and the non-irrigated land at Ocotepec. It begins above the crag and arrives at the edge of the roads. No one is to take it from my niece Francisca Xiuhtlamiyahual. Everything I gave her I set down here in my statement and am verifying it. I divided all the land among my nephews and my grandchildren, for I have done all of it, since I am the eldest brother. Our late father, Teohuantzin, left it to me. If my children existed I would leave them the land. But my deity God did not give any to me. So I give the land to all three of my nephews and grandchildren, as is being written here on my testament; I am naming them. V The fourteenth thing I say, I Don Toribio Cortés: If our Lord God desires it, if he will cause all of my grandchildren and nephews to grow up [i.e. let them survive]; if otherwise they do not have children, [then] the land I left to them, which I divided among them, those who survive are to do it [i.e. divide the land]. Once again I say [in] my statement, that if our Lord God makes [even] one [of the offspring] of my nephews and grandchildren become an adult, if they have children, [someone] is to gather/combine the Tecpilali at Tepetenchi. No one there is to say that "he is not of our lineage, it is not of our relatives.” For they are just my nephews and grandchildren, all three of whom I name in the writing of my testament.

Analytic Transcription

y notzonquiÇaliSpan oCÇepa niquinxelhuitiuh yn tlalli y nomachuan y noxhuihuan yniC amo yn nechmotlatzaCuiltilis y noteouh dius auh y nomach yn franca xiuhtlamiyahuatl ayac quiCuilis auh ca niquitohua y notlatol yntla momiquilis y nomach yn franca xiuhtlamiyahuatl yn tlali onicmaCac ConCuizque yn ioquichtihuan auh yn ipanpa amo tleyn niquinmaCatiuh yn gaspar yn Balthasar anmoquitohua [anmo quitohua] yn motolinia yn totlatzin yn ma tiqualehuaCan ma ytlantoYeCan Çan telpochtlahueliloque === V ynic matlactli homei niquitohua y notlanequilis yn yehuatl y nomah yn franca xiuhtlamiyahuatl nicmaCatiuh yn temetlayoCan y manic tlali tlalhuactli yhuan yn oCotepec manic tlalhuactli y texCalticpac opehua onaÇi othotliCa ayac quiCuilis y nomach yn franca xiuhtlmiyahual yn isquitetl onicmaCac Ca niCā nictlalitiuh notlatol nicneltilitiuh auh yn ixquich yn oniquinxexelhui y tlali y nomachhuan y noxhuihuan Ca mochi onicchihuaya Canel niteachCauh Ca notech quiCauhtiuh yn totatzin Catca yn teohuatzin yntla oCate nopilhuã Ca yehuãtin yntech niCauhtias yn tlali auh ynin Cayac onechmomaquili yn toteouh dius Ca yehuãtzin y nomachhuã y noxhuihuã y niquinmaCatiuh yn tlali yn imeyxtin y niCan ypan y CuiliuhtiCate y notestamento y niquinteneuhtiuh === V auh ynic matlactlamãtli onahui niquitohua y nehuatl don toribio Cortez y noxhuihuan y nomachhuan yntla quimonequitis yn toteo dius, yntla quinmoÇepahuapahuiliS yntlaCamo mopilhuatisque auh yn tlali yn oniquinmaCatehua yn oniquinxexelhuitehuac yehuantin quichihuasque yn aquique onemisque auh oCÇepa niquitohua y notlatol yntla Çetl quimohueyquechilis yn toteo dius y nomachhuã y noxhuihuan yntla mopilhuatisque yehuatl quiÇentlalis yn ixquich yn tepetenchi yn tecpilali ayac onCan tlatos yn amo totlaCameCayo yn amo tohuayolqui Ca Çan yehuantinin y nomachhuan y noxhuihuan yn imeyxtin y niquinteneuhtiuh yn ipan y CuiliuhtiCate y noteztamento ====
